Days of Our Lives - Tues. May 21, 2013

good point wildflower...

I don't think anyone has mentioned that to Sami either.
they have mentioned EJ took Sydney, made her believe she
died, but I don't think anyone has mentioned that.
@Willflower82 The writers want to give us an understanding as to why Nick was such a twit to Will and guess is they will soon redeem him, making a new man...but Sami is way beyong redemption
Welcome Lovetoshop! Yes, as Kat said, or watching at Hulu is the best option, unless you watch on TV.
Seems hypocrital they have it come out Nick was raped ovisioly in prison by Jensen and yet in the same time period a victim and her rapist are in bed.I guess woman getting raped is nothing,but when it comes to men it means something?:confused::mad::beat:

:clap::clap: Yes usually, it seems to be the other way around on TV and in society. I think rape is horrible, whether for a man or woman, and should be demonstrated as such. It's a shame what the writers have done with this show.
Murder, attempted murder, & aggravated assault are horrible too. :)

I don't think there is a gender specific bias happening with this.
It wouldn't do anyone any good to try to bring up Sami's rape because she would probably just make excuses for it now, say she was willing but was just mad at him or something. She's stupid.

Anyway, I think JJ and his trouble is very realistic. I just think this is one of those stories they needed to draw out just a bit. Rather than having full-force brat, build him up, but the entire time having him be super sweet to Jen. Kind of like Nick- he's been so horrible to Will and Sonny behind Gabi's back but only then. I would prefer JJ that way, I think.
God I have not enjoyed a slap like this,since Nicole slapped the crap out of Ej back in Sept 7th 2011 at the Brady Pub...Kate should have pulled that little red pony hair streak out of her head,or knocked a few of sami's teeth out
I wonder if sami is going to cry to avonboy about the slap and have sad sex with him

Just watched that EJ slap scene! It was good!