Days renewed for 2 years!

from the article
Paul Telfer (Xander) went from villain to romantic lead.

Yes, he was brought on as [a bad guy]. He’s a wonderful actor and can take anything and make it work. Paul’s a great Scotsman and we’ve been finding that heart in Xander. Wait till you see him with his haircut.

WHAT, WHAT???? They cut Xander's hair??? I loved it dropping in his face.
When Miss Konefal (Ciara)returns to Salem, whenever that day comes, it won’t be to the same Salem she left. However, Ben and Ciara are star-crossed lovers—we won’t ever forget that Ben and Ciara are special.
So in other words, Ben will never be able to move on from Ciara??? Great. :sarcasm: :rolleyes:
It was a reference to Ciara leaving Salem with Ben being her true love and devoted to her. When she returns, he will have moved on.
That article with Corday was a waste, he didn't really say much of anything.

It appears as though this head writer will remain which I don't understand at all. From a business standpoint, this make no sense to me. He has done nothing to stop the declining viewership (it has continued to go down since he became head writer which means viewers are not happy with the stuff he's writing) and ratings-wise, Days is still in last place. It looks like TPTB don't know how to fix things and have just thrown in the towel?!
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Deidre Hall (Marlena) looked like she was about to cry at the end there.
I hate Ken Corday.

I am starting to wonder if NBC is the one who is calling the shots here and whether Corday is powerless to make any real changes?! This would explain the return of Sami & EJ as well as the dumb sci-fi plots (Dr. Rolf's magic serum that resurrects the dead :rolleyes:). Those have NBC written all over them. I came across a video recently (don't recall if its was on here or not) with the head writer and he made a passing comment about how he has to send the stuff he writes to NBC for approval. Why would NBC have to approve everything he writes and if so, how much freedom does the head writer have to write whatever he wants?!
I know someone who once worked on the show, not personally or anything like that, but this person said everything on Days goes through NBC's head of daytime as well as another suit. I think you're right about Sami/EJ being above the head writer's discretion - but considering the number of individuals involved, it's surprising nobody has vetoed that person yet! They do not improve ratings.

I still hate Ken Corday because he could take a direct interest in the show he inherited but doesn't. And since he doesn't, he shouldn't talk to the soap press and they shouldn't talk to him.
Oh, Ken Corday definitely should NEVER give interviews. It really is a shame about Greg Meng being ousted, as he seemed to be the level headed voice of reason. Who ever talks to/hears from Albert Alarr now? Corday always talks in generalities, trying to put a positive spin on the stupid ideas/scenarios that are coming forth. I sometimes wonder if he knows what actually is happening on the show, or in the offices.
I know someone who once worked on the show, not personally or anything like that, but this person said everything on Days goes through NBC's head of daytime as well as another suit. I think you're right about Sami/EJ being above the head writer's discretion - but considering the number of individuals involved, it's surprising nobody has vetoed that person yet! They do not improve ratings.

I think this pretty much confirms that NBC is the one calling the shots and that the head writer does not have complete control over storylines. Now I see why you dislike Corday so much Jason, he is a sellout. Instead of taking a hands on approach (either directly or indirectly by hiring someone that would report to him), he has allowed NBC to have complete creative control over the show which is very wrong in my opinion. They have run the show into the ground, tarnishing its legacy and turned it into something very different from what Ted & Betty Corday created.

This has me questioning even more why they bothered to renew it? Viewership has been on the decline for years now, its in last place in the ratings and more importantly they have done nothing to even attempt to turn things around and try and stop the decline in viewership. It looks like they are keeping it going just to use it to push their agenda. Case in point, Paulina & Chanel. These characters are NBC creations which is evident by the storylines they have been given. Paulina and her attempt to overhaul the town square and make it more 'inclusive' and Chanel pushing the gender stuff. If this is the direction the show is going in then I am not interested in continuing to watch. I am not fan of shows whose plots revolve around social or political issues of the day, I am interested in a show that has good characters and a good story line whose purpose is to entertain viewers not push some agenda.

Regarding NBC and their influence on characters/story lines, I wonder who is responsible for the following, NBC or the head writer:

1- Kristen having a more prominent role and becoming what I call an 'in your face' character (not in a good way).

2- The complete shift away from romance and traditional love stories (I believe women are the main demo for soaps and I don't think they are happy this aspect of the show has been lost. This might be a big reason why so many people have quit watching)

3- The weird obsession/focus on mental health related characters/plots. Ever since this head writer came on board, all we have seen is stories that have to do with people that are mentally unstable. Do TPTB find this entertaining because I don't and based on comments I have read many others don't either. Mental health is a serious issue and if they were doing a serious story about some character dealing with some sort of mental health problem that is one thing but they are just using mental health for cheap plot points.

I think the head writer might be the one behind these dumb stories, it looks like he loves this stuff as not only has he brought back characters who had mental problems (Kristen, Ben, Jan), he created new characters (Evan, Gwen) and changed the personality of several existing characters (Abigail, Claire, Gabi, Eve, Jordan) to suit his purpose. I hope we see a shift away from this kind of stuff because its become tiring and boring seeing the same type of stories over and over again. Unfortunately, it looks like these are the only kind of stories this head writer knows how to write.
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The headwriter calls the shots, writes the stories, etc. NBC can say NO to a storyline, or make a scene be cut, etc. But they do not say what to write initially. Ron C was given free rein, but the dragging out, the feedback NBC received, they step in (and NBC has changed their head of Daytime programming a couple of times now). Ron very obviously has fav characters he likes to write for. But his tendency to redo previous stories (with different characters) or ones he had written on another soap was another failing of his. It seems that writers have been told "speed it up", stop changing personalities, throwing couples together to see if they "stick". That would be NBC.

And of course, the show was hampered by it's fast filming in order to stay within budget, which made it impossible to drop a story/character that wasn't working. Again, causing a lot of negative feedback. I am GUESSING that Ron has been warned, that Ryan had to step up (former co-writer/consultant) to get everything moving again. The shutdown of the studios was a boon to Days, enabling them to really cut the months between filming and airing down to a more reasonable level.