Days of Our Lives - Monday, July 14, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, July 14, 2008

Episode #10,867 taped 6/11 Director – Noel Maxam

Repeat of the closing scene on Friday, wherein Kate is telling Daniel Chelsea must never learn about them, it would kill her. Chelsea comes up, saying she heard them mention her grandfather, and what is up. Daniel says he had a schemic stroke, meaning a blockage in an artery. Surgery may or may not be the answer, meanwhile the new drug is doing it’s work. Chelsea goes off. Kate & Daniel resume their conversation about not hurting Chelsea, and we get the flashback that is supposed to explain it all. Seems Daniel was sitting in the Pub, downing shots of tequila, obviously already 6 sheets to the wind, when Kate comes in. She joins him, figuring he is drowning his sorrows, wondering if she can help, she is a good listener. He talks about some huge thing, that just seems to weigh him down, and he can’t seem to get beyond it. She can think of several ways she might be able to help, but first, he has to stop drinking. She takes his drink away as he is about to down another shot, he gets up, and they leave, smiling, arms around each other’s waist.
And now, in present time, Daniel tells Kate she helped him in a rather difficult time, and he will always be greatful. Kate says she has no regrets.

Chloe is talking to her mom on the phone, outside the Pub, evidently answering a few questions. Just as she mentions having sex with Lucas in the elevator (Wow, her mom & her are close! Lol) there stands a smiling Nicole, drinking in every word. She makes a snide remark, Chloe hangs up, goes inside in a huff. Nicole follows, asking if Chloe always tells her mommy every time she has sex. Chloe makes some retort, Nicole mentions her having sex with Lucas, and Sami’s ears perk up. She jumps up, asking WHAT do they mean. She calls Nicole a liar, then Chloe, then accuses Chloe for going after Lucas, and seducing him. Nicole grins from ear to ear, pulls up a chair, and is enjoying the verbal catfight. It doesn’t stay verbal for long, as Chloe turns her back on Sami, beginning to walk away, Sami picks up a handful of mashed potatoes from a bowl, calls Chloe, she turns around, and gets it right in the face. She picks up some biscuits and throws them at Sami (Shades of Animal House here, lol), and they start to get a bit physical to boot, yelling at each other, and a big, strong guy comes along, picks them both up at once, telling them to cool down. (That bartender from Cheatin Heart, he is on the Gladiators, I believe). Pete thanks him, the girls calms down just a bit, Sami begins yelling at Nicole, picks up a piece of lemon meringue pie, throws it at Nicole who ducks, and splat….it hits EJ smack in the middle of his face. LOL. He sort of wipes his face, licking his lips, asking what is going on, all 3 begin babbling at one time, he calls a halt to it all. He asks who started this, both Nicole and Chloe say in unison, She did, pointing at Sami. So now Sami goes on about Chloe seducing Lucas at same time EJ was having sex with Nicole in the elevator. Both gals tell Sami this is all her fault, she refuses to take blame. Chloe lets her know that Lucas was despondent over Sami treating him like dirt ever since he came out of prison, refusing to choose, dangling both guys on a string. He overheard EJ telling Nicole that Sami admitted having feelings for him. Sami is indignant, but EJ tells her Chloe is right. Lucas had sex with Chloe and he with Nicole because Sami just would not make up her mind. Sami tells EJ that her life has been a trainwreck ever since he came into it, EJ tells her she made choices, and now she is suffering the consequences. She tells him that is over, she is taking the twins and moving out tonight. She stalks off. EJ leaves, too, Nicole invites Chloe to have a drink on her. Chloe is cleaning herself and her hair off from the mashed potatoes, they have a couple martinis together, talk a bit of Nicole going after Brady, but Nicole reminds Chloe how she wanted him to think she was dead. Chloe tells how Philip has set his sights on Morgan, effectively dumping her. She has to leave, not having a mega divorce settlement like Nicole, to figure out what she has to do next. Outside, she runs into Philip & Morgan. He tells Morgan to go inside, he talks to Chloe. She remarks she knew the “friends with benefits” idea would end up with someone being hurt. Inside, Morgan runs into fellow sorority sister, Sloane, just back from visiting home in San Francisco. She gives Morgan something that was put in her mailbox by mistake. Morgan reads it, runs outside to tell Philip that she got a notice from the Post Office there is a package waiting for her there. He leaves with Morgan, telling Chloe they will finish this conversation later.

At the hospital, Philip & Bo are sitting at Victor’s bedside, both feeling like the hospital has become their second home. Bo, Chelsea, Kay & her baby, Kate, and now Victor. Philip talks to his unconscious dad, telling him he knows they have not gotten along, and he is bull-headed, but he doesn’t really know it all, has lots to learn and needs him still. Victor opens his eyes, as Dr. Dan comes in, asking the guys to leave for a bit. They go out in the hall, Philip telling Bo how his father must have known he was not feeling well, how he was stepping back, giving Philip more responsibility, and finally telling he he was in charge of the entire shebang. But Philip made mistakes and let his father down. Bo tells him not to beat himself up. Morgan is still there, talks to Philip about her dad, telling him how her dad’s letter indicated he was sending her something, but she has no idea what. Insurance of some kind she thinks, but she never got it. They leave. Bo returns to Victor’s room, where Victor makes Bo promise to keep an eye on Philip, to watch out for him, take care of him. Bo reluctantly promises. Later, Bo is talking to Hope, gets a text message on his cell, tells her there is a break in the case, and hangs up, looking rather upset. Chelsea has gone into Victor’s room, telling him how much she appreciated all he did for her after her surgery, hiring the nurses, and taking such good care of her. And now she is going to do the same for him, promising to take care of him to get him well.

Sami comes into the mansion, calling for Rolf, asking him to pack up the twins’ belongings, she is leaving with them tonight. No, she has no idea where she is going but she is leaving. EJ arrives, they have words. She tells him she is taking Johnny & Allie and will not spend another night in this haunted mansion with him. He reminds her Lucas is gone, is in prison, and no, she won’t, she will not take Johnny. He has already seen to it, has a court order forbidding his removal from their home until the custody hearing. Cue a shocked Sami, as EJ tells her she could lose her parental rights if she ignores the order.

Go EJ!! I love Sami but at the same time I'm so happy that someone has finally stood up to her. Just because Sami is the twins' mom doesn't mean that she can use them as such puppets in her play. That is definitely not fair to a child's father! I know that this is soap land but we need to remember that these children have two parents who love them, not just one manipulative mother.
I can't wait for the food fight. I don't think I would want to mess with Sami. Actually, all of them would probably be a handful to deal with.
OK I have to admit I am loving that Sami is getting what she deserves. I really like Sami, don't get me wrong...but I am so glad that Nicole, Chloe & EJ, told her how it was & that this is her fault. They laid it all right there on the line for her! I LOVE IT!!

I still do wonder if EJ has feelings for he using the custody thing just to keep her around? Or is he on the up & up this time?
I wonder how Philip really feels too. I mean he has 2 women that he is interested in, only one of those he has slept with & she moved on to his brother. Is he upset that his friend with benefits moved on..or that she moved on with his brother.

By the way Barb...the very first sentence in your write up says Kate & Dan can't let Chloe know....I am pretty sure you meant Chelsea!! :)

Thanks for all you do!!
Can't wait for Monday. I think this is going to be good. Love Nicole, she is such an instigator.
I would like to say that Sami may have been manipulative in this thing with EJ and Lucas, but perhaps not as intentional as EJ's manipulations have been...don't forget how much of this EJ has started too...Sami might not have had the opportunity to develop feelings for EJ if EJ hadn't manipulated the situation time and time again.
Whoa! How dare EJ threaten Sami with taking custody of Johnny...although wasn't that EJ & Stefano's plan all along. I think EJ has just been biding his time until the whole plan would work out for Stefano to get what he wanted and EJ to do his duty and if he got Sami in the end that was just the icing on the cake. I know Sami hasn't been the best, but I don't think she deserves this. I am ready for her and Lucas to straighten things out and EJ to get the heck out of dodge with Nicole. Although I think she is just another pawn in his plan...
I have to say even though EJ may have manipulated all of the situations, I am glad he is using custody as a means for Sami not to leave. I mean she has done that with all her kids & its about time she got a tase of her own medicine. Not saying I think EJ should be able to take him away from her...but it seems all she has done is now comming back to bite her in the booty.
I wonder if this will lead to Sami getting another paternity test to find out if Johnny is really EJ's baby. She will do secretly without EJ's knowledge. muahahaha.
Let's not discredit Sami right away... she comes back with a vengeance.
EJ claims he is doing what he can to keep his family together. What "family"? He is not married to Sami any more. So he means just his son???

As usual, Sami does things rashly, with no plan. She DOES correct Rolf when he calls her Mrs. DiMera, informing him she is NOT Mrs. DiMera, but Sami Brady. She has no plan at all, no place to take the twins, but she wants to take them out, lock, stock & barrel.

EJ, too, has made a blunder, tho. Sami has NOT been served with the court order. He has a copy in his pocket, tells her, but she has not officially been served, so really is under no obligation to stay.
EJ claims he is doing what he can to keep his family together. What "family"? He is not married to Sami any more. So he means just his son???

As usual, Sami does things rashly, with no plan. She DOES correct Rolf when he calls her Mrs. DiMera, informing him she is NOT Mrs. DiMera, but Sami Brady. She has no plan at all, no place to take the twins, but she wants to take them out, lock, stock & barrel.

Wow she says Sami Brady huh?? Not even referring to herself as Sami Roberts or Horton, since Lucas changed his name? I find that interesting. May not mean anything...just caught my attention.
Whoa! How dare EJ threaten Sami with taking custody of Johnny...although wasn't that EJ & Stefano's plan all along. I think EJ has just been biding his time until the whole plan would work out for Stefano to get what he wanted and EJ to do his duty and if he got Sami in the end that was just the icing on the cake. I know Sami hasn't been the best, but I don't think she deserves this. I am ready for her and Lucas to straighten things out and EJ to get the heck out of dodge with Nicole. Although I think she is just another pawn in his plan...

I agree with you. I am not sure if I want Sami back with Lucas, but would love to find out that the twins belong to Lucas, however, even if that comes to pass, if they write in Sweeney's pregnancy, it would have to be EJ's.
This is just another mating dance for Sami and EJ...they are both doing the same thing to each other. Sami wouldn't let EJ take Johnny just because he was representing Nicole. Now EJ wants to keep Sami and Johnny at the house until they have a formal agreement. I don't blame the man...Sami has been known to use her kids against their dads.

I swear their little back and forth is driving me nuts!

Doesn't seem Sami has much of a reaction to Lucas sleeping with Chloe and abandoning his children! Think she would be high tailing it over to the pen to tell him off! Not running over the the mansion to move out on a whim!
Again, she should be happy EJ moved on from her...I just don't understand it! She gets his money, can live in a mansion with servants and not be connected to EJ at all since he has moved on!!!

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot! Sounds like a really good show! Can't wait! I love all the action that we have had lately!

EJ claims he is doing what he can to keep his family together. What "family"? He is not married to Sami any more. So he means just his son???

As usual, Sami does things rashly, with no plan. She DOES correct Rolf when he calls her Mrs. DiMera, informing him she is NOT Mrs. DiMera, but Sami Brady. She has no plan at all, no place to take the twins, but she wants to take them out, lock, stock & barrel.

EJ, too, has made a blunder, tho. Sami has NOT been served with the court order. He has a copy in his pocket, tells her, but she has not officially been served, so really is under no obligation to stay.

I don't know how a judge in their right mind would give EJ custody. I know if they look at pasts, both Sami and EJ look just as deceitful, but what about the fact of how Johnny was conceived or that when Sami wanted the marriage annulled, EJ lied about it. What kind of role model would he be to Johnny. That kid would turn out more wharped that what Sami could do to it. And, by the way, I still think that Will shot EJ.

This is just another mating dance for Sami and EJ...they are both doing the same thing to each other. Sami wouldn't let EJ take Johnny just because he was representing Nicole. Now EJ wants to keep Sami and Johnny at the house until they have a formal agreement. I don't blame the man...Sami has been known to use her kids against their dads.

I swear their little back and forth is driving me nuts!

Doesn't seem Sami has much of a reaction to Lucas sleeping with Chloe and abandoning his children! Think she would be high tailing it over to the pen to tell him off! Not running over the the mansion to move out on a whim!
Again, she should be happy EJ moved on from her...I just don't understand it! She gets his money, can live in a mansion with servants and not be connected to EJ at all since he has moved on!!!

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot! Sounds like a really good show! Can't wait! I love all the action that we have had lately!

Sami seems to feel obligated to "love" Lucas because of their past and because she feels that he is the one she is supposed to be with, however, she probably ought to end up with EJ. They are so much alike!! The only problem is how will either of them ever be able to trust the other since they are both liars?!?!?
All in all, I think it is Roman/Marlena/John's faults that Sami is so screwed up with men. Marlena isn't a real good role model. She has how many children with how many men?!?!?
I think Sami is old enough to take the blame/consequences for her own actions now. Blaming Roman/John/Marlena is an easy way to leave Samantha blameless and give her carte blanche to do whatever she wants. This mess in which she currently finds herself was caused by her own indecisiveness and childishness. This chick needs to grow up, or she'll always find herself on the outside looking in. These men should have moved on months ago if you ask me. Who wants to battle for her fickle heart forever?
Ok my first thought is that EJ is full of crap. If Sami was smart she would call Mickey instead of taking everything EJ says at face value. My next thoguht is and I know it's totally wishful thinking, but maybe just maybe Dr. Dan didn't sleep with Kate......Maybe they walked out arm in arm so he wouldn't fall and then he cried like a baby about his wife, past, etc and passed out. Now he's embarrassed and that's what Chelsea can't know. :clap: I know it's a long shot, but I like Dan and Chelsea.
Kate UGH :sick:

Thankfully I was right that Dan and the nasty granny hooked up while he was drowning his sorrows in liquor...but whats the deal with her saying she has no regrets?? If only Chelsea could hear that when she finds out because we all know Kate is going to be full of sorrys then.

That is unless Kate wants Chelsea away from Dan so she can have him for herself. Either way...she has more than crossed the line in my opinion. They SHOULD HAVE sewn her legs together during surgery. :mad: