Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 22,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, June 22, 2009
Episode #11,108 Taped 5/13 Director – Albert Alarr

A replay of EJ handing Sami the court order for him to take Johnny from her, and EJ telling her that she & Rafe took his daughter from him, an eye for an eye. Sami says you cannot do this, in comes Will, overhearing, asking if this is true, are you taking my little brother. Sami is begging EJ not to do this, but Will sticks up for EJ, saying Sami lied to him, lied to everyone, he doesn’t blame EJ at all for doing this. Will then asks EJ if he can come and see his brother “at your house”. EJ says of course, that will be fine, and Will leaves. Out in the vestibule, Father Matt has come in saying to Nicole the nuns from the Convent of the Holy Cross finally got there, would feel so bad if they did not get to see Sami (which they never do). Sister Agnes comes in, takes one look at Nicole, says she knows her. Nicole denies it, gets introduced, then asks if Sister Agnes came alone, learning that Sister Claire drove her there, but Sister Theresa was just transferred to another convent (how convenient, huh?).
Inside the church Sami is asking EJ to please not do this, and EJ is yelling at her that it is all her own fault, she did this herself. She knows he has all the judges & politicians in his back pocket, and asks what they would say if they learned he had the mayor killed, tried to kill Philip twice, and kidnapped Stephanie, causing her to nearly die. Nicole & Father Matt come in, asking what all the yelling and shouting is about. Sami says it is all her fault, she encouraged EJ to do this, Nicole denies it, EJ warns Sami she has one hour to bring Johnny to him, and shaking his finger in her face, repeats she has one hour. Sami leaves, Nicole follows her, trying to offer her sympathies, but Sami will have none of it. Sami & Rafe leave, Father Matt has tried to talk to EJ about forgiveness, but EJ will have none of that either. Nicole returns, stands in front of the big picture of Grace, and is breaking down as she asks him if they should take that picture as they have none of her. EJ puts his arms around her, everything will be fine, but they have to get home, get things ready for Johnny. She makes excuses, saying she should probably not be there, go ahead, she will be home later. EJ leaves, Nicole stands looking at the picture, sobbing as she tells Grace she never had a chance to say good-bye to her. She runs out of the church.

Kate is on the Kiriakis terrace, talking to Daniel on the phone. He wants to know why, if they are filming in Maggie’s kitchen, he is supposed to come there. She just wants him there NOW. He agrees, hangs up. Chris brings out a platter of hors doerves, says the kitchen made them up, but he doesn’t understand why she wants them, he is just gonna have to schlep them over to Maggie’s. Kate assures him she will bring them, and for him to go there now. Chris leaves, Kate puts on gloves and takes the poison bottle out, putting a drop on each little snack. Daniel arrives, asks what the gloves are for, it is so warm. Kate claims to have pruned a plant. LOLOLOL Kate gives him the letter assuring him the monies he earns will be donated to the charity, pours him a glass of something non-alcoholic, Daniel hasn’t eaten, wants to eat one of the snacks, Kate protests the “food stylist” would have a fit. She notes the time, they are late, asks Daniel to take the plate of snacks (give me a break here, they are uncovered, and gonna sit on the front seat of the car?? That perfect arrangements would arrive in shambles) and she will be along. He leaves, she proceeds to don the gloves again, lift a perfect fingerprint off the glass he used, and applies it to the poison bottle. Boy, she is some talented lady, I swear.

Over at Maggie’s Chloe is nervous, Lucas is trying to keep her calm, some guy hands her a blue mixing bowl so she will look like she is whipping something up. :rolleyes: Lucas mentions Daniel, she drops the bowl , barely even looking down (wonder who had to clean up), Maggie notes this. Chloe is surprised as she thought Daniel had refused, Lucas lets her know of Kate’s charity offer. Lucas gets a call from a distraught Will, who is down at the pier and has to talk to him now, it is important. Lucas leaves, Maggie talks to Chloe, realizing she did not know Daniel was going to be on the show. Maggie assures her that Daniel was still going to turn Kate down after her generous offer, but Maggie talked him into it, reminding Chloe that she has to change the way she deals with trying to get over Daniel. Chloe once again brings up her promise to God to love Lucas, nd make him happy til death do them part. As Lucas leaves, she goes after him, only to run into Daniel coming in.Lucas has asked a very happy Chris to fill in for him while he goes to see Will. Now Kate arrives, one of the assistants warns Kate that the snack plate may spoil under the hot lights so they have to get moving. Daniel is to offer this plate of stuff to Chloe, which he does. Kate tells Chloe the snacks are delicious – to die for.

Lucas meets up with Will at the pier, and now Will lights into his father for his lies, for keeping Sami’s secret, for not telling him about EJ being the father even though he knew, for not even coming to the funeral. Lucas tells him it was all very complicated, but Will is on a roll, reads his father the riot act, and tells him how EJ now is taking Johnny away from his mother. Lucas is shocked, and is sorry, but he has to go see Sami right now, he will continue this conversation later.

Mia is not too happy to see Chad, who is back in Salem for the summer, claiming he still thinks about his “goldielocks”, and obviously wants to hook up with her again. Mia has a couple of flashbacks to making out with Chad (obviously newly filmed) one with clothes on, one apparently with clothes off. She wants him to leave her alone, go away. She tries to leave to go see her boss, but Chad keeps stopping her. However, Evan comes up, telling Mia he got someone to cover for her, and she can start tomorrow. She thanks him & takes off. Chad looks after her, then goes to talk to Evan. Hmmm, seems even with the economy the way it is, Evan had 2 people just up and quit yesterday, so….sure, Chad can have the job. He starts tomorrow.

Sami comes into the living room, ranting to Rafe that she talked to Mickey Horton (huh? You mean Mickey is still alive and in Salem??? What a surprise!) and her father and Uncle Bo, and there is nothing she can do at this point. She has to turn Johnny over to EJ. How is she going to tell him. Rafe comforts her, she tells him she thinks it better if she takes Johnny over there herself, Rafe understands and leaves. Lucas arrives, says how sorry he is to have missed the service. Sami is very upset, she has lost Grace, Will is mad at her and now she is going to lose Johnny, too. Lucas tries consoling her, says he will help any way he can, that Allie cannot be deprived of her brother. Hugs, she thanks him, he leaves. Johnny comes running out, wanting mommy to play with him. Sami tells him that she would love that, but right now they have to leave and go to Daddy’s house. Johnny doesn’t seem too enthusiastic. Later, Sami is at the DiMera door, EJ opens and swoops Johnny up in his arms, walks away, turning to Sami, and asking her to do him a favor. Shut the door on your way out.

A despondent Will sits on the bench, head in his hands, as Mia comes along. She sits down, he can see something is wrong. She denies it. They hug.
Nicole is in the cemetery, at the tiny gravesite, piled high with flowers. She kneels down, talking to Grace, once more mentioning how she was the first person to hold her, how beautiful and sweet she was, how she loved her….and then how she traded her for Sydney. She is breaking down as she talks of how secure her life is, how much EJ loves her, how perfect her life is and only because Grace died. She is sorry, she is so sorry, she is crying, tears rolling down her face, as Rafe comes up behind her with a puzzled look.

thanks for the write up - is there anyway Will could be EJ's son? Just kidding I know there is not but someone seriously needs to smack Will :mad:
I agree, Will needs a smack. I understand he is upset, but to side with EJ?! At least he brought up the fact that Lucas missed the funeral... glad it wasn't swept under the rug.

Thanks for the write-up!
Sounds like a great show! Wonderful write up Barb!
I am glad to see that they addressed why Lucas was not at the funeral, and at least EJ is only punishing Sami and not Will (and hopefully not Allie too) by keeping Johnny from them.
I agree. Will is acting like a brat! I was really hoping that the writers would change his personality when the charachter came back! OH Well!!

EJ is a jack hole!!! Nuff Said! I want this all to blow up in his face sooooo bad!!!! tired of her!!! Sheesh!

Thanks for the great write up!
EJ just amazes me. I think that I can't dispise him any more, then he does something like this. No one with any shread of human decency would take a child away from his mother for spite. To do it at the funeral of the mother's baby is unthinkable. I think Charles Manson has more compassion than EJ Dimera. Taking Johnny not only hurts Sami, Allie, Will, etc. who EJ could care less about, it hurts Johnny, who EJ supposedly loves so much!

On a better note, I really feel bad for Nicole. She can't really grieve for Grace, because everyone will wonder why she cares so much. Of course, she did give Grace away when she had agreed to care for her...
Ok I am new to the Forum, but I read the updates everyday. They are awesome. It kind of lets me know what I can skip over and what I deem important. I have hated EJ from the very beginning. He is a such a tool. Don't get me wrong I think James does a great job portraying him, but my lord, how much can one man get away with and not have any punishment. At least Stephano has been taken down a couple of times. What he did to Sami at the funeral is deplorable. I think that Rafe needs to put his FBI skills to the test and do some research. I would so love it if Rafe finds the smoking gun with the whole baby switch S/L. It would be awesome for him to be the one to tell EJ that his precious Nicole has been lying to him for months and that he was not Grace's father, and that he and Sami are taking Sydney because of all the horrible things his wife has done, and that his father knew and did not tell him.
Sami is no saint, but comapred to EJ there should be no contest in a court of law.

Now onto Kate, the writers have ruined her character. They try to make her bad, but she just comes across as stupid and so insecure.

I really love Rafe and Sami together. I was a huge lumi fan because of their chemistry, but Rafe just seems to love her for who she is and there is nothing that he does not know about her. On the other hand I think that the writers are going to make something happen from Rafe's past that he will keep from her.
:rant:i just want to punch EJ in the head., i want to punch Roman in the head!
I still haven't been satisfied with the fact that EJ RAPED Sami. I mean he held a gun to her head and forced her to have sex with him. He shouldn't be allowed near Johnny with a 30 foot pole!
On that note. I just want to punch Sami in the head. You big dummy, why did you shack up with the man that raped you? Sydney would have never come along... Grace would have been EJ and Nicole's "kid"...blah blah blah.
And you and Rafe could have had a baby together or something.

grrrr. i just want to punch the writers in the head, that's what.
On that note. I just want to punch Sami in the head. You big dummy, why did you shack up with the man that raped you? Sydney would have never come along... Grace would have been EJ and Nicole's "kid"...blah blah blah.
And you and Rafe could have had a baby together or something.

Problem is...

If Sami never slept with EJ to make Sydney, then she never would have been at his house to see the mayor get shot (she was there to tell EJ about the pregnancy), therefore she never would have been in witness protection and never would have met Rafe.

Just a thought.... everything happens for a reason.
Well at least the mystery of why Maggie's kitchen got a face lift has been solved.

I thought it strange that Sami had to deliver Johnny to EJ. Why didn't he just send his storm troopers to Marlena's to take him by force?
Seriously, does this guy ever have any OTHER look?

He has his head tilted slightly and mouth open so often, I expect to see drool dripping down soon. He's like Sami's new puppy. Cute and lovable, but acts like he has rocks for brains. When are the writers going to write him as the intelligent person he must have been to make it as an FBI agent in the first place??


as Rafe comes up behind her with a puzzled look.

Kate is a 1st class kook, she needs serious help, perhaps a Labotomy would help.

Sami has a past too! Rafe and her need each other, she should be able to look past his past and they could really be a 1st true couple of new.

I have said it before and i'll say it again, EJ is a snake, and he is lower than whale poop and that is on the deep end of the ocean floor, he needs to be shot.

Will, on the other hand needed to be slapped so hard his hair flies off his head. He has such a smart mouth, I can't stand that.
thanks for the write up - is there anyway Will could be EJ's son? Just kidding I know there is not but someone seriously needs to smack Will :mad:

I have to say, Im am soooo ticked off at Will response! Grrrrr. I know all the lies and all the whatever, but there is a time and a place, and Will and Ej are absolutely disgusting me with thier actions. Yuck:rant:
OH!!! Can't these silly people think these things instead of saying them out loud. Jeez, Nicole your gonna get busted if you keep taking to yourself like that....Shut up woman! I just want to shake her. Rafe isn't stupid, well not all the time.

I already don't like chad. Nice to hear Mickey is still working....

What could be so complicated to keep Lucas away from the funeral? That is just crazy! Thanks so much for the recap....
wow, i was way shocked at Will's response. If that's what the writers were going for, then they did a great job.

as for "if this were real life" i could still see him saying it, not that i think he should, but for someone who has gone through everything that he has with his mom...yeah, i could see him saying it.

for Nicole: I'm glad the writers have her feeling so guilty about the whole thing; it shows that she's not just the heartless b**** that a lot of people think she is.

if nothing else, these stories are definitely interesting...and it's about time some of them were.
Thanks for the preview, Barb. I'm curious about something but maybe I misunderstood. If Kate put the poison on that snack food and sent it off with Daniel, isn't there a good chance somebody besides Chloe might pick up some of it and eat it? Daniel already started to but Kate was there to stop him, so what if Maggie, Chris, Lucas or anybody else felt hungry and ate some of it?

I'm sure this is only wishful thinking, but when I read what Will said to EJ about going over to his house to visit his little brother, the first thing that came to my mind was maybe Will was being cunning, and maybe he decided to get in good with EJ so he could keep an eye on Johnny for Sami, and even try to help in some way to get evidence or something so that Sami could regain custody of Johnny. I know Will is mad at Sami, but didn't he say earlier that he didn't blame her for not telling EJ about Grace? Could he possibly be smarter than he appears? I would love it if he did something like that!