Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 12, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 12, 2014

Replay of Nick staggering into Horton Square, Julie screaming "he's been shot", Nick collapsing, everyone staring. Julie Kneels besides Nick, holding him, asking who did this to you? He raises his hand slightly, wiggles his fingers a bit, while everyone looks as guilty as sin. No one moves, and Nick passes out. Rafe is calling for ambulance, people are rushing forward, but Julie screams at them all to get back, that they all hated him, so just stay away. Sami seems a bit panicky, but EJ shushes her, and she finally runs to Allie, who is standing in shock. She keeping staring at Nick, as Sami tries to get her to look at her, Lucas has come as well. But Allie is just staring talking of the blood, that Nick helped her with homework. Kate comes over, Lucas tells Sami he & his mom will take care of Allie, take her away.

Maggie sits in the Pub as Hope joins her, wanting to talk about Nick, and his interference is the custody agreement. Maggie says she tried to talk to Nick, but to no avail. Hope gets a call, says she is 2 minutes away and dashes off to the square. She arrives to find Jordan is attempting to help, has asked Gabi for a clean cloth (diaper bag) and applying pressure to the wound. She claims only two wounds. Rafe has called again for ambulance, which soon arrives, taking Nick off to hospital. Everyone is in shock, but Sami is truly in a panic state, claiming in a whisper to EJ that Nick pointed at them. It is amazing he was able to get her to shut up, assuring her that Nick only raised his hand, pointed at no one. She worries Nick saw the hit man, EJ says the man is a professional, all is o.k. Will & Sonny have gone to the hospital, as has Julie, Gabi, Abby & Ben and finally EJ and Sami go, too.
Hope has Rafe show her the direction from which Nick staggered to the square. Rafe already said he has to recuse himself, he is too close to it all, but Hope figures despite her being family, all the more reason to find out what happened. They get to the park, the bench, see the blood on the ground, note the grass is matted down where Nick fell. Hope figures it was amazing he was able to get to the square, figures it must have taken him 10 minutes, plenty of time for anyone to have shot him, disposed of the gun and gone to the Square. She & Rafe go to the hospital.

Maggie is sitting in the Pub when Kate, Allie, & Lucas enter, with Lucas taking Allie up to see Gramma Caroline. Kate is rambling about poor Allie, so traumatized, but not telling Maggie what happened. She finally does, but is very blase'. Maggie takes off. Lucas comes down, and is rather disgusted by his mother's non-caring attitude. He takes off, Kate downs the rest of her wine, as she figures she & Lucas will be celebrating soon.

Nick is rushed into surgery, and people arrive. Julie's white top has blood on it, and just like Jackie Kennedy's bloody skirt, Julie keeps it on, oblivious. She is not allowed to go wherever they took Nick, so sits down, and rants at everyone there. How they all hated him, never gave him a chance, on and on. Julie is genuinely upset, and everyone lets her rant away. Maggie arrives, hugs her, they talk. Julie is berating herself for not staying with Nick. She cannot bring herself to call Jessica, what would she say. Maggie says it is probably best, as they would have more news after Nick comes from surgery.
Hope questions Julie, who tells the tale of Nick staggering in. Hope asks who all was there right then, and as Julie lists the names, the camera is on each person.
A doctor comes out, asks for Mrs. Williams and tells them that Nick's injuries were severe, he coded twice, they brought him back, but the last time...........Mouths drop, looks exchanged among them all. Hope is there now, so is Rafe, who holds the sobbing Gabi. Hope asks for a minute with Nick, before the family goes in. Evidently an autopsy is next, so this is their last chance. Julie insists that a reluctant Gabi go with them.

Hope sees Nick alone, he is lying on a gurney, a sheet covering 3/4 of his body, eyes closed. She says all her regrets and goodbyes, tears falling as she strokes his cheek and kisses it. She goes out, Maggie, Julie & Gabi come in. Gabi is sobbing, as both Maggie & Julie do the same as Hope. Regrets, goodbyes, kisses. The two women leave so Gabi can have her time alone.
And now, Gabi, tears streaming down her face, stands next to Nick, and flashes back to various scenes from when she first met Nick, to their wedding. And yes, folks, the infamous red heart shaped pillow makes an appearance. Next, Gabi is leaving the room, going up to Rafe who holds her.

After the doctor announced that Nick had passed, people began to leave. Ben took Abby home, she thanked him, didn't know how she was going to tell her family what happened. She apologized again for being rude, he is very nice about it, understanding.
Evidently Marlena has Ari, and all is well there. Sonny walks into the apt. with some groceries, as Will stands with gun & silencer. Sonny says all is well at the club, he stopped for milk for Ari, and asks Will if he was checking to make sure the gun was still there. Yes, exactly, and he wants to return it now, Victor isn't home. Nope, Sonny's parents are there, tomorrow morning is better, they will be off to work. Will is very solemn, telling Sonny he would do anything for him. Sonny knows that, and would do anything for Will, too. Anything at all.

While still at the hospital, EJ calls someone, telling them to look for flash drives, wipe everything off, and make sure he destroys those photographs. Sami comes up, "what photographs"? Uh, oh, but EJ talks of the ones showing them tossing Nick in the river. Sami notes Percy still knows, but EJ says he is taken care of, will not be returning. He asks if she wants a drink, nope. She goes to the French doors, looks out at the garden. He comes, gives her the drink, she takes a sip.

At the hospital, a nurse comes into the room where Nick lays. She takes the sheet, pulls it up to cover his face & head.
Go Julie give them HELL...Boy I have NEVER seen so many guilty faces lining up in one place.

"Is he DEAD" Kate showed that she is a true Cold Hearted Snake. Her grand-daughter is traumatized and was just spewing all kind of crap out of her damn mouth.

Nick should remain in Salem as a GHOST for a while so he could ruin things for a few people and makes Allie turns on Sami.

Sami is acting as if she is scarred for life really? How many people has she murdered? Why isn't Sami worrying more about Allie being scarred for life.

The Snot and the Scoundrel kissing at the END was really barf worthy.

Hope calling Nick a "Sweet Soul" Is she serious?

Gabi thanks for the Nick & Gabi flashbacks, but you could have at least skipped the Valentine Heart-Shaped pillow.
Well, in the square, he was still alive. And because he went to surgery, he was all cleaned off.

To tell the truth, I am very very tired of Hope running in on some crime scene, and being the only person on the entire police force who can take care of whatever it is. She again had a regular cop accompanying her, and instead of him coming along, just says "give me your flashlight".
She is a relative of the victim, Rafe is not. But he had to recuse himself because Gabi was Nick's friend. Give me a break. The writers seem determined to make any flimsy excuse so Rafe is not involved in actually solving a crime. Boo, hiss.
Ok but seriously, here is a blank I need filled in... I saw Will holding the gun and silencer, however, we didn't see him get it out of the closet. Looked to me like it was just laying out, and then he made a point to ask Sonny if he'd come back home since they had left together or whatever- like he was trying to figure out if Sonny had shot Nick. Obviously, Sonny didn't think Will was suspicious, but Will came across very suspicious of Sonny to me.

I know I posted this somewhere else but I feel the need to repeat:

HOPE SHOULD NOT BE HANDLING THIS INVESTIGATION. Roman had to step down when Sami was in hot water over Bernardi, Hope is Nick's cousin and has close relationships with nearly everyone at the scene. Rafe recused himself, Hope needs to do the same.
Well, in the square, he was still alive. And because he went to surgery, he was all cleaned off.

To tell the truth, I am very very tired of Hope running in on some crime scene, and being the only person on the entire police force who can take care of whatever it is. She again had a regular cop accompanying her, and instead of him coming along, just says "give me your flashlight".
She is a relative of the victim, Rafe is not. But he had to recuse himself because Gabi was Nick's friend. Give me a break. The writers seem determined to make any flimsy excuse so Rafe is not involved in actually solving a crime. Boo, hiss.

I thought Hope had way more reason to recuse herself than Rafe did. However it made me respect Rafe that he was willing to admit he couldn't be objective, while Hope could not. Now they just need to involve him in a real storyline somehow or other.
Nick should remain in Salem as a GHOST for a while so he could ruin things for a few people and makes Allie turns on Sami.
Nick the Ghost has interesting possibilities, but would it be haunted by the ghosts of Willow Stark and Trent Robbins? As for Nick's post-shooting care, somebody should have called University Hospital to make sure that Wonder Jonas was available. If not, the Trickster should have been taken to Salem's real hospital, St. Francis. Without the Love Doctor, poor Nick was doomed the moment he was brought into Salem's center of malpractice and quackery. As for the tears shed over Mr. Fallon, it would make for an interesting scene if he got the same big funeral send-off as John Black once did. All the attendees would sit there squirming until at last the angry accusations started flying. It would be the biggest St. Luke's debacle since the Brady-Kristen "wedding."
What was interesting......while Hope, Julie & Maggie all made tearful, farewell speeches to Nick, we did not hear one word from Gabi. Her flashbacks were of the good times, the times leading up to the wedding. That was all. Not a word to him from her did we hear.
Actually, I don't think that Roman, Hope or Rafe should be anywhere near Nick's murder since they are all too close to the suspects/victim. It's really too bad that they couldn't have brought Shane Donovan back to investigate since he does NOT have a "horse in the race" and can be objective. I even think John would have been a better choice since he really doesn't know what's been going on.

PS: Now that Nick's dead, I hope that they, at least, mention Marie, Jessica, Joshua, as well as Chelsea (who was his first, true love) and Melanie, who found it in her heart to grant him a second chance.
Good bye Nick! Blake Berris did Nick proud! I thought Nick was looking at Gabi maybe to tell her he loved her.

Allie an amazing job today, too bad they haven’t given you more air time.

I thought Julie will a little over the top, screaming at everyone! Where were you when Nick needed you? OH I forget cruising around the world! Julie just had to drag Gabi in to see Nick, Gabi didn’t want to, be Julie insisted, and then Maggie and Julie leave her in there by herself, sweet Julie, but Gabi was glad she went because she told Rafe that Nick was at peace!

It’s not going to be Abby that cause problems for junior/Sami, it’s going to be Sami guilty conscience that will break the camels back! I love how junior talks down to Sami like she is a child; I expected them to take a roll in sheets when they got home. They seem to get turned on by violence!

Rafe has always been a kind, nurturing man, and again today he was so thoughtful of Gabi’s feeling, and trying to stick up for her with the fluffy white pit-bull! And Ben and Jordan have the same thoughtfulness for the people they care about!

Poor Lucas he can’t even stand his mother, they always say you marry someone just like your mom, and Lucas did that in spades when he hooked up with Sami.

@redsquirrel…..I didn’t think anyone who was an observer to a crime could leave until they were questioned, especially in a shooting investigation! I guess my town is wasting a lot of manpower and overtime!