Days of Our Lives - Friday, Nov. 15, 2013

I wouldn't say EJ 'won' anything: Lucas and Rafe both gave up on Sami. If anything, EJ was the loser because he constantly came in last place.
To clarify the point, EJ "won" in the same sense that a runner wins a race when his opponents drop out during the event. He also "won" in the sense that Sami decided to enter into a sick relationship with the rapist who she once shot in the head. Such perverse couplings may be the norm in the DiMera world, but Sami horrified her family and friends by reconnecting with Elvis Junior. On other subjects, while Sami was attacking EJ for failing to disclose Kristen's foul deeds and then suggesting the Capital Plaza rape was a consensual event, she said something like: "You let me get into this dress." Based on the negative reviews the dress has received on this board, "letting" Sami wear it may have been EJ's greatest offense. Also, the Love Doctor has proved that not all his miracles take place in the OR. When busybody Maggie wanted to "talk" about Jennifer and Theresa, he successfully stonewalled her. This rare feat should be duly noted.
Line of the week, from EJ, to Sami (paraphrased): "A person would have to be out of their mind to tell you a secret!" I wish I hadn't erased it! :clap::clap::clap:

Did Stefano sign The Dimera Mansion over to Miss Samantha Gene Brady... She acted like Queen of the Castle today!
Excellent! You knew it was coming.

Brady's bow tie was loosed at the crash site, then tightened at the mansion.
Screech was in full force today...

Loved the Eric & Nicole scenes. I wish Ari Zucker (Nicole) and Greg Vaughan (Eric) would both get Emmy nods for this story.

Abigail and Jordan? I know they both need friends but I'm still seeing Abigail being annoying.

Loving that T is around more. I get the feeling they'll waste him on Abigail though.
Really good battle of the egos
Love that line, WildeWoman.....:clap:

Either Maggie's home has been closed up, or it was sold. Whatever, it sure is no longer available to anyone. (If closed down, utilities off, no water, etc. etc.) Unless it is rented out, perhaps.
You have got to love T. He's hitting on everybody lol. When Abby and Jordan walked away from the bar and he propped his head in his hand with that swoony look on his face I lost it. Then he gives them free drinks and says he just working there to help a friend out because that's the kind of guy he is. I love Tad Stevens. Best use of a recurring character since Justin and Adrienne this summer.
When was Eric at the crash site or mansion?? And when did he take of his priest's collar and put on a bow tie???

I apparently missed those scenes.

I think that A.Guy meant Brady's tie went from loose to tightened, not Eric's.

Sami's ranting to EJ about how Kristen raped her brother was pretty ridiculous, seeing as how she was complaining to the man who raped her. And her telling EJ to find another bed to sleep in. Good grief, pack up your bags, gather your kids, and get out of that place. But no, she likes the perks of being rich too much and will not give them up. It won't be long before she's having angry sex with Junior. Those scenes, when they come, I will skip.

Nicole and Eric are so good together. So happy that she isn't forgiving him just yet although she likely will sooner than later. Both actors deserve recognition for their scenes in yesterday's episode.
I don't see Sami as being a submissive victim when Ej was saying those things to her, they were true and she for once didn't try to give lame "reasons/excuses" about how they weren't her fault. However I found those scenes to be forced and very fake, not the usual good acting the actors usually deliever.
Nicole really told Eric some truths didn't she? She knew that he came there seeking her forgiveness but I'm glad she told him she couldn't do that. I think eventually in time she will forgive him but she has every right to continue to be very hurt and angry with him over the things he said to her and his complete lack of faith and trust in her. She called him out for not living up to his priestly standards. Good for her. The acting in these scenes was phenomenal.

I wanted to punch Hope in the face for bringing up Jennifer while questioning Daniel about Eric. Was that really necessary, you incompetent and unprofessional detective!? I'm glad that Daniel basically told her to go play in traffic. I do agree with Wilde Woman though and wish Daniel would just come clean about the truth. He could do so without implicating JJ.

I really don't know what to make of Sami's conversation with Eric. At first I was ticked off because it sounded like she was trying to cover for EJ but I think it's possible she thought better of it not wanting to further upset her brother about the whole situation. I don't know, maybe we'll get a further explanation as to the reason she did that. It seems like it could be interpreted in a number of ways. Was she protecting EJ, Eric, or herself??
Was it on Friday's show when Maggie was talking to Daniel?
She was starting to talk about Victor, then she mentioned that
it's all about forgiveness.

I'm sure Nicole will forgive Eric one day. It will take time.