Days of Our Lives - Wed. Feb. 17, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, February, 17, 2016

Rafe talks with Chad about Bo's gun, found in Andre's luggage. Chad is very forthcoming about anything Andre has said, or done, a cop comes in, found bloody bandages in the bathroom upstairs, Andre' mentions Andre' being hurt in a bldg. explosion. Rafe shrugs, so he says. He tells the cop to bag everything, then asks Chad if there is anything else Andre has said. Chad points out the little statue, with the speck of blood, Andre' tested it, belongs to Stefano.

At the cop shop, Roman, Rafe & Hope are discussing what was found. The blood on the statue does belong to Stefano. Roman asks a lot of questions, is not accepting anything. They sort of ramble around, but Rafe does mention how all Stefano's accounts are empty, bills not paid, etc. and the call to do it came from inside the mansion. They are tossing theories around, maybe Stefano did it, and now is hiding away in Europe. Or maybe Andre did it, Stefano found out, was enraged, they argued, etc. etc. Roman gets a call to check on an arson suspect, leaves. Hope wonders if he bought it. Rafe doesn't know, Roman is a good cop, doesn't take anything at face value.
Roman returns, asks where they could find Andre'. Rafe says Chad says Salem Inn. Go get him, bring him down here.

Belle is waiting when Claire comes home, excitedly tells her to pack, they are going on a mother/daughter bonding trip, travel, shopping, spa. Destination unknown, since Belle rattles off Paris, London, maybe Tokyo as possibilities. Claire says it is expensive, where is the money coming from. Belle claims business is good, Claire figures actually she got it from Philip. Belle denies, Claire even says her mom whores herself to Philip, and Belle almost slaps her. Finally Belle claims Sami lent it to her, Claire knows it is DiMera money Sami took, thinks the DiMeras will kill Belle if they knew she had it. But Claire overheard Belle talking about the money, and Sami did not just lend her her own money, Claire has seen the expensive jewelry, talking to car dealer about sports car convertible in February, yada, yada. Claire runs out......and goes to see her dad, telling him the whole thing, all about the money that Sami took from the DiMeras and gave to Belle.

Shawn is talking with his mother, checking on her, talking of the robbery, fire, Chase missing, etc. She wants him to have Bo's St. Jude medal, he always wore it, said it helped him solve cases. He would be so proud of Shawn.
Later, Shawn goes to see Belle, who immediately figures Claire ran to him. Of course she would, who else. He wants to know what Belle has gotten herself into now.

Andre is still smooth talking Chase, being so understanding, sympathetic. As he talks, he knows Chase is not like his father, tells him to take his feelings into a new direction, a new goal, love. Look for love, and when Chase questions what he means, Andre says Ciara Brady. It is right there for you.

Ciara is sitting in the square with Theo, walking around a bit, talking of Chase, and of their own good friendship. Hope calls her, checking where she is, that the guard is nearby. Yep. Ciara tells Theo she kind of likes her mom hovering like she is, but don't tell her.
Elsewhere, Chase is walking in the square, a cop stops him, folks are looking for him, will take him down to the station. Ciara spots them, tells Chase she did not mean what she said, is sorry, and to come home. The cop goes along to escort, she will call Theo later.

Ava arrives in Salem, sees a brochure about the sights in Salem, tears it up. She stares out the window, then later picks up her phone, bringing up a video. She taped her & Steve having sex. She smiles, as she recalls (flashback time) their rather rough sexual encounter.

At their home, Steve is helping Kayla zip up the back of her dress, they are all happy, figuring Ava is gone, out of their lives now, etc. etc. Roman arrives, Kayla wants to press charges against Ava for kidnapping, Roman doesn't know if he can get her from Jakarta, where Steve left her. But will do the best he can. Steve does tell how Ava wanted Steve to help her find the baby, yes she had one her father gave away, but he really has no idea if it was his or not. Roman leaves, Joey comes home, Kayla glad to see him, Joey is abrupt, won't stay in the same room, can't breathe, dashes out. Kayla knows something is wrong, makes Steve tell her what happened that Joey is so angry. So Steve tells her how Ava wanted him to have sex with her as a condition to free Kayla. And she had pulled Steve in to kiss, when Joey walked in. He also tells her that he also thinks Joey was in love with Ava, so that added to it all. Kayla is furious at Ava. No, Steve does not tell her what happened after he & Ava left Salem.

Chad goes to see Andre' at the Inn, telling him about the cops searching, finding the gun, & Chad witnessed it all. Andre does his best to deflect the questioning, saying how Rafe & Hope are using everything against themselves to point fingers at Andre. But Chad says he cut family ties with Andre after the brainwashing attempt. doesn't trust him, & asks if he really believes Father is dead. Yes, Andre does. Chad goes to leave, and in true Salem fashion, opens the door to find Rafe & a cop at the door, ready to take Andre to the station to answer a few questions.
At the cop shop, Andre is making sly jokes about not changing his clothes before coming there, Roman says they only want to ask a few questions about the breakin and fire at Hope's, and...some other things.

Ciara & Chase arrive home, she calls out to Jen, JJ, no answer, no one home. They sit on the sofa, she apologizes again, doesn't think he started the fire, is glad he came back. He is saying that he loves her, and moves closer. She has pulled her hand away from his, what are you doing. He kisses her, she says no, he says she knows she wants to do this, too, kisses her again. She eventually pulls away, saying no, I am not ready for this. She jumps up, he does as well, she is telling him to stop this, but apparently he cannot help himself. He pushes her down on the sofa, she begins to protest, his hand is over her mouth. We both want this.
So, apparently I won't even record tomorrow's show, let alone watch it.

I am so sorry for whoever does watch and have to write up the summary.

I am so angry at writers who think males can NOT understand the word no. As a mom of 3 males, it is possible to raise a male to adulthood respecting everyone.

And I am deeply disappointed that there is no other story for women than non-consensual sex, a/k/a rape.
This show is worse and more unbelievable everyday! These are the writers we were supposed to be so excited for? Now they are going make Chase a rapist!? I'm assuming someone will come home and it will be stopped, but it won't fix that he started to force himself on Ciara. Why!? Why!? Why?! It is just unbelievable.

I used to watch All My Children, One Life to Live and Days of Our Lives. Now DOOL is all I have left but these stories are killing me. There is nothing good or happy going on now. So much death and grief.

Rafe and Hope have been ruined as cops. Rafe especially because he already had one strike against him. Ruined as cops and I hope they don't become a couple. Steve slept with Ava. I don't know how much more I can take.
I sincerely hope that SOMEONE comes home. Let it be JJ......or better yet, Hope!

I keep thinking about how Theo told Ciara that Chase hurting him was one thing, o.k. But if he hurt Ciara, Theo would hurt Chase. (yesterday)
Belle is just tooo unbelievable. Loved the color pink on her, but another gal wearing sleeveless in mid-winter.
You know, every time Andre' opens his mouth, no matter what it is he is saying, that slow manner of speaking with the definite threat hint in it, he gives me the creeps, but I am so glad Chad doesn't fall for any of it.
I also thought Belle looked lovely in pink! Seems like Claire had the Salem brain today to figure out where the money was from.

Even though Andre has creep factor way up, he is spot on with what happened! Not really liking Hope and Rafe through this but I guess it does call for tense moments on the show. (eyeroll)

I am disgusted where the Chase/Ciara story is going. Ugh, really? Please let it be fake.
I have no words, right now. The idiot writers think that making Chase rape Ciara (or at least try to, as I too hope someone will stop this) is good storytelling ? Chase had many, many possibilities when his father died. But again, the writers had to go to the easiest one of all : turn him into a bad guy. Not only that, let's have him be a rapist.
Hey, knowing The Idiots In Charge, maybe Ciara and Chase, after that, will laugh it off and become each other's great love ! :sick::sick::beat::beat:

I'm sorry, maybe I should not have gone there. But if you're going to tackle a subject like rape, be consistent and call it like it is. Period.
Thank you for the summary, Poirot. Rafe and Hope framing Andre for Stefano's murder is interesting to me. I like how there is just enough truth to things (going after Hope, the fire, etc) that the murder seems logical (but false).

Oh Lordy, I had hoped the talk of Chase doing this was wrong. This is just plain sick and disgusting.

What is wrong with Days? Must every story line end up being doom and gloom?
Rafe and Hope framing Andre for Stefano's murder is interesting to me. I like how there is just enough truth to things (going after Hope, the fire, etc) that the murder seems logical (but false).

To me too. But I was so angry with the ending, that I didn't comment on that at first. Anyway, I hope this is how this saga of Stefano's murder ends. It would only be fair, and for once, the Dimeras would not win. So, I say, throw Andre in jail, then throw away the key and move on.
Any way to reopen my Chase thread? I should have said that I thought the incident warranted a discussion, even if Ciara is "saved", about where the character goes from here and how the writers think its OK to write this crap in the first place. I'm sorry I didn't say this originally or add details about what happened, I just needed to rage and let others rage, plus even though it aired on the east cost and thus was fair game to post about in the discussion thread, I wanted to let people catch up on what happened.