Days of Our Lives - Mon. Jan. 11, 2010

Thanks for the write up. I just saw the show. Sorry to say, but loved the Carly and Bo scenes. It was so worth the wait. Hope they stay together for a while. S. Rogers was just amazing as Maggie. Boy what an acting job she did. I think she should get an emmy.

I am with you on this I love Bo and Carly to as you know, so the scenes were awesome. and Maggie made me cry she was absolutely amazing. The text message thing broke my heart though:(
But wouldn't it be wonderful to receive "I love you" from him at that moment.....she now knows he was thinking about her and his love for her when his time came....very comforting.....

My husband and I used to write letters to each other on special occasions even though we lived in the same house. On Christmas Eve, 2001, he was writing one at the kitchen table on a legal pad. He told me it wasn't finished and to not read it until he got through with it. He died shortly after Christmas and after my sons and I got back from the hospital, I asked to have the letter brought to me. I still read it occasionally after all these years.
Thanks for sharing that story, KathyLu. I'm sure you must treasure those letters.

And thanks for the summary Poirot. That one is suitable for framing. Truly outstanding.

I am most looking forward to the Maggie/Melanie scenes. Those two have great chemistry and Molly has natural instincts as an actress. It sounds like a superb episode.
kpatch, me too....the only thing that I have gotten even halfway emotional about is when I read the exchange between Melanie and Maggie...can't wait...

KathyLu, thanks for sharing with us....I think that's wonderful that you and your husband wrote love letters to each other, how nice you have those to read and cherish.....especially the last one.....
I always feel like hiding my head in shame here because I love the whole Bo and Carly thing. I know. Bo and Hope are favorite of old but I never was a big Hope fan and I always loved him and Carly together and now that there is this second chance though I am the first one to admit I honestly don't see it lasting but I will enjoy the ride. That being said when it does do whatever it will do I just hope that they keep her.
Charley, don't go hiding your head, just because some of us are vocal in our opinions about Carly. We each like who we like and dislike who we dislike, and I don't think we even need to have a good reason for it. :)

KathyLu, what precious memories you have in the letters!
Princess Syndrome

Thanks a million Poirot; hope for a fast thaw!

Hope and Stephanie both suffer from it. Hope's become as childlike as Stephanie. Frankly, I'm rooting for Carly and Bo. Carly is an accomplished woman who acts her age.

Carly came home seeking refuge from Bo after murdering Lawrence . . . remember back to her friend ferrying her to Salem on his yacht when she saved Rafe's life?

Melanie is in a class far above the rest of the ladies on the show. She doesn't love Nathan, she loves what he represents, the life she's building for herself on her own.

I personally never liked Nathan. I think they should leave both the shows Princesses out in the cold for a while to cool down.

Bo can do NO wrong,
Which way to Salem?
Shout out to Time to Dream: My grandfather was born in Bridgewater, N.S!

All I've seen on Friday's show was the kiss between Bo and Carly and found it far more stimulating just watching them kiss than the past year of all the naked romps around Salem!

Bo can do NO wrong!
Which way to Salem?
Tampa bay and its freezing

I had a feeling that Ej was in on the baby kidnapping.. I wonder How this is going to play out.. I think he is doing to get Sami back... What do you all thing?:confused:
First, fantastic write-up, Barb!

I don't know about these things either.

For those with more experience -----
As to texting, delayed texting, etc., .... with emails, 'sent' messages are saved in the senders mail ....
Do text messages work the same way? are sent texts saved on the senders phone? Yes the are.Like phone numbers are, so you can 'redial', in this case, it would be 'resend'. Since it's probably the last message Mickey sent??
Or, I think I've heard where phone companies keep that stuff 'out there', at least for awhile. Yes they do... the FBI and other law inforcement groups get permission to retrieve this information from the phone companies....just like they can retrieve information from the internet from actions between two parties...once you post it...its out there. I think I heard this in regards to some 'security'/court thing (think patriot act) Could they be contacted to retrieve it?
If so, even though Maggie, the receiver, had the message deleted from her phone, would that message still be on Mickey's phone or somewhere in the cyber world??? Yes.... see above. :)
Just asking.

In case I haven't told you I HATE CELL PHONES!!! :D
I use my phone, in a 'busy' year, about 10 times.
No one has the number but me, and even I have had to check,
because sometimes I forget it! :)
You are a really strong person not to use your cell phone! LOL! When I think back in '96 when I moved down here.. I rented one for my long drives back and forth from Canada to Indy... and now...if I forget mine at home... I feel totally lost. But I do not talk on it while I am driving and I don't like texting or twittering and I refuse to take a call in the company of other people when in conversation with them.

so back to the story with Maggie...if they wanted to.. they could track down Mickey's last message to her for a keepsake. :)
You are a really strong person not to use your cell phone! LOL!

:OT:I refuse to bow to technology! I have it for 'insurance' only if really needed, badly. If payphones were still all over, I wouldn't even have the pre-paid one that I do. Nothing is that important that I need to be tethered to the world!
And, people walking around, with their phones glued to their ears, sharing their conversations with all to hear, get me po'd!!:mad::back:

so back to the story with Maggie...if they wanted to.. they could track down Mickey's last message to her for a keepsake. :)

Thanks, rew, I figured there 'had' to be a way.
Hope one of the characters gets the message for her.
Thanks Poirot for the write is like I am actually watching as I read.]
Barb, I totally agree with Snugapug. I often wonder if you write professionally.
Bo & Carly secnes will make me
I think Hope has acted stupidly ever since the kidnapping, but I don't want her and Bo's marriage to be broken up. I guess I'm old fashioned and I don't think stupidity is grounds for divorce.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot! I can't wait to see the Maggie scenes. You transported me there...
For those with more experience -----
As to texting, delayed texting, etc., .... with emails, 'sent' messages are saved in the senders mail ....
Do text messages work the same way? are sent texts saved on the senders phone? Like phone numbers are, so you can 'redial', in this case, it would be 'resend'. Since it's probably the last message Mickey sent??
Or, I think I've heard where phone companies keep that stuff 'out there', at least for awhile. I think I heard this in regards to some 'security'/court thing (think patriot act) Could they be contacted to retrieve it?
If so, even though Maggie, the receiver, had the message deleted from her phone, would that message still be on Mickey's phone or somewhere in the cyber world???
Just asking.

In case I haven't told you I HATE CELL PHONES!!! :D
I use my phone, in a 'busy' year, about 10 times.
No one has the number but me, and even I have had to check,
because sometimes I forget it! :)

It depends on the individual phone setting and/or service plan. Mine (and I think most) is set up so that I still have access to my sent text messages but eventually I have to clear older messages out to make room for new ones.
Yes, theoretically at least, the service provider could retrieve deleted messages.

I am one of those people who considers my cell phone as much a necessity as my wallet...I hate to text though, but my colleagues and more importantly my boss loves it, so I'm forced to communicate that way more than I would like. If you are a Stephen King fan, you need to read his book "Cell". The afterword states that Stephen King does not own a cell phone and after reading that book I'm not surprised. :)
Thanks for the write up!!
I am torn between Bo/hope & Bo/Carly. Or maybe I am just blah with both since the writers went this way! Why worry about something I have no control over!

Anyway...I am sure Maggie is all torn to pieces. So sad just reading this!