Days of Our Lives - Friday, Nov. 15, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, November 15, 2013

Confrontations, confessions, and soul searching seems to be paramount in Salem today, still the day of the wedding.
Gabi catches Sonny picking up the things that spilled from her purse, and gets a bit ticked off. Will comes out, what is the ruckus, thought you guys were getting along. It comes out that Sonny saw the modeling contract, Will gets all excited for Gabi, congrats right and left. But Gabi holds back the info about moving to New York, only saying she hasn't signed the contract yet, has to get a lawyer to look it over. Sonny volunteers his dad, including a family discount. The guys offer to cover for her when she has a gig, and Will even says he will bring Ari to the set to watch. Gabi just smiles.

Sami & EJ are going at it tooth and nail. He is putting his own spin on things, making it seem as tho Eric was the agressor, or a very willing participant. Sami is having a fit, her brother was drugged. They go back and forth, shouting, yelling. She is furious that he would even suggest Eric was lying, he is nochalant, fixed himself a drink, she knocks it out of his hand, smashing it. She gets him to admit he knew about it before the wedding, and now she is yelling about him not telling her. He claims if he had, instead of there being a little video in the church, it would have been all over the evening news. Sami is raging, gathers her things. He takes her purse, holding it back, but between clenched teeth she says to give it to her. He does, then is yelling at "where the hell do you think you are going"? She retorts it is none of his business, but when she gets back, he had better find another bed to sleep in, and there are a lot of empty ones in this house. Just stay away from mine. Out she goes.

In the woods, Brady is totally out of control, as a cop brings out this little homeless woman, and he lunges, asking all kinds of questions, ignoring Hope is trying to shut him up. She pushes him back, shows the woman Kristen's picture, asks if this is the woman she saw. Yes, that's her. Brady again cannot shut his mouth. Hope tells him that this is a police investigation, she let him tag along, but he is interfering and to go back home. She tells the woman that the officer will get her something to eat and a warm bed.

Maggie sits with Daniel, still complaining about Victor, though she knew what he was capable of, she just thought there wasn't anything more he could do. Daniel offers to let her stay there, she can have his room, he will bunk on the sofa. She wonders about the guest room, and learns Nicole is staying there. She is not too thrilled about that, starts to say something, changes her mind. Daniel talks of Nicole needing a friend right now. Daniel has sort of defended Victor, and she knows he was trying to protect Brady, but just cannot accept that he used Marlena and thus Eric has been disgraced.

Later, Hope is there, asking him about the possibility that Eric was poisoned. Yes, Daniel believes so, but cannot prove it. yada, yada. Doesn't take Hope long to mention what a good friend, great guy, etc. that Daniel is, and yet how could he do what he did to Jennifer? He says he got Theresa to the hospital, and if he hadn't she would have died. He did what needed to be done. He says it was too bad Jen was there, but he would do it all again, and that Jennifer has broken up with him, so....Hope understands....he doesn't want to talk about it.

Abby meets up with Jordan at the Club, girls" night out. Abby just wants to perhaps get to know Jordan better, blabs all about her family, asks Jordan about hers. She only says she lost her father when very young, doesn't want to talk about it. Along comes Gabi, Jordan did not expect her patient's sister to be joining them, is rather uncomfortable. Abby says both she & Gabi are newly single so just want to have girlfriend time, and some fun. (Tad is bartending and is so cute for his short scene)

At the police station, Nicole & Eric have come face to face, and truly great scenes between the two of them. She explains about going after Kristen, who got away. She is o.k., is waiting for his father to return, so she could sign her statement. He is trying to explain, is sorry, talks of all the small things that seemed to come together, making him all confused. She understands. But that doesn't excuse him for all the horrible things he said to her, his accusations. She stood in the church, swore on a bible, and he did not believe her, said she was lying. She tells him that he won't have to worry about his virtue, her "feelings" for him, because what he said to her, did to her is something she will never forget. A cop comes in with her statement, Roman has been delayed, She signs quickly, wants to leave. Eric stands in her way, she tell him to move, and lets him know that while God will forgive him, she never will. Never. She walks out.

Maggie is with Brady at the Kmansion, talking of the wedding that never came about. He claims he is over it all. She has packed a small bag, invites him to a late night meeting. But he claims he is fine. That he has no desire for any alcohol or drugs, but his anger will suffice. She says that doesn't work for her, but to call her, any time, if he wants, she doubts she will get much sleep tonight. She leaves. He looks over at the bottles of booze on the small portable bar, then purposefully grabs his cell, and tells the person that the cops are looking for Kristen DiMera, he wants her found, put all Titan security on it, don't care what it costs, Find her!

EJ sits drinking his whiskey, muttering that she will be back, it will all blow over and everything will be fine. He opens the laptop to see what has happened to the business, with Kristen being so distracted. Whatever he sees, he is not happy. He knows Kristen was otherwise engaged, but she has really made a mess of things.

Eric returns to his office, listens to his first voice mail message, where some man is ripping the priest to shreds over his conduct. He shuts it off, as Sami walks in, all sad but loyal. She believes in ERic, she loves him, always has. He comes round, they hug, she is the only person he has wanted to see now. More hugging, but she has something to tell him. He asks what. With her lip quivering, and a tear in her eye, she says "EJ"...he asks, "EJ what", and the determination fades away, Sami caves, and saves her beloved EJ, as she lies and says "EJ and I are both so sorry this has happened, he sent me here",. and bit more garbage spews forth. Sorry, I was so disgusted, I don't remember it.

Daniel sits alone, hears the door open, turns, and there is Nicole. He asks...are you o.k.? No, I am not.
Keep digging your own grave EJ, I hope Sami buries you in it. The idea of Sami burying EJ alive really appeals to me.

I loved Sami going to see Eric, and telling him she believes in him, but why did she lie to Eric about EJ. I wish this meant Sami was planning on staying at the Dimera Mansion long enough to get evidence against Kristen, and then she was going to leave EJ again and never look back. Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen.

Good for Eric for apologizing and realizing he was wrong.

Some of the things Daniel was saying today actually made sense.

If only Abby, Gabi and Jordan hanging out was going to lead to something fun. They should have more girls nights out.
DAYS was pretty Explosive Today!

I was baffled about EJ's audacity to Not only want to put the blame on Marlena..But also his ability of being so crass...He knew Kristen drugged/raped Eric but he seemed very dismissive of that aspect to it!

Did Stefano signed over The Dimera Mansion over to Miss Samantha Gene Brady... She acted like Queen of the Castle today!

I am so thrilled that Nicole was not so right off the bat forgiven to Father Eric... Maybe in the future.. But he certainly doesn't deserve her friendship or forgiveness right now!

Sami told Eric that EJ felt terrible about what happened and he was the one who sent me here...I wanted to throttled her... Ej was very smug and insensitive to Eric's ordeal!
EJ is still the same total fool that he always was -- suggesting to Sami that her beloved brother, Eric, could have been the aggressor in the Capital Plaza tryst, when he knows the ugly truth about that sordid affair. Against all the odds, Elvis Junior won the battle with Lucas and Rafe for Samantha Gene's affections and now he's acting in a way that could lose his hard-fought prize. It's good to see that Hope is keeping up the Salem P.D.'s level of professionalism: letting Brady wander around an accident scene and then mixing the personal and trivial with the professional and important by getting on the Love Doctor's case about Jennifer right after asking him about Father Eric possibly being poisoned. As for anger-crazed Brady, asking Titan Security to go after Kristen may be the first intelligent thing this clueless lover boy has done in months. Hopefully, Victor's private cops are more competent than the Salem P.D. and the ISA.
Sami was NOT a happy camper on Today's Episode... Glad to see that this fight didn't end up in SEXscapade like their usual arguments!

although She blatantly lied to Eric by claiming that Nonchalant, carefree Ejerk' true sentiment regarding his rape... But Sami showed a bit of Family Loyalty today!

I am thinking that Brady is only claiming to HATE Kristen to save face with Victor and the rest of the town!
I thought today’s show was a let down but it is Friday. The golden couple was just filler for me, junior has taught Sami well to lie to the people she supposedly loves; this relationship is such a waste of time and air. It’s just another way of creating angst because this will be a temporary fight. The only thing I hope Sami remembers is when she put her gun incase junior wanders into her room she can shoot him again.

Abby, Jordan and Gabi were fun scenes and add T. into the mix.

I liked that Nicole let Eric want it with both barrels; he deserves a little reality at this point for believing Kristen over Nicole.

Finally the characters are mixing it up a little Hope/Daniel, Maggie/Brady, Hope/Brady, Abby/Jordan/Gabi, even Eric/Sami it’s nice to see interaction between characters instead of the same old ones.
I actually think Sami handled the situation better than I anticipated... She stood firm to Ej and defended her mother and brother... I don't think she was disgusting at all Today... The only thing she could have been differently is pack her bags and her brood and moved out of this Mansion of Horrors!
I think Sami didn't tell Eric because she didn't want to upset Eric anymore than he already was, and there is nothing Eric can do. EJ will continue to lie, and Kristen has skipped town. If the Salem PD actually manages to find any evidence, I'll be amazed. Also, I don't think Sami wanted Eric to worry about her. Sami wants to be there for Eric, and be supportive of him. Eric doesn't need to be concerned about any problems Sami might be having with EJ. Hopefully, Sami will regain her full spine, and if she doesn't shoot EJ in the head again, at least maybe she will finally leave him.

Sadly, for Brady, he did love Kristen so not only is he feeling like a complete fool, he is also hurt, but doesn't want to admit it. I would love to see Sami offering Brady her support as well. The more time Sami spends with Eric and Brady, the less time she has to waste on EJ.
I saw this episode today, as it was on when I was on the bicycle at the gym. I loved it. Loved Sami telling off EJ and going to see Eric, loved Nicole going off on Eric (and him apologizing to her), and the Jordan-Abigail scenes. Nice break from Jennifer again. Daniel telling off Hope was also great-so sick of her butting into his business.
EJ is still the same total fool that he always was -- suggesting to Sami that her beloved brother, Eric, could have been the aggressor in the Capital Plaza tryst, when he knows the ugly truth about that sordid affair. Against all the odd, Elvis Junior won the battle with Lucas and Rafe for Samantha Gene's affections and now he's acting in a way that could lose his hard-fought prize. It's good to see that Hope is keeping up the Salem P.D.'s level of professionalism: letting Brady wander around an accident scene and then mixing the personal and trivial with the professional and important by getting on the Love Doctor's case about Jennifer right after asking him about Father Eric possibly being poisoned. As for anger-crazed Brady, asking Titan Security to go after Kristen may be the first intelligent thing this clueless lover boy has done in months. Hopefully, Victor's private cops are more competent than the Salem P.D. and the ISA.
I wouldn't say EJ 'won' anything: Lucas and Rafe both gave up on Sami. If anything, EJ was the loser because he constantly came in last place.
I thought today was the best episode in the past 2 weeks. I think I'm going to watch again in case I missed something. That said, while I like Jordan getting out of her bubble, the scenes with Abby and then Gabi seemed rather forced to me. Jordan is clearly much older than the girls and seems to be at a different place in life. I realize she can't be friends with Sami but why not Nicole? I'd like to see her with people on more even ground. This was also the first time we've seen Jordan in an episode but not Rafe.

EJ is an abusive jerk and today proved his true Dimera colors. He is clearly the aggressor in this relationship and Sami is the submissive victim. Stefano and Kristen are evil psychopaths but EJ is not??? Why Sami didn't just take the kids and walk out is beyond me. Rafe NEVER treated her like that nor would he ever treat her like that. If it's late at night, then she should have packed and taken the kids first thing in the morning. And when Sami asked for her purse, he did not hand it to her. He slammed it into her hands! I've lost all respect for the character of Sami--she knows Jr. is always going to be a Dimera first yet she sticks around anyhow. He will never change. He will always be an emotionally and physically abusive partner. Perhaps if the show would focus on putting Sami into a respectable relationship where she can regain her self worth and sense of self, then the ratings will go up again. This matchup sure isn't it.

Brady is still an idiot and so is Hope. I thought both their scenes were pure filler.

I thought Nicole was a little too kind to Eric initially. She should have let him have it from the get go. I've said this already but I do think it's obvious that Eric already has feelings for Nicole that are more than friendship. When Nicole was relaying to him what had happened earlier with Kristen, he was still fixated on whether she was hurt in the accident. :)

Gabi is much more interesting without Nick.