Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug 25, 2016


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Western Wisconsin
At the motel, Kayla is checking Jennifer out, she seems to be OK, overdose not likely. Belle is relieved. Jennifer comes to and wonders what Belle/Kayla are doing there. Jenn says she remembers checking in, ...then spots the pills/booze. This is NOT what it looks like, Jenn insists. Kayla is here to help; Jenn wants to know if Belle will spill to Chad. Belle is here as family, but admits to having Jennifer followed. She is the one who called 911 even though her original intent was to take pictures of Jennifer passed out. She can't imagine Jenn's pain at the loss of her daughter. Later, they have returned to the Horton House, where Julie has been worried about them. (Doug is playing cards with a Reverend.) Julie invites Belle to have tea, she wants to leave; Jennifer doesn't trust her not to run off to Chad, wants her to stay. Belle offers her phone, tells her to look for any incriminating photos. She won't find any.

At the townhouse, Theo tells Claire he's leaving, she wants to talk about their kiss. Maybe he could get Abe's permission to stay longer. He agrees to stay for a soda. Later, they're watching a movie, which Theo reveals Ciara really liked. He goes on and on, eventually causing Claire to shut the movie down. He catches on to his mistake, promises to stop. Claire tries to explain what they should be doing during the movie. They discuss their kiss, which Claire may now regret, since Theo's not over Ciara. Claire gets a text (see below); Theo liked the kiss, and even though he and Ciara were friends for their whole lives, he's over her now. They kiss again.

At the DiMansion, Ciara is unable to calm Thomas, but Chad has found his favourite toy. Chad points out that Thomas senses things, maybe that mom's never coming home. Ciara is unnerved she can't calm him, Chad accuses her of being tense because of her confession of love. She denies this; Chad picks Thomas up, and he calms down. Ciara defends her declaration, it's not an infatuation. Chad understands, but can't reciprocate. Ciara is furious, she knows Chad loves him. Chad sputters, wants her to see things clearly. Ciara wants him to see things clearly; she's here, she's been here while Abigail was gone, and is here now. He opened up to her, she knows he feels for her. Chad accepts he shouldn't have opened up like that. Ciara keeps going on about how it's bad timing, but they can keep it a secret until the time is right, she knows he likes her, be honest with her. Chad speaks of his relationship with Abigail, how they worked to be together, and he can't even think of moving on. He tells Ciara that she's a wonderful woman who deserves a man who will love her with his whole heart. She's upset; he tells her she can't work for him anymore, though he offers to pay her through the end of the year. She's furious (Ed note: I'm guessing here, folks, it's hard to tell what emotion she's going for), doesn't want his money, stomps out.

Later, Chad is talking with Thomas, lamenting sending Abby to the institution, when she should have been at home with them, getting better. He goes to the Horton House, where Belle answers the door (after assuring Kayla she won't expose Jen's relapse). In the living room of the Horton House, Jenn feels fuzzy and ashamed; all she could think about was numbing the pain, which she recognises as selfish. Jennifer is grateful for Kayla and Julie. Kayla says there's a meeting at the hospital; Julie will take Jennifer. At the front door, Belle has closed the door and is talking with Chad outside. She tries to shoo him, but he wants to speak with Jennifer. (He has Thomas with him.) Belle says Jennifer's not able to take care of Thomas now, she implores Chad to take Thomas home. Chad suspects Jennifer relapsed. Chad leaves. Inside the house, Belle tells Jennifer about Chad's visit; Jennifer owns up to her mistake and will deal with its consequences.

Ciara has returned to Hope's house, Hope is asleep early. She texts Claire, asking to talk. Later, she is flitting about the living room, flips the TV on, then off, flips through her phone (foregoing texting Josh or Tim), then grabs her bag and heads out. She goes to the Townhouse, and rather than knocking like a normal person on the barely-open door, she barges in to find Claire and Theo making out. She says something about the door as she enters, startling the young lovers. Ciara feels awkward, apologises; Theo was about to leave, Claire wonders what's on Ciara's mind. Ciara bolts. Theo leaves, after checking with Claire that it's okay to go.

At the hospital, Julie and Jennifer are in a hallway (I don't recognise the set they're on). Jennifer's not sure she can do this; Julie reminds her that everyone in that room knows what Jennifer's going through, and will support her. (She even mentions that they're cousins.) Later, Jennifer's in the meeting, talking about trying to erase the pain of her daughter's death with pills and booze, but she has realised that she can't do that, she has to face her pain.

Claire is noodling on her guitar, stops, and looks upset about something.

In the private area, Theo has found Ciara. He tells her he's not dating Claire, they were just sad about Abigail, and started kissing. Ciara tries to bolt again; Theo offers his ear if she ever wants to talk.

At the DiMansion, Belle has come to see Chad. She confirms Jenn's relapse, which will ensure his custody if he doesn't screw it up. Chad says he has, he's not fit to take care of his son. She fake-calls social services to scare Chad out of his stupor. She doesn't like his pity party, and if he doesn't clean up, she'll be forced to call social services. Belle orders him to call Ciara, but Chad says Ciara's unavailable. Then I'll stay the night, declares Belle.
Did Jen, Kayla, and Belle leave pills and booze in that hotel room?? Someone else could now get high and hurt someone. Guess it's good that Daniel's already gone so at least it won't be him.
Another well done and excellent episode! I can tell I feel the writers are clearly paying attention to fans' suggestions and it makes me happy to see the difference. I hadn't watched Days for almost a month before the 2 week hiatus for the Olympics because I was losing interest, now I am back writing my opinion for the episode.

Definitely loved all the Jennifer/Julie/Belle scenes today. I don't say this too much but I been around AA and have a utmost respect for that program and it was portrayed so beautifully in today's episode. The way Jennifer spoke in the meeting and Julie giving her support was the highlight for me to see.

I am glad Jennifer's relapse didn't keep Belle in the middle too long as Chad had figured out by himself Jen had relapsed. Think this custody battle is not over yet by a long shot though Belle may have to sever ties as Chad's lawyer I am sure. Jennifer will still try and go after custody for Thomas even after the relapse I speculate.

The Ciara scenes I admit were lousy. I even heard a part in the beginning where Ciara had said "I'm not just some kid with a crush on HIS boss!". I caught that right away and right now I am seeing a slippery sloop ahead for this girl.

I've said this before she is starting to remind me of the beginning stages of becoming Sami 2.0. Sami was raped by Alan as a teen and in love with the much older Austin who was with her sister Carrie. Now Ciara was raped by Chase as a teen and in love with the much older Chad who is her cousin Abigail's husband. Days is starting to get Jerry Springer in that aspect LOL!

Then Ciara witnessing Claire and Theo making out that makes what twice rejected in one day. Like I said Sami 2.0 might resurface in Ciara 20 years later. Sami did become the wicked witch of the west after being raped and being rejected by Austin and Ciara was rejected much the same way just as bluntly. I speculate a darker vindictive Ciara soon.

I don't blame Chad at all for rejecting Ciara anyways. Chad is about the same age as myself about 29 or 30 years old and if some 18 year old guy told me he was in love with me, I'd be like "sweetie, you need some time to ripen on the vine, you know" LOL!
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Thank goodness Chad stuck to his guns. He is almost 10 years older. It shows. Ciara's body language is so one dimensional. Arms folded, ready to pounce, see it my way or I'm leaving. She really is petulant. As a child she was much easier to stomach. Let's send her to"Shady" Hills for some help. "We'll keep it a secret until you think it's a good time."

How about never, Ciara. NEVER. When she told Chase, no, and he did not stop it did not end well. Chad should not have taken the blame for her school girl crush. Thank goodness he had the sense to terminate her employment.

Of course now she is going to get in between Claire and Theo. It's all about Ciara. Can't you hear it now, "Really Claire, Theo and I have been friends since we were little kids. There's nothing going on here."

Claire could stand to be a little more subtle with Theo. He is new to this relationship stuff.
Oh Ciara....there just aren't enough words to describe how cringe-worthy her scenes with Chad were today. I. Just. Can't.

Claire and Theo were ok but it made me a little uncomfortable the way she was talking to him about how to act and what to do. I can understand her being frustrated with all his talk about Ciara this and Ciara that but it felt a little like she was talking down to him. I do, however, think these two are the best actors out of the young bunch.

I'm a little confused at the timing re: Jennifer. Had she been passed out for a few hours by this point when Belle showed up? Because it certainly wasn't the next morning. I just would have expected Jennifer to either still be a bit high/drunk/whatever or else hungover. She seemed neither. I don't know, maybe it was just me or just the acting/directing. Who knows.

I'm really loving Belle in this capacity. It's unexpected, yet makes sense storyline-wise. I loved how she faked calling Child Protective Services on Chad. So, she plans on staying the night. I'm ok with this so long as there is not so much as an innuendo at anything romantic with these two. It would be horrible for both of them given their current situations.
So much second-hand embarrassment.

With Sami, I always felt kind of sorry for her. In the early days, it really was more of an innocent crush, and to start she didn't know he was with Carrie. Plus, he was't THAT far off her age. With Ciara I don't feel sorry for her at all, she knows what the deal is with Chad and she's just ignoring it. Telling you about his dead wife is about as far from an expression of interest as I can possibly imagine, stupid girl.
I was surprised at just how gentle Chad tried to be with Ciara, I thought he would go off. I have to say that I thought Billy Flynn (Chad was really good in those scenes. As far as Ciara goes... well I thought Billy Flynn (Chad) was really good in those scenes. :)

I'm thinking they need to bring in another kid for Claire. I mean she's a nice and attractive young lady the way she seems to have to beg for a guy's attention is ridiculous and insulting and wouldn't happen. There is NO reason for her to play second fiddle to Ciara the way she does.
I am loving Belle in her professional capacity. She certainly shines when the writers let her wear big girl shoes. This is the Belle we, or I, want to see much, much more of. I never thought I'd say this, due to the crappy writing for this past year, but it was a pleasure to watch her today. Nix to the Philip encounters. They're just old story and boring as blazes.
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If there was ever a reason to immediately deSORAS all the teens, it was today's events. First Claire essentially has to talk Theo into some sofa smooching action, and then when Teen Ciara* barges in, he seems to think he's obligated to explain things to her (Theo: "It's not what it looks like") despite the fact that she'd already made it clear that she wanted "bad boys." As for the awful Teen Ciara herself, she hit a new low by insisting to poor Chad that he loves her and that she "can see it in [his] eyes." Jenny was sailing low herself for a while ("It's not what it looks like") (yes, it is Jenny) before agreeing to attend a rehab session with Julie. As for Chad, he ought to straighten up and fly right, and hire blunt-spoken Nanny Megan ASAP. She'd make short work of any interference from Jenny, anti-Chad rants by JJ, and home invasions by any would-be kidnappers.
* The term is "Teen Ciara" to distinguish this dreary person from the real, Lauren Boles, Ciara.
Ah, thank you, Jason. And I have to say, stupid & pathetic were those scenes with Ciara insisting she was in love with Chad, and that HE LOVED HER! His wife just died, she has seen the basket case he became, since she went missing from that hospital......and can she have done anything more asinine?

As to Theo & Claire....well, he is autistic, and Ciara has helped him, and dealt with him and this for years. She was probably his only really good friend. Claire has only been back a short time, so will have to learn as well. Theo is high functioning, so it could be deceiving to her, but really has had little experience with others.

And that said, Ciara told Theo she was interested in someone else, really did dump him, so too bad, girl. And whether the door was ajar, she still should have knocked. Surprising she went to go sit alone in the park, not worried at all about anyone perhaps taking advantage. ??

I truly hope Jennifer realizes she needs work WITH Chad in re: Thomas, since she is not as stable as she had thought she was. She even admitted she stopped going to the meetings. Heck, Maggie still goes. Chad had the patience of a saint with Ciara, and as usual, knocked it out of the park with his acting. Was sorry he was about to give Thomas over to Jen, but so glad Belle managed to send him back home with his son. And I loved how she was calling Child Protective Services (faking it) to wake him up. And double liked that, as a really good friend, she was staying the night. Belle has shown herself to be caring, loving, reliable, competent, and probably a few more adjectives. :clap:
P.S. Julie is gold, and wow, said so much with just her expressions.
edited to add....




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Thanks for the summary. Just sort of a meh episode.

BEYOND disgusted with Ciara and Jennifer! I am so glad that Julie, Belle and Claire & Theo were on. I enjoyed their scenes and want more of Claire & Theo, but hopefully without her being a second choice for him. She deserves better than that.
Julie is the matriarch this show needs. Seriously, she's got the life experience to be a less-saintly Alice Horton - understanding, caring, supportive, a listening ear. They need to use her more often.

We got hints of Julie with Ciara when she first aged up which were promising, and that was dropped immediately. Ciara might be more palatable under Julie's wing. Right now she's just flailing all over the place. I get that teenage girls often don't want to listen to their mothers, but their grandmother* might work as an alternative role model.

*Half-aunty/step-granny, whatever, close enough.
Thank you for the summary, Jason. Watching the show now, but a lot of the audio didn't come in.

Geez, I have to agree that the Ciara scenes are just, I'll just say it......awful! I think the writing was pitiful. If the writers want me to feel sorry for Ciara, they didn't achieve their goal. The character has just turned into fast forward material for me. The only things good about those scenes for me were Chad (another home run performance), Claire, and Theo. WOW, did I just say Claire and Theo?!?!

I'm so sick of Jennifer. Julie, Belle, and Kayla are the only reasons I'm even watching her scenes. Julie finally got some meaty lines that are in character.