Days of Our Lives - Wed. July 29,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Episode #11,132 Taped 6/16 Director – Grant A. Johnson

The show continues where it left off yesterday, with a repeat of the final scenes – Victor telling Kate that Daniel is not going to pay for what SHE did, and she had better fix it so his godson goes free. Kate claims there is overwhelming evidence against him, he doesn’t care. Fix it. Lucas comes rushing in, learns that Chloe is in a hospital bed, goes in and finds Lexie, who tells him what happened. She evidently fills him in on the poisoning, etc. cause when Lucas comes out, he knows all about it. Outside, Victor continues to press Kate to get Daniel off the hook, if she doesn’t he will tell all, saying that she told him what she had done. Kate says he would be lying, and Victor laughs, pointing out all that she has done, and she has lied to get what she wants…well, he is no different. While Lucas is in the room, Philip comes along, having just heard on the radio that Daniel was arrested and booked. Victor is positive that Daniel is innocent, and will soon be released. Victor had warned Kate that from the way Lucas reacted to chloe being in the coma, he can imagine how he will react when he learns his mother is responsible.

Rafe wants to know from Sami why she is lying to him. That ever since she came home, he has given her every opportunity to tell him what she has been doing and she just tells him one lie after the other. Sami wonders if this is what it is like being with an FBI agent, all the interrogations. Rafe presses, Sami tells him it was none of his business, it was private. He wants to know if she was snooping around trying to find out about him and Emily. She talks of him knowing everything about her, but she knows nothing about him, look how she found out he had a sister, then asks if he has other brothers and sisters, older, younger, etc. She says she knows he loves her, that she told him about EJ…..and Lucas, and he loves her anyway, and she wants to do that with him. Know about him, and be able to love him anyway. And then says we should tell each other, and I will go first. She starts out with the saga of kidnapping Belle when she found out John was the father and not her dad, changing paternity, continues with meeting Alan and him raping her, and how she shot him in the worst possible place for a man, but he won’t rape another woman ever again. We hear her talk of being on death row, saying good-bye to her son and the family and how no one would believe she had not shot Franco, and then she talks of how she disguised herself as a man and ended up in a war zone in the Middle East. And now that she has told him all, it is his turn…..but Rafe says it was her choice to tell him, he did not ask. They argue a bit, and he finally spills….On the day of their wedding, there was a car crash. He was going too fast and wrapped the car around a tree. Emily was with him, and she died. He killed her, took her away from all those who loved her. And Rafe leaves the apartment.

Down at the cop shop, Daniel is still protesting his innocence to Hope. Abe is pressuring Bo to arrest Daniel, citing the attorney general bugging him, and the DA insisting on it. In fact, it is the DA’s call to prosecute, not Bo’s. Bo goes over the evidence, knows it looks damning but thinks Daniel is innocent. Daniel is begging Hope to make sure Kate doesn’t go near Chloe. Hope points out that with Daniel in jail, if Kate WAS guilty, she could not do anything as it would prove Daniel innocent. Daniel warns her, Kate would find a way. Bo comes in, Lucas is back, Hope should go to the hospital, and he stays to talk with Daniel. Bo tells him this is off the record, but points out to Daniel all the incriminating evidence that has stacked up against him, including the bottle of poison in his apartment with only his prints on it. Daniel sighs, sarcastically pointing out that he is such a careful murderer, that he picked up the prescription and made sure he wiped off the pharmacist’s fingerprints, so only his would be on it. And that when he could easily take a drug from the drug cabinet at the hospital, we went to the trouble of writing out a prescription, and having it filled, picking it up himself. (LOL as Daniel seems to have custody of the Salem brain at this moment in time). Bo tells him there is going to be a lineup later for the pharmacist. Meanwhile, Hope has gone to the hospital, runs into Victor & Kate, both seeming a bit edgy. Hope has to talk to Lucas, goes in the room, with Kate warning her that Lucas does not yet know of the affair. Hope lets Lucas know she is there on official business, just verifying he was out of the country when this happened. Lucas says he will give her his boarding pass. She asks if he was ever in Daniel’s apt. ….recently. Yes, Lucas explains how he & Chloe went to get Daniel’s suit and Chloe found that scarf. Lucas figures it belonged to some woman Daniel was seeing. Probably did not want Kate to know. Outside, Victor has once again warned Kate to get Daniel off the hook, or he is going to tell. She says he has no proof, Victor just smiles, he doesn’t need any….let the police do their job.

Philip is talking to his parents, and is told of the affair Daniel & Chloe had. He is rather shocked, (Gad, get that hair out of his eyes, for heaven’s sake!). Kate wants Philip to tell Lucas, he is reluctant. Victor leaves, Lucas comes along, asking “tell me what”. Cue the exchange of looks…and finally Kate says that Chloe betrayed him. And then Philip continues…..she & Daniel had an affair. Lucas is stunned, goes into Chloe’s room, looking at her and asking her how she could do this, how she could have done this to him.

Abe is pressuring Bo about making the arrest, and Bo finally makes the decision to book Daniel, telling him his attorney will accompany him. (this is Victor’s regular attorney). Victor has come in, saying he heard that Bo actually arrested Daniel, but Victor knows he is not guilty. Bo asks him if he then knows who is. Victor denies, saying he doesn’t know a thing. Hope returns, telling Bo about the scarf Chloe & Lucas found in Daniel’s apartment. And the ending scenes are various shots of Daniel being booked. Having his personal items taken and put in an envelope, mug shots, fingerprinting, and eventually, put into a cell, the door clanging shut behind him.

Ok dying to know, does Sami tell Rafe how Johnny was concieved? or does she hold that little tidbit back....
Wow! What an excellent write up Barb! Thank you!
I feel like I am right there when I read your updates!!

The show sounds like a good one.
I tell you what I would like to see, Lucas & Victor teaming up together to bring Kate down. I know it probably wont happen like that since Lucas is the jilted husband & he will go for Daniel first. But boy wouldnt that be a good team to bring her down.

Poor Lucas.....he always gets the short end of the stick huh?

What can I say about Sami & Rafe. Problem is....even if Rafe did tell the whole truth to Sami, she will still dig & dig & dig. Until she thinks she has found everything out on her own...she will not be satisfied!
Thanks for the great writeup! I can't wait to watch Victor in all of this. (Haven't seen Tuesday's show yet either). I hope he keeps Kate's feet to the fire. I glad he is getting an attorney on the case. Not that I care for Daniel but good grief, he should have asked for an attorney before he ever got to the police station! And I am glad to hear they are having a lineup. I kept wondering why they didn't see if the pharmacist could recognize Daniel, even though I think it's unlikely he will be able to identify him (or rather clear him) from one brief encounter out of many in a day. I'm also eager to see Lucas and how he reacts to everything. This sounds like a really good show!
Ooops, thanks OC.......we do not see it, but Abe mentions the lineup was held, and the pharmacist could not positivie identify anyone.

Also, in re Sami's biography tale....we only see the bits and pieces, as scenes fade into each other. She does say, tho, how Lucas pushed her away, refused to see her when he went to jail, and one thing led to another, and she ended up with EJ, then they only stayed married so he could get his green card, then the marriage was annulled, and EJ got together with Nicole. But no, whatever she told Rafe about Johnny's conception, we do not see her doing it.
what about austin and fact she hid the fact lucas is the father of will did she say anything about that
She was relating everything in her life, but we only saw parts of what she said.
FYI: Victor's regular attorney is Gene Briscow. Just thought I'd toss in that little tidbit. Barb, thanks for all you do. I look forward to reading your updates whenever I get a chance. Take care!
Hmmm, I wonder how the scarf will play into all this. Maybe it will show proof of Kate being in Dan's apartment?

This scarf is going to be big... I just feel it!
what about austin and fact she hid the fact lucas is the father of will did she say anything about that

Everyone in Salem seems to know all about that. When the whole hiding Grace storyline was happening, Sami constantly talked about her mistake with Will.

The thing that doesn't make sense is that it sounds like Sami is just telling Rafe all the same things that he supposedly knows about her. It seems like there have been several references to Sami & Rafe having had these talks while in WPP and how he knows all of the "bad" things she did, etc. This just sounds like more of Sami "confessing" so that she can convince Rafe to do the same.
Ok dying to know, does Sami tell Rafe how Johnny was concieved? or does she hold that little tidbit back....

I think TPTB are wanting to hold back that little tidbit... or more accurately, pretend it never happened.

It seems logical that Rafe would want to know how Sami ended up with twins with different fathers, but that would require facing the huge elephant in the room that TPTB have been desperately trying to ignore for the past 2 1/2 years.
Victor's lawyer - Gene Briskow - Isn't he the guy who wrote Victor's ironclad will when he was married to Nicole, so that she would get nothing and also included statement about her shooting Colin Murphy? This was during the recent Salem Slasher shows. I seem to remember Gene getting killed and he had the only other combination for Vic's safe. If that's him, he must have been drinking Salem's healing tea.
Thanks for the summary.

Kate and Maggie have known about the affair for how long now, more than 6 months at the least and had plenty of opportunities to tell Lucas when he started remembering things and asked them point blank to tell him what they were hiding. Now, Kate tells Philip and immediately puts it on him to have to be the one to tell Lucas. How unfair to both of her sons. Why should Philip have to be the one to break that news to Lucas, and does she really think it is a good idea for Lucas to hear about it from the younger brother who has had a previous romantic connection to Chloe himself.
Everyone in Salem seems to know all about that. When the whole hiding Grace storyline was happening, Sami constantly talked about her mistake with Will.

The thing that doesn't make sense is that it sounds like Sami is just telling Rafe all the same things that he supposedly knows about her. It seems like there have been several references to Sami & Rafe having had these talks while in WPP and how he knows all of the "bad" things she did, etc. This just sounds like more of Sami "confessing" so that she can convince Rafe to do the same.

but not to rafe

even she told rafe she plan to say to ej about grace she did not mention it what she did to will

while to lucas she told it one reason she want to tellej
but not to rafe

even she told rafe she plan to say to ej about grace she did not mention it what she did to will

while to lucas she told it one reason she want to tellej

I can't swear for sure, but I really think Sami told Rafe the same concerns about not wanting to do to Grace what she did to Will.

There is so much inconsistency in these storylines, who can know anything for sure. Supposedly Sami & Rafe had long talks (offscreen) in WPP and he knows "all about her past", "knows her better than anyone", etc. Yet, Sami is now telling him of these bad things in her past like it is news to him.
I can't swear for sure, but I really think Sami told Rafe the same concerns about not wanting to do to Grace what she did to Will.

There is so much inconsistency in these storylines, who can know anything for sure. Supposedly Sami & Rafe had long talks (offscreen) in WPP and he knows "all about her past", "knows her better than anyone", etc. Yet, Sami is now telling him of these bad things in her past like it is news to him.

yep you right

if you found date let me know becaue i do not remember it

because i sure she did not tell him i rememeber fight with rafe want to tell ej about grace i found it odd she did not tell about what she did to will for not doing the same wite grace
Rafe knew quite a bit about Sami and her involvement with EJ, which they talked about in WPP, and I think he already knows about the "elephant in the room" from back then. Sami was telling him things now from her teen years.......she seemed to slide over the "Lucas pushed me away, so I ended up with EJ" bit cuz she had already told him all about that in WPP. And yes, Sami told Rafe all about what she did to Lucas in re: Will some time ago.

Victor has been warning Kate about how Lucas is going to react to the "affair" news, and Kate wanted to divert as much of the giving of bad news away from her as possible. When Lucas gets a chance to think about it all, to really let it all soak in, light bulbs are going to go off. heck, Vic could care less about Chloe, but even he told Kate she had gone too far. He even makes a crack to Kate about her own "infidelity", so why should she get so riled up.
Boy for someone who is so concerned about her son, she sure didn't waste time making sure he knew. Kate could have sworn everyone to secrecy for at least a day (even Hope was playing along...), but NO! ANd the fact that she sticks it to philip confirms what I believed all along...this has nothing to do with protecting Lucas and EVERYTHING to do with being jealous of Chloe. After Kate got well, she wanted to pick up where she and Daniel left off, but Daniel wouldn't. And when she found out about the affair, the "new" Kate took a fast train out of Salem. She has humiliated Lucas even worse by making this public. And why? So that Daniel will be punished for rejecting her.

Great write up Poroit...awesome storyline actually. Can't wait for Lucas to find out what Kate did. Oh and Philip too. And CHelsea for tha matter. I don't think Kate will ever be sorry, but I do believe that she will be punished, even if only because her sons will hate her. Shakespearan tragedy...very very cool. I have to hand it to the writers this time.