Days of Our Lives - Mon. Dec. 23, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 23, 2013

Rafe has hold of Jordan's hands, she is trying to leave, but he pulls her down onto his lap, and kisses her. The door is open, a man appears, tho they don't see him right away. Finally, Jordan looks up, and there stands Stefano DiMera! Rafe is on his feet, what the hell are you doing here? Stefano smiles, apologizes for the intrusion, introduces himself to Jordan, taking her hand. Rafe tells Jordan there's a bar of anti=bacterial soap in the bathroom, to go and use it she will need it. Stefano claims that his son has recovered well, and he promised God to try and make amends to those he wronged. Rafe is not impressed, is still telling him to get out. Stefano is smiling and does leave, telling Jordan it was nice to meet you. After he is gone, Rafe is angry and upset, Jordan isn't sure why. Long story says Rafe, but Jordan tells him he should maybe thank Stefano, because all that anger and hatred he feels is what got him out of that hospital bed, and here into this apt. Rafe says it sounds like she has person experience,.but Jordan says she read about it. Rafe doesn't believe that, tells her she is no longer his therapist and he wants to have her talk of herself, tells him things. she just says it is late, she has to go. He asks her to come tomorrow, she makes excuses about Christmas, his sister, the baby, etc.He thinks the more the merrier, but she begs off and leaves. Later, Rafe stares at the little tree, remembering kissing Jordan. She is at her computer, writing an e-mail to someone, smiling, as she types out how she likes Salem, and thinks she will be safe here. She types, Love.....

Replay of the picture taking with Santa, him saying Greetings, and Kate & Gabi losing it. Lucas sees the pic, says it is terrible. Will agrees. They want to do it over. Everyone lines up, Santa tells them to smile like they did down by the river, causing Kate, Gabi and even Sonny's expressions to change, and Lucas has another lousy picture. So now they want Lucas in the picture, Sonny figures they will ask some guy with his little boy to take it. Sonny asks, they man turns around, it is Nick, Gabi nearly faints, but no, it is not Nick, it is the PT guy (who looks nothing like Nick in my opinion). So, he takes a picture, and it is pretty good, I guess. The man is thanked and takes off. Will wants to know what Santa meant about "down by the river", Kate hustles everyone off as there are others waiting. She goes back to tell Santa that it is rather embarassing for her being she was following her cheating ex-boyfriend, so she would appreciate him not mentioning anything. Santa promises.
Will, Sonny, Gabi with Arianna sit at a table, small talk. Lucas has to leave, Kate is on the phone on business (Norway). As she ends her call, Stefano appears, jolly as can be, saying he knows she will be busy the next few days with family, but perhaps next week, they can sit down and have that dinner. What dinner, she asks. The one Chad suggested, where you can tell me exactly everything you think of me. He smiles, and "Caio". (Good bye) Lucas comes by, asking if that was Stefano. Yep. Lucas makes some remark about staying away from him.

At the Pub, Hope is talking with Abe, tells him Bo isn't coming home, she doesn't know how to tell Ciara. Abe actually is looking forward to this Christmas, as last one was the lst after Lexie died, maybe this one will be normal. She gets a call from Rafe that Stefano was just at his apartment, so she rushes off, leaving Abe to watch Ciara. Next, she is in her office, talking to a smiling Stefano. She beats around the bush a bit, but wants to know where Kristen is, he doesn't know. They trade a few jesting remarks about Eric, Kristen bedding the priest, and Kristen losing the man she loves so much. Hope notes that doesn't compare to not doing jail time. (The picture on the shelf behind Hope is of her and Ciara, not Bo.) Stefano takes his leave,. has to go get coal for his children's stockings. LOL. He notes that you always love your children, hope they make the right choices, but you always want to protect them as well. He leaves, She picks up a large framed photo of Ciara, stares at it. Back at the Pub, she admires the gingerbread house Ciara decorated, when Ciara comments she wants to make another when Daddy comes home. "About that" says Hope. Ciara's face falls......he isn't coming, is he? No, replies Hope. She hugs Ciara, talks of how much her daddy loves her, and then starts to say, "if he could, he would jump on the sleigh.....". Ciara stops her. Can we go home now. I am tired. Hope is still holding her, says yes, of course, I am, too. I am tired.

And now over to DiMansion, where Sherlock EJ is giving Sami a hard time about the tag he found near the river banks. (Obligatory flashbacks, of course). He mentions the initials, she says it could be anyone's......Nathan Filion's. He asks who, she says never mind. (he stars in Castle). Then says Nancy Furman, someone she knew in 3rd grade.EJ is mercilous, even starting to call Hope to get the police in on this.... so finally Sami spins him this story of her having an argument over Nick arranging that whole NY modeling gig for Gabi. (She is making excuses as to how her earring got to the riverbank). They argued, ended up in the woods, got a bit physical. One was following the other, and they got into a tussel by the riverbank, must be where she lost the earring.
But Sherlock isn't buying most of this. He ponders, talks about Nick's family. Sami keeps referring to him in the past tense, she claims it is because he is in NY now. He suddenly realizes Gabi must know about this, and he badgers Sami until she finally caves. Yes, Gabi knows, she was there. She begins spilling big time, telling how Nick attacked Gabi, she hit him with the rock, they thought he was dead, dragged him to the river, dumped him in, but then he opened his eyes, grabbed Sami and tried to pull her in, But she got away, and the current took him. EJ wonders why they did not call the cops, and now Sami mentions Kate being there, too. In fact, was her idea to dump him because Stefano told her once it was the best place to get rid of one. By now, EJ is doing a lot of eye rolling. Sami tells of Kate having Nick's cell, and texting family, etc. etc. He is questioning, she is saying how just the 4 of them know now.....well, 5, including Sonny. Ej is having a fit that Sonny was there, too. Nope, he was in the closet, and she explains about him intending to get info on a surprise party.
Tis truly a shame now, as Sami apologizes for not telling him sooner, but it happened at the same time that he was lying about Kristen to her. EJ holds her, saying he is not going to let anything happen to her, and the study doors open wide, and there stands Stefano, with a huge smile, a hearty HO, HO, HO...MERRY CHRISTMAS!! And then, I gleeful......"I'M BA-A-A-ACK"
I thought the episode was pretty boring even though stuff happened.

Sami is truly pathetic. I don't think she smiled once today. And even though she and Jr had some really funny dialogue about the river, the fact that she again succumbed to his bullying is just sickening. I gave up counting how many times he grabbed her arm today or stuck his face in her face to intimidate her. Just really sick and sad. Same goes for Kate if she actually goes to dinner with Stefano.

Arianna was too cute when Will, Sonny and Gabi were at the table in the square.

removed spoiler in non-spoiler thread....JS

Jordan didn't seem too surprised to see Stefano but that could also just be her usual stoic self. She did not say her name out loud after saying "love" when she ended the email.

I noticed some type of "Town of Salem" certificate on the wall behind Stefano in Hope's office. :)

Nice to see Rafe spend most of the episode out of the wheelchair. I just hope he is not held captive in this transitional apartment for another 6 months. Bad enough he was in the hospital for that long.
Thanks for the summary. Another boring episode, besides the Rafe stuff and seeing Lucas. The Nick storyline has gotten very ridiculous. SO sick of EJ-Sami and even Gabi here. It was good that Stefano was back, though, but I am tired of what the writers are doing with Bo.
Sami's conversation with EJ was hilarious, and I loved how Sami tried to deflect, lie, and tell half truths. Sami was doing anything she could to get EJ off the track. To bad it didn't work.

I liked the scenes of Kate, Sonny, Gabi, Lucas, Will, and Santa Claus too.
Have to say, I was laughing when Sami was trying to deflect Ej from his prey. Why is it, she tells the truth and is not believed, lies and is not believed. LOL Sami needed to have her story in place, knowing she is married to such a bloodhound. And what she should have done when he first began was to walk out. Just walk out. She could have then put her story together much better, perhaps even with the help of Kate. But now, for all she & Kate have worried about Gabi, or even Sonny spilling the beans, it is Sami herself who has done so.
Want to bet the next person informed will be Stefano......unless he knows already. My goodness the man sure was in a jovial mood no matter who he was talking to today. LOL
Want to bet the next person informed will be Stefano......unless he knows already. My goodness the man sure was in a jovial mood no matter who he was talking to today. LOL
Shoot, he probably knew the minute Little Saint Nick took his last gasping breath before sliding under the water for the final time.
What is it with the Dimera men always LURKING around!

Gabi & Kate faces were so hilarious!

Arianna Grace is such a pretty baby!

Ej is worried about Sami's body counts...He better tells her the truth about what he knows about Kristen
Sami's convoluted confession to EJ did have its entertaining moments. Related to this subject:
1. If EJ had actually called Hope to report a crime, she would have been so surprised that she'd have fallen out of her chair, injured herself, and needed Jordan's rehab services.
2. By figuring out immediately what had happened with Nick, EJ proved himself to be a far better detective than anyone on the Salem P.D. Perhaps, Roman should consider using him as a consultant on tough cases.
3. If by some miracle EJ hadn't figured out by now that Sami has extremely poor judgment, he should be realize it now.

On other subjects:
1 With Stefano out and about on his magical apology tour, Salemites should rush home lock their doors.
2. What made Hope think Stefano would divulge any information on Kristen? Just how long has she lived in Salem? This level of cluelessness helps explain why the Salem P.D. rarely solves any cases.
3. A no-holds-barred Kate-Stefano dinner would be quite a show, but it's doubtful than any of the other diners at a restaurant unlucky enough to host this event would really enjoy being exposed to such a verbal brawl.
4. If Ciara finds any more expensive jewelry that foolish Sami has left lying around the Pub, Club TBD, the Town Square or the park, perhaps she should consider hiding it inside her gingerbread house. Next time around, Sami is sure to look in the backpack first.
I think the show should be subtitled "A River Runs Through It," for all the flashbacks to Nick's alleged demise. Ya know, til there's a body, and all that stuff and nonsense. :rolleyes:

I did not notice a flash of recognition when Jordan saw Stefano and don't believe there is any connection here. We'll see. For Rafe to explain to Jordan all that Stefano has done to him would take an entire show and then some, best that he didn't even start. HOW could he possibly explain Rafe #2, for example?

It seems, more and more, that Percy DOES know something, he toys with the ladies whenever he can. But that can also be coincidence, maybe we are SUPPOSED to think this.

How cute was Arianna today, she melts me. :love:

Hope really had a look of disgust on her face, and when she told Ciara that she was tired, too, we know she is tired of Bo being on his adventures. He doesn't even seem to call his family anymore. Let this end, for all parties involved. It is just cruel to string everyone along, especially Ciara, who is already starting to act out a bit and showing resentment. Soon, she won't care if Bo ever comes home. :(

Intentional or not, the scenes between EJ and Sami were quite amusing...Sami saying that Sonny wasn't in THAT closet...EJ's eyes bulging whenever Sami mentioned another person who knew about Nick, etc. At least EJ does know now, no more mystery with this on his end. EJ was right about Nick's family eventually getting suspicious and nosing around, meaning Hope. This just can't be perpetuated forever.

Loved, loved, loved Stefano declaring that he was back, in his black and purple, looking very elegant. Since he is making amends to all, afer he does so to Kate, perhaps there is more on his mind for the future...after all, Cecily was nowhere in sight. :confused: