Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 22, 2013

LOL, and I laughed when he bent down because Ari Zucker who plays Nicole is nearly 6 ft. tall. She can easily stand eye to eye with EJ, whereas Ali Sweeney (Sami) has to wear those insane 6 or 7 inch stillettos in order to stand next to him.
And actually, I thought Adrienne was exceptionally rude to her son. He has told her over and over to let it go, stay out of his life. That he is happy with Will, and to leave it alone, but Adrienne had to come and say the same things again. Why could she just not come in and say right off the bat, I saw the video of Sami & Bernardi. No, she has to go on and on about protecting him and how Sami is evil or whatever. Sonny has heard it all, and she offered nothing new.
And this is why she probably is going to really alienate both her son and husband now.
And I don't think Adrienne is doing the right thing at all. She did not show that video to Sami and ask for an explanation. She just asked her a couple of questions. She did not tell Sonny she saw the video, and ask about it. She did not show it to Justin. She was judge and jury. She assumed a lot
Sami was trying to protect her son, with good reason. And while Adrienne feels she needs to protect her son, she really has no idea exactly WHAT she is protecting him from. Her son seems to have no worries, no problems. But Adrienne took it upon herself to light the fuse to a powder keg. One she knows is going to explode.....with repercussions galore. She KNOWS this,and without absolute facts, she went ahead.
Great to see so many cast members for Eric's big day. too bad
his big day got spoiled.

Roman found his purple shirt and he most of told others to wear
that color today.

Nicole and Victor were cute because she was waiting for him
to be snarky and he wouldn't to do... has he changed too? I hope not.

It was Sami's turn to talk about EJ being the father of her two
children...makes you wonder why she never talks about the father of
her two other children.

Kristen decided not to play her video. Was it because what Brady
said? She wants to believe him. Should she or not?
And I don't think Adrienne is doing the right thing at all. She did not show that video to Sami and ask for an explanation. She just asked her a couple of questions. She did not tell Sonny she saw the video, and ask about it. She did not show it to Justin. She was judge and jury. She assumed a lot
Sami was trying to protect her son, with good reason. And while Adrienne feels she needs to protect her son, she really has no idea exactly WHAT she is protecting him from. Her son seems to have no worries, no problems. But Adrienne took it upon herself to light the fuse to a powder keg. One she knows is going to explode.....with repercussions galore. She KNOWS this,and without absolute facts, she went ahead.
Well said and COMPLETLY AGREE!
And I don't think Adrienne is doing the right thing at all.
Oh, I completely disagree. Granted, Adrienne went about it the wrong way by hem-hawing with Sami and Sonny, and may be doing if for all the wrong reasons, but she is doing the right thing according to the law.

How many of us would be applauding for Adrienne if the video was one that could put EJ in prison? I think a lot of shoes would be on the other feet.
Well I think if it was me that found that video I would have sat down both my husband and son and explained that this is evidence for a case that could send Sami back to jail. But it's our job as law abiding citizens to turn this in. I would hope my lawyer husband, would be able to help my son and boyfriend from any charges being filed against them for withholding evidence. But if not then, hey sorry...if you do the crime, you do the time! ... But Adrainne went about this all wrong. I agree!
Yes, that is what I was saying. She did not tell anyone she had seen the video, and at least listen to what they had to say. She knew that her son knew of the video, as that is how it got onto her phone.
When she saw Sonny, she could have blurted out immediately that she has seen the video of Sami & Bernardi....but no, she blathers about evil Sami instead.
She definitely could have/should have showed her husband. She did not do that either.
There is a story of the "why" in that video, and she might have learned something.

But she has disliked Sami, and therefore has disapproved of her son being with Will since Day 1, and that is what was fueling her determination for "justice".
Nope, she did not do the right my that would have been to talk openly to those involved before she went to the police.
Poirot, thank you for saying exactly all of the things I've been wanting to say about Adrienne!!! After all the weeks of her whining and moaning to everyone about Sami, why would they listen to more of it? She could have just shown them the video! I don't have a bit of sympathy for her and I hope EJ does put sugar in her gas tank, cryn4days! :rotfl:

As much as I'd like to see Sami knocked off her high horse and locked away in a prison, I'd rather see her go to jail for her chronic stupidity and incurable self-centeredness than for something that I don't see as a crime. Yes, she did lie to the grand jury and should be punished for that, but I don't believe it was murder when she killed Bernardi. She didn't even know it was him and she did it to keep him from killing (as it appeared) another man. However, the video will make it seem otherwise.
I sincerely hope both Sonny and Justin tell that holier than thou witch to get lost. Then I hope she gets lost in a bottle to never be heard from again, unless she wants to reappear as Bonnie. Nope, don't like Adrienne.
She definitely could have/should have showed her husband. She did not do that either.

Of course, Adrienne has been written off character for weeks/months now, so that for the last few days, she could not speak to Justin, nor could she speak to Sonny. Another example of lazy writing to create cheap drama. I know, I can hear KathyLu saying duh, of course it's the writing. :):wink: Still, both Justin and Sonny would not let Adrienne finish a sentence. And during her last conversation with Justin, if I remember correctly, Adrienne had her phone out, clearly wanting to show Justin the video, but he told her in no uncertain terms he did not want to hear anything else about Sami's case... ever. So Adrienne will be the town pariah while everyone will rally around poor victim Sami. And that truly makes me sick. Because I'm willing to give Adrienne a chance. Not Sami though. I'm so done with her character.

I'd rather see her go to jail for her chronic stupidity and incurable self-centeredness than for something that I don't see as a crime. Yes, she did lie to the grand jury and should be punished for that, but I don't believe it was murder when she killed Bernardi.

I'm sorry, Old Cowgirl, I just don't agree with that either. Sami did kill a man, maybe it would not be considered murder, or first degree or third... I'm not a lawyer. But she shot first, in the back, not in the legs or elsewhere, when in my view, she could have screamed, jumped yet again on the guy's back, anything but shoot first. Typical Sami in my view. And she will appear, when all is found out, like some kind of heroine who was saving Rafe, when in fact, she's just a twit who cannot think straight and will probably end up at the exact same place in a few months or a few years because she will once again do something else just as bad. But hopefully this time, she'll have no excuse.
I will agree about shooting him in the legs, but...Sami really did not have time to think. The gun was in her hand, someone was about to kill Rafe, so she shot.
I think she said that she wasn't sure the guy would have killed her if she had screamed, etc. But with only a second or two time, she shot. That man's arm was already raised and he was coming down with that blade.
It really is difficult for any one of us to know how we would react in any situation. and sometimes, you have no idea why or what you did.

Adrienne, though, has had plenty of time to think, and if she would just say, I have a video that is evidence, instead of blathering on and on about evil Sami, perhaps her husband & son would have listened. However, this evidently was the writers' idea of creating drama (I swear I can see, in my mind's eye, actors rolling their eyes when they read their script, and say to themselves, "this is stupid", why not .....blah, blah. ) Oh, well.
@TheWriter, thank you. Her excuse of I didn't have time to think shouldn't fly so easily because this is Sami we're talking about. The woman is known for flying off at the handle and has no impulse control. Everyone has no choice but to accept her version of events and regardless of how or why Adrienne turned in that video she did the right thing. Who's to say that had she told Justin and Sonny about the video that they wouldn't have talked her into just letting sleeping dogs lie and let things be. Adrienne going off like a raving lunatic over Sonny and Will's relationship was definitely a "clever" way to bring sympathy to Sami once Adrienne dropped the bomb with that video.