Days of Our Lives - Mon. Feb. 18, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, February 18, 2013

Actually, rather a good show, and Victor is in top form today, loved the conversation between him & Chloe. But first to finish the conversation between Nick, Kate & Rafe, who has said he knows what happened to Nick in prison. Nick gets uptight, gets up to leave, Rafe mentions knowing he was beaten up and stabbed, wonders if he has told Gabi, and then...why not. They all go back and forth, and it comes down to them wanting Nick & Gabi to wait a bit longer to marry. He figures they mean AFTER the baby is born, they admit it, yes. Nick says no way, and takes off. Kate & Rafe discuss their "united front", know he loves Gabi and Gabi loves him. They have presented this united front to try and defuse the Sami problem. Kate has to get back to work, Rafe has to get back to the station. She smiles, thinking of how her gay grandson has gotten his sister pregnant, and look at this, here we are. And next, a very brief scene of them rolling around in bed together.

Nicole is having another one of her daydreams about making out with Eric, tries to take off, only to meet Father Eric coming in. He tries to find out what is wrong, she claims just a bad day, she got up late, burnt the toast, stepped in something yukky when she stepped out for the paper, misplaced her keys. Just a bad day, and she takes off.

In the Square, Jen is calling Aunt Maggie, wants to talk to her about Daniel, she is leaving a message. Lucas has come up behind her, hears her, and starts giving her a hard time about Daniel breaking her heart. She denies it, doesn't want to talk about it, Lucas just wants to protect his sister, she finally admits it was her, not Daniel. She wants him to butt out, he starts taking off, saying he will be by the house. She tells him not to bother, but he has to get something from the attic. He leaves, and here comes Nicole, who can tell something is wrong. Jen cannot believe this, but actually they both have a nice conversation. Nicole says Jen is too nice, but Jen admits she can fight when she had to, and she wasn't nice, she stood up against Chloe, lied, and it all backfired, as she explains how.
Nicole realizes that even when Jen went back with Jack she still had feelings for Daniel, and Jennifer admits that was so. But Jack is the father of her children, was her family, and worked so hard to get back to them all. She says her love for Jack was different, Daniel understood that and stepped away. Nicole asks what you do to try and get over someone, her face is changing and you can tell she is thinking of Eric. Jen says you just have to step away yourself, put it all out of your mind. She leaves, Nicole ponders.

Back at the rectory, she is at her desk, when Lucas walks in, angry when he spots her. They get into a verbal sparring match, with him angry that he only agreed to be on the board if he wasn't going to run into her, and there she is. They are both yelling, in comes Eric. Lucas leaves in a huff, Eric asks what happened, Nicole tells how Lucas just came in, saw her, and got upset. Now Eric thinks maybe Nicole is hung up on Lucas still. She makes a crack about clerics having second sight bout people, but Eric claims he hasn't been a cleric long enough. She admits she is still not over a man, but it certainly is not Lucas.

Kristen is on the phone with Stefano, who apparently will be returning to Salem, and sooner than he had planned. They have a conversation about Kristen's plan for revenge on John, but she is drawing back. What good is it to dump Brady at the altar with John in Europe. Stefano laughs, figures that tho she got Brady to care for her, she did not count on falling for him herself. She says she just has to do something else.

Daniel is having a bad time, trying to pick up after parker, is on the phone with Chloe, who wants to stop by, even though it is Daniel's time with him. He agrees to a short visit. He is trying to make a phone call, knock at the door, tis Brady with a get well gift for parker. The guys talk about Jen, whether Daniel & Jen have talked over the problem, yada yada.

Meanwhile, at the Kmansion, Chloe has hung up on Daniel, contemplates her next move, Victor comes up behind her, tries to turn and leave, but she turns, spots him, wants to talk to him. Victor smiles, mentions how happy he is she is there, in fact he if over the moon with joy. LOL. She gets his sarcasm, but want to talk seriously. She has taken inventory of the cleaning products in the house, and not a single "green" one. No child safety locks on the cabinets, and she proceeds to go on and on about all the toxic things that Parker is exposed to. There are toxins everywhere. Yes, I know replies Victor, I am looking at one right now. LOLOL. She says she forbids Victor & Maggie to touch parker, claiming their dry cleaners use toxic chemicals to clean their clothes, which stinks. Victor is holding his temper, but wonders who the hell she thinks she is. Now she hands him an estimate to vacuum the ductwork...$18,000.00. Victor explodes. She now talks of noticing that Victor's eyes water a times, maybe he has an allergy, mold, fungus, etc. Victor has had enough, "that's it. get out. now. And don't come back". He walks out muttering, and Chloe has a big grin on her face..."whatever will I do now".

Jen is at Maggie's, telling her all about what she did, Daniel not calling her, etc. Maggie nicely tells her to see Daniel herself. That a message that says "call me" isn't very condusive to have him try and see her. Jen feels she is right, thanks her, takes off. Victor comes in, let's Maggie know Chloe is gone, and won't be coming back. Maggie wants him to reconsider, for her, he says no. Absolutely not. She asks again, saying that despite how he feels about her, better to have her here where they can keep an eye on her, than out where they cannot.

Chloe shows up at Daniel's, dragging her luggage, telling him of Victor getting mad because of a few suggestions she made about child proofing the house. He says he will talk to Victor, she figures no use. She talks of her & parker living out of a suitcase, then mentions it will be odd for them to be in a hotel room until she finds a place. Daniel invites her to stay there, she goes to hug him in thanks, but he stops her. He takes off.

Daniel shows up at the Horton house, where Lucas is just leaving. Lucas is cold, aloof, says Jen told him she never wants to see Daniel again. He brushes past a puzzled Daniel, but never bothers shutting the door behind him. Very odd.

And here comes Jennifer knocking at Daniel's door, which is opened by Chloe. Jen claims why is she not surprised, wants to see Daniel, please. He's not here, Chloe tries shutting the door. Jennifer persists, when will he be back. Chloe is quite rude, doesn't have time for this, has to give Parker his bath, and finish unpacking. That surprises Jen, with Chloe further remarking, oh, didn't you know? I am moving in.
Nick, Kate & Rafe, who has said he knows what happened to Rafe in prison. Rafe gets uptight, gets up to leave, Rafe mentions knowing he was beaten up and stabbed, wonders if he has told Gabi, and then...why not. They all go back and forth, and it comes down to them wanting Rafe & Gabi to wait a bit longer to marry.

confusion.... are the bold Rafe's supposed to be Nick's?

But then I confuse fairly easy.
It’s a shame they have to portrait Rafe as a horny dog just to make the rapist and his victim work; they want Rafe to be unrootable! I don’t know what is more disgusting taking a beautiful love story like Rafe and Sami's and destroying it or trying to turn a rapist and his victim into a love story!
I think both are awful. BUT, Rafe is showing us his more interesting side, which I like. And I'm sure he'll be back with Sami in no time.
I think we could easily have believed an alliance between Kate and Rafe without the sex. A one-night fling might have been excusable due to the alcohol. But this sober, daytime, Cougar farce is an insult to Rafe's character. I understand the point is to bring Rafe down to Sami's level, but honestly, there is no plot purpose to this.

Chloe's return becomes more and more disappointing. Once again, I find myself rooting for Jennifer and Daniel, only because they are currently the most normal, sane pairing the show has to offer.

ETA: Daysdegrassi, it kinda looks as if I was replying to you, but that wasn't intended. Just posting my general thoughts. :)
I agree darkhorse. I've been getting tired of how often grief sex is used on the show. Sex is no longer something romatic, but is used for revenge or comfort. That's why I like the idea of Abby being a virgin.

Also, I don't think it's possible for Rafe, or ANYONE to stoop to Sami's level.
PS.......I forgot about this......Nick has one of his flashbacks about getting knifed in prison. He sits at his computer, again listening to his recording of Lucas & Will's conversation. He goes to the window, commenting "No, Rafe, you really don't know what happened in prison".
And the scene shifts over to a prison cell, a guy in orange jump suit has nearly all the days of the month crossed out, turns the page, and I believe it is the 5th that he has circled. He taps his pen on the date, puts the calendar down, lays on the bunk, arms behind his head, we can see a tattoo around one bicep.
Ok i admit i didn't read any spoilers so never knew that Rafe and Kate were to sex it up again. I'd love to hear how this played out and if it was a puke fest or tastefully done again. I believe we are seeing a more dimensional rafe character but i hope they don't keep this up to do that. I wish they never brought eric's character back to Salem i'd much rather nicole have daydreams about rafe and vice a versa.
Sunnydaz, the romp (in my opinion) wasn't as bad as I thought, but there's definately still an ick factor, given how old Kate is compared to Rafe, and how it was nothing romantic, just drunken grief sex.
Very interesting that Jen would actually talk to Nicole like a friend.. and just a short time ago she was wanting to strangle Nicole for wanting her Dan... Poor Jen she just cannot keep her man .... hopefully Dan will not die on her like Jack did.. over and over again... that is one re-do of a story line I can do without...