Days of Our Lives - Friday, July 26 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 26, 2013

Not much going on in Salem today, but there ARE a couple of interesting developments. Replay of Daniel writing a note to Jen about the flyer, deciding he made it personal and should not have, so rewriting it, saying just....this is fine. And then Theresa returning to the office, spotting Daniel, and outright trying to come on to him, tho he really pays no attention. She wants to help, blah, blah, blah. He leaves, Theresa calls a friend, and is giggling over wanting to chuck the job, but maybe not, as she spotted someone. She looks up, and there is Aunt Kayla, Theresa hangs up, gets a bit of a lecture from Kayla, who lets her know that if she blows this job, which she was able to get with connections, how does she think she will fare elsewhere.

Jen is in the square, running her hand over the dedication plaque, saying how much she missed her gram and wishing she could talk to her. Abby spots her, joins us, sees she is upset, they chat a bit, Jen goes back to work, dropping her library card, which Abby picks up.
Abby goes to the hospital, stops Daniel, tries to talk to him about her mom, but he lets her know he loves Jen, but there is nothing anyone can do, it's up to Jen. He leaves.
Jen returns to her office to find Theresa has scanned all the files into the computer, put her messages on her desk, did all her work. She is surprised, but pleased. Abby arrives with the library card, Theresa goes to take files to HR, Abby & Jen talk about her, and how well she is doing. Abby remembers meeting her, and then how JJ asked her not to tell mom about her smoking pot in the office.Now Abby brings up having seen Daniel, but Jen won't talk about him either. She lets Abby know that she needs to focus on JJ, who claims Daniel hates him, but it is the other way round. Since she and Daniel took this break, things have been better with JJ, and yes, Abby noticed it, too.
Out in the waiting area, Theresa is pouring coffee, listening to JJ's message about scoring the coke, leaves him a message to get in touch with her when he actually has it. She spots Dr. Dan, adds to the phone message not to contact her again until he does, and seems to go after Dan.

Replay of Father Eric telling Brady about this forensic guy, Kristen dropping the glass. The men go in, awkwardness ensues, as Eric wonder why she is there, learns they are on a date, is shocked. Kristen bumbles around in her conversation, anxious to get out of there, but both making excuses to Eric about taking it slow, blah, blah. She finally leaves, Brady & Eric talk, Brady claims his eyes are wide open, makes all his usual excuses. Eric does not seem to buy it, but won't bug him. He does promise to keep it to himself, tho Brady says both Nicole & Jen know, but though they were going to tell Vic & Maggie, after the reaction from Eric, they decide not to just yet. Eric leaves.

Kristen has gone to the rectory, finds a nun having a problem with Nicole's computer, was hoping she'd be back. Nicole has asked for Eric, gives her the big check, offers to help. The nun leaves to put the check away, Kristen dives into the computer, looking for the name of the forensic expert, She eventually finds it, along with the address (why this is on Nicole's computer is beyond me) and she just takes off. She goes home, muttering about the guy sweeping the room and perhaps finding some sort of evidence. She has to stop him. She decides to disguise herself again, pulls the black wig out of the satchell, intending to be that femme fatale' with the terrible accent again, but remembers how ERic thought her voice sounded familiar. She decides no, cannot do that.
She ponders, could she do this, no, well maybe. She remembers (and we see the flashback) of Susan Banks and Stefano, of the teeth coming out, the wool cap off, and Kristen turning to a shocked Stefano...I'm here, I'm not dead"). She ponders Susan Banks, could I do that again. Noooo. But then she is rummaging thrua box of clothing items, muttering again about saving this stuff. And she finds a pink container, pulls out the set of false teeth she used to portray Susan. She holds them to her mouth, looks in the mirror, wonder if she could possibly do that again. Would it work. She hold the teeth up again, and smiles.

Kate sits with Rafe in the hospital, he is asking questions that she is reluctant to answer. In comes Gabi, Will & the baby. Rafe grins, happy to meet his beautiful niece. He says something about Nick, looks are exchanged between everyone. Finally Gabi tells him she & Nick are no longer together, and evidently explains all that happened. Will mentions that Jensen was the one who attacked him, thinking he was Nick because he had the muffins. Gabi wishes she had not asked for them, but all is fine. Daniel comes in, shags everyone out. Rafe reminds Gabi to bring Arianna to see him tomorrow, and wants Kate to return when the doc is thru with him.

Gabi & Will are at home, have a nice little chat about their lives, how they would not change a thing, are happy to have Arianna, etc.

Daniel is talking to Rafe about therapy, that it will take quite a while, that he will regain his strength back slowly, and he cannot tell him how long it will all take. Rafe wants to hear all the truths, but Daniel says he has to get them in small doses. He needs to rest, regain strength, and his therapist will be able to put a time date on his progress. Meanwhile Daniel is his friend, but his doctor first, and his recovery is Daniel's priority. Dan leaves, Kate returns. Rafe tells her she is the only one who has told him the complete truth. And now, he wants to know.....why did Sami shoot Joe.
Kate is hesitant, but she finally, quietly, tells him Sami saved his life. Rafe is taken aback.
LOL, but actually, Theresa is doing Jen's work, or ...the work Jen is supposed to be doing when she goes home, for walks in the square, visits to the doctors's lounge, etc. etc.
That's why Jen needs an assistant. The undone work was just piling up.
Jen has to run so she can make her daily ten minutes appearance at work. The poor thing works so hard.
I have a feel that Theresa will soon replace Sami as the "idiot" of the Brady Clan.
Jen's"library card" has signed a 2 year contract with DAYS
Just an various interviews, Eileen Davidson (Kristen) has said she still had the "susan teeth" in a drawer at home, but she also said (back several months ago) that there were no plans to bring Susan back.

I would think she would have to be very careful about impersonating Susan, as I do think she might have a problem with EJ, who would probably know his mother. :)
Yes, Daysdegrassi, I would like this storyline to wrap up already. How easy it was for her to find the name of the forensics guy, and that poor nun thought she was helping her. I didn't care for it when Kristen said, "Thank you, Jesus" when she left Eric's office. Jesus would not approve of her machinations.