Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 13, 2014

Stefano and Kristen are on the case, Operation ressurect Elvis!

I would feel sad for Sami if I didn't find her relationship with EJ disgusting and repulsive.

EJ is lucky that he is DEAD, and does not have to put up with Sami's screeching and wailing, unlike us (viewers).

Sami claiming that EJ is the only man who "Truly Loved" is a total bull, both Lucas and Rafe loved and cherished Sami, EJ on the other hand fed her narcissistic hunger.
I am sorry, but this episode left me more aggravated and frustrated than ever. So now, we are supposed to believe that Sami and EJ had such a wonderful love story, filled with happy moments?

Good point. The old clips of a younger Sami and EJ were interesting to see, but they obviously amounted to a highly sanitized version of the "golden couple's" relationship. A more nuanced version might have included such low points as Sami shooting EJ in the head, Sami realizing that EJ and Stefano had inserted Fake Rafe into her bed, and Sami discovering that EJ had fooled her into believing that Sydney was dead. As for the final scene with Kristen and the syringe it's just another example of how death in Salem just might not be the end of things. Finally, the reactions of Kristen and Stefano to the apparent death of EJ is clear proof that Miguel may just be the dumbest DiMera flunky ever. Clueless Sy simply tried to shake down Kristen for more money and he vanished forever. What awful fate could be in store for Clyde and Miguel if Stefano and Kristen ever learn the truth about the shooting of Elvis?
Unless Dr. Chyka has perfected a drug that brings the dead back to life ???? Wonder how they account for all the blood Elvis lost?

That's my guess. Unless EJ routinely injected himself with/drank large doses of a fake-death drug, Stefano sure was shocked by his death.

I can't buy Sami's grief over EJ's death any more than I could buy their lock, stock and barrel smoochy-moochy love story.

I felt more emotion watching Rafe comfort Sami than I did with her blubbering over EJ's corpse.
Same here. I think Alison Sweeney (Sami) has been doing a serviceable job, but her flashbacks were very - poorly selected in my opinion. AND her line about him being the only person to "truly know and love her" had me losing my lunch. :sick:

I am sorry, but this episode left me more aggravated and frustrated than ever. So now, we are supposed to believe that Sami and EJ had such a wonderful love story, filled with happy moments ? :eek::sick: Really, as good as the acting was (though I hate the character of Sami, pretty much always have, I must say the actress did a good job), I will never buy her grief. And when Sami said "You were worth everything, EJ !", I was disgusted. So, does that include her rape, the kidnapping of Sydney, the kidnapping of Rafe, the whole Rafe 2 debacle, Lucas almost getting killed, etc. ? :sick::sick::beat::beat:And now, just when I thought EJ was gone for good, nope, it appears, contrary to what Mr. Corday says (surprise, surprise :rolleyes: ), when a character dies onscreen, he isn't really dead ! :rolleyes:

I certainly do not mean to put a damper on things, and I do not mean any offense to the Sami and EJ fans, but really, today's episode did absolutely nothing for me. And I wanted to get this off my chest. And see if I was the only one feeling like this. :) Please say I'm not ! :) Anyone ?

Nope, we feel the same. I was disgusted but appreciated the performance even though I couldn't buy their "l-word" story. I also am offended that, despite his predilection to do so, Corday has basically lied to us again. (Unless, as I hope with every fibre of my being, this is going to fail. Or maybe work for a bit then fail.)

Really would have liked to see Kristen flashing back to EJ's birth. I know, we're supposed to be lobotomised twerps who don't recall things we saw with our very own eyes 17 years ago. UGH.

On another note, I think Kristen looked fantastic but I'm really not understanding the point of her being in Salem.
Guess we'll be seeing more EJ. I thought James Scott's (EJ) last episode was on the 10th? It seems he'll be well and kicking to plot his escape with Samanather. To me I feel Stefano knows everything and had Kristen aid him in helping her brother.
No one said anything about an autopsy, so if there was evidence I suppose it could have already been gathered in Salem time, lol. I just didn't buy the handling of EJ's body after a murder. Salem has it's own rules, though, lol.

Evidence doesn't necessarily require an autopsy. Usually they only do an autopsy if they don't know cause of death. The cause of death is fairly evident but the evidence could've been gathered when they were getting him ready. (DNA under nails/dirt off of face/clothes/etc.)
If Stefano has resurrection drugs, why didn't he use them on his other DEAD children Lexie, Benjy, Tony?

LOL, I asked the same thing on twitter (but also threw in Renée and Megan).

Forgot to mention I was DISGUSTED by Abe's comment that EJ is with Lexie. The current local priest needs to slap him for that one.

And I did really like how they handled "telling" the kids. We saw it but didn't hear it. Very nice choice.
Random thoughts about today's show: I sure hope Kristen leaves a decent tip for the maid after that horrific clean up of shattered glass and booze. Good idea to get Sami new clothes, does she keep some over at Marlena's penthouse? Or did Marlena bring something of hers to change into??? Abe's promise of "we will get this guy", well it would be a first.

Won't even go to the injection at the end. How is that supposed to get moved around his body his HEART isn't BEATING and that is what moves the blood. Oh well, apparently the writers know more than I do about basic human anatomy and physiology.