Days of Our Lives - Wed. Aug. 4, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Episode #11,389 Taped 6/8 Director – Phil Sogard

Bo sits on the sofa, flashing back to the events of last night, remembering how Hope tried to kill him. He is researching the sleeping pill on his laptap, muttering at how it could even still be on the market. She is still asleep on the sofa, stirs, opens her eyes, asks him what is going on. She realizes she is at the house, not back at the K mansion where she went to bed, asks him what is going on. Bo asks her what is the last thing she remembers, she says going to bed early, but wants to how why she is there, then worries something happened to Ciara. No, she is fine. He questions her further, asking her what happened before she went to bed, she tells of Carly coming over, Viv coming in, their arguing about the death of Lawrence, how unsettling it was. She knew Carly had killed Lawrence, but the details of her plunging the knife into Lawrence’s stomach…she shakes her head. She admits she took a pill to help her sleep. She can’t understand why she is there. Bo tells her they have the person doing the muggings, she asks who….he says I think you should watch this first, and turns on the video, with nighttime Hope confessing. Hope is appalled, this cannot be. Her hands are over her mouth in disbelief, as she begins to cry, no, no.

Carly is on the phone to Chloe (in fact, I swear the first 7 or 8 minutes every one in Salem is on their cell phones. LOL) all ready to go with her to St. Mary’s for the DNA test. (Carly’s hair has been lightened a bit, she is wearing side bangs, her hair pulled back, a very pretty aqua top and white straight skirt. Really looks nice!) Chloe is nearly out the door when Daniel comes out, his consult was cancelled, he will spend the day with her, even go to Chicago with her to get tickets for opera (Faust) that she wants to see so badly. She is trying to protest, he is insistent, but gets a call, the consult is back on. A relieved Chloe dashes out the door.

Baker is still at the cop shop, on the phone with Nicole, who promises a 3rd party will be there with bail very soon. She instructs him to go to his place and wait for her. Meanwhile, Brady is on the phone with a bank , it seems, trying to get some info. He is looking at the wire transfer receipt, wondering what Nicole was up to. He calls her, lets her know he is still at her place, waiting for her. At the cop shop, Roman is talking to another cop about trying to solve the muggings.

Nicole arrives home, happy that Brady is still there. He starts talking to her about her finances, wondering if those investments she told him about ever panned out. She replies not yet, but she has hopes. He reminds her he would always be willing to help her out, she tells him she doesn’t mind being a bit poor for now, the job doesn’t pay all that much, but she is o.k. right now. Brady suddenly kisses her, quite hard, then they are up against the door, he is still kissing her, but holds both her hands against the door. Next we see her half undressed on the bed, Brady shirtless, removing his belt, now kissing her, doing the same thing a big, grabbing her hands holding them down as he kisses her. She is all turned on, but he doesn’t want her talking at all. Later, he is up, getting dressed, and more or less ignoring her. She is wrapped in a big towel, or sheet, talking of that being so intense, then asks if he is upset about something. He asks her how it feels to be in the dark, sucks, doesn’t it……..then tells her to remember it, as that is the last time they will ever be together. Nicole is shocked, as an angry Brady goes on about this being the last time she will lie to him, betray him, make a fool out of him. She has no idea what he is talking about, but he only says something about her finances, how “poor” she is. Nicole is realizing Brady has learned something of what she has been hiding.

Philip shows up at Stephanie’s apartment, but she is gone. He thanks Nathan for his help in getting the hospital to approve the new equipment for the children’s wing, they decide to go have coffee and talk about this some more.
Stephanie meets up with Adrienne at the Pub, starts whining at how having Nathan move in may have been a mistake, as she found this picture of him & Melanie in one of his books. Adrienne advises her to forget it, not to bring it up, no big deal, unless she makes it one. She reminds her that she herself probably has pictures of her & Philip. That shuts Stephanie up, thank goodness. In come Philip & Nathan, hellos all around, Nathan talks of having breakfast, not just coffee, so Phil decides they should go to Chez Rouge for brunch, and they leave. Stephanie thinks that was odd, Philip could not wait to get out of there, Adrienne talks of how Philip really avoids her ever since she saw him outside Chloe’s door the night of her accident when he claimed to be getting something for her. Stephanie figures Philip is hiding something, a secret of some kind.

Daniel arrives to pick up Melanie, talking of wanting to spend the day with Chloe, who kept making all these excuses. Melanie figures Chloe has a secret, probably to do with the baby, some surprise she has planned.

Carly & Chloe arrive at St. Mary’s, greeted by Sister Anne, who has been having a bad morning, new nurses, things getting mixed up. She takes “Dana Scott” to her room, Chloe changes into the hospital gown, comes out, thanks Carly for helping her with this, that she herself needs peace of mind about the paternity. She mentions maybe asking Carly to be godmother, both laugh at how Victor would react. But then Chloe gets serious as she would never want Nicole to raise her child, Carly would be much better.

Out in the hall, Sister Anne greets Dr. Jonas, apologizing for all the mixups that have been going on today, glad he could make it, and bring his daughter, too. She talks of the badly burned patient, Donna Scott (you already can see it coming, right?) who is extremely shy about any one seeing her, so perhaps Dr. Jonas should see her alone first, before Melanie observes. Sister Anne asks a nurse for Donna Scott’s file, and there they are, Dana Scott’s file, right on top of Donna Scott’s, the nurse picks up the wrong one, hands it over, and off Daniel goes to see the patient.
Carly comes round the corner, bumping into Melanie, “what are you doing here”?
Daniel is outside the cubicle, protected by the curtain drawn around it, talking to Ms. Scott, informing her he is the consult doctor, and is it o.k. if he comes in. No answer as we see a panicked Chloe. He asks again, still no reply.

Baker waits for his bail person to arrive, as Roman gets a composite sketch arriving off the fax machine…it is of the person purchasing the items used to try and burn down Bo’s house. Boy, it looks familiar. He goes over to where Baker is standing, Baker turns around, Roman says it IS you, talking of him buying that stuff. Baker denies trying to burn any house down, and is not saying another word without a lawyer, who will be coming with his bail. Nope, sez Roman……no bail!

Hope is still asking questions, still crying, not believing she could have done those things. She wants Bo to arrest her, he is refusing, talking of the pills. No, she did this, then asks him to show her the video from the beginning. She watches in horror, crying at how she never believed Ciara, what has she done. Bo gets a call from Roman, who wants him to hightail it down to the station, they have a “person of interest” they are holding in regard to the attempt on Bo’s life, but won’t tell him anymore. Bo will be right there. He tells Hope they are going to have to go now. The door opens and in comes Ciara, all smiles and happy to see her mommy. She missed her. Hope kneels down, hugging her daughter, as she looks over at Bo.

Is it too much too hope that the Chloe and Philip fling, EJ's involvement with the kidnapping and the Hope/nighttime Hope stories will all come to an end?

Out of the three the Hope story has me most interested. The other two are dragging on way too long.

Oops - And Thanks Poirot for the write up. I was eagerly awaiting it this morning to see what happened with Hope and Bo.
If only I could hope and pray that Chloe won't be "saved by the bell" somehow and that we could at least get to the reveal of the one night stand. I know, I know--we probably still have another year of ridiculous fake-outs like this undoubtedly will be. I can't take it!

I'm looking forward to watching Hope watching herself confess--that sounds excellent.

Thanks for the writeup!
great write up

thanks for the great write -up i liked the nighttime hope story too but iam glad it is done.

I hope the EJ, Sami, Rafe triangle ends soon I hope she kicks EJ out of her life when she finds out that he was the one who kidnapped Sydney . And please resolve the Daniel and Nicole story

already too.
I think the plot is starting to thicken quite nicely with the Philip, Melanie, Daniel, Chloe, Carly thing. My mind is reeling with all the possibilities here. Definitely my favorite storyline on Days...I think it has been well plotted, acted, and written - albeit a bit slow.

Why is Philip bonding with Nate? He should be punching him for making the moves on his wife. I guess I am the only one still bitter about that.

Oh my poor Nicole....

Thanks for the write up
But then Chloe gets serious as she would never want Nicole to raise her child, Carly would be much better.

In what universe would Carly be a better mother than Nicole? Carly gave up one child to be raised by a monster. She let a different monster raise her other child, then killed said monster, and that child isn't speaking to her.

Like slyn, I'm puzzled by Philip and Nathan's camaraderie.

Thanks for a great summary, Barb. Looking forward to the show.
Wow!! Thanks for the write up!!
Can we just get the paternity test over with already. Cause after they draw that out forever they will draw out the telling of it & then the outcome of it! Sheesh....lets move it along! :)

Poor Hope. And I also feel sorry for Bo. He has to be in so much pain to realize whats going on as well. I'm sure he doesnt want to see Hope suffer over this at all!
Evidently Philip had been trying unsuccessfully to get this updated equipment for the Children's wing, until Nathan gave positive input....Phil decided Nathan was a nice guy, really, and wanted to go over some additional details ...thus the "coffee outing"

As to Carly/Chloe.........sorry but I cannot see the 'why' of this sudden turnaround. Chloe knows Nicole was great with Sydney......tho she also knows Nicole gets herself in all kinds of troubles constantly. Maybe that is the reason, but it sure is a 180 for Chloe. However, all the talk is "if".....there has been no "for sure" anything.
Thank you, Barb. Wow, Days is actually putting out several good shows, and the week isn't even over yet.

The only person who I feel sorry for in all of these messes today is Ciara. That poor little girl has done nothing wrong, but she is always the one who has to suffer.

Carly as godmother / guardian = :sick:
Thanks for the write-up! A trivia tidbit for long-time viewers. According to Jason47, the part of Sister Anne is being played by Eileen Barnett who played the evil Brooke Hamilton/Stephanie Woodruff on Days over 30 years ago. She was playing the part when Brooke/Stephanie put her hands in the hot frying pan to erase her fingerprints!
Thanks for the write-up! A trivia tidbit for long-time viewers. According to Jason47, the part of Sister Anne is being played by Eileen Barnett who played the evil Brooke Hamilton/Stephanie Woodruff on Days over 30 years ago. She was playing the part when Brooke/Stephanie put her hands in the hot frying pan to erase her fingerprints!

Can't wait to see her again! LOVED her as Brooke/Stephanie back in the day.
I for one am glad Brady finally sees Nicole for what she is capable of. I bet Nicole doesn't like it that Brady found out that she lied about being "a little Poor" Just not sure where the writers are going to do with Brady now.....
I don't like that they had Brady go in the direction of rage sex. That is so much beneath the character. (no pun intended.)

Note to Steffee - rumors and spoilers go in the Chrystal Ball forum not Days Ahead.
I don't like that they had Brady go in the direction of rage sex. That is so much beneath the character. (no pun intended.)

Even though she was enjoying it, the way it is described it sounds like not just rage sex, but at some level rape. I too hate the writers went this route with Brady.