Days - Thurs. Jan 7, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, January 07, 2010
Episode #11245 Taped 11/11 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Judge Goldberg is ready to hand down Nicole’s sentence, but prefaces it with a statement about her being so remorseful, and how he believes that the loss of her child affected her mind, and therefore he is reducing the sentence….he gets no further when Sami jumps up, going ballistic, ranting about Nicole going free. The judge sternly tells her to sit down or he will have her taken down to a cell and held in contempt. Rafe has calmed her down, she sits, but she is on edge. The judge renders his verdict – 20 years. Nicole seems to get faint, Brady jumps over to grab her, Arianna looks on, the baliff and the judge warn Brady to get away from the prisoner, he returns to his seat. The verdict seems to satisfy Sami, tho. Nicole asks to speak, the judge says she had her chance, but this is not about her. She addresses the room, admitting what she did was horrible, but her concern is for that sweet baby, and urging everyone to keep searching, that the kidnapper cannot be living in isolation, so keep trying. Nicole is led away, nearly everyone leaves the courtroom, except for Rafe, Sami & EJ, who now learns that Rafe has been reinstated with the FBI. Rafe gets a call from his boss, leaves the room to take it. EJ jabbers to Sami..maybe they should tell Rafe, he will have better connections now, can help them. Sami can’t believe EJ has now changed his mind, is ready to tell Rafe when EJ changes his mind again….nope. Can’t tell him, can’t chance it. Sami is rather bewildered, EJ is insistent, says no telling him, are we agreed? Sami does not reply, as behind EJ, Rafe stands in the doorway, now asking what they were talking about. Sami says something about Nicole and her sentence, Rafe doesn’t buy it, EJ chimes in with “a statement to the press”…they all leave. The look on Rafe’s face says he still isn’t buying it.

Gabi is reaming out Chad at the Java Café for not telling her about the baby he & Mia had. He thought everyone knew, she reminds him she is new in town (hmmm, hasn’t she been in town since Thanksgiving? – they sure have a long winter break at that high school, lol) but Chad thought her sister or brother had probably told her. His boss gets on his case, back to work. Mia has come in, spotted them talking, and now takes the opportunity to let Gabi know that what she & Chad had was pretty intense, that they are more than friends, in fact Chad is Mia’s soulmate. (O.K. stop laughing, everyone). Mia goes on and on about the special connection, even tho she is dating Will, and warns Gabi not to say anything to either guy, and then adds she is only telling Gabi all this so she won’t get hurt. Mia gets a call from Will about the sentence Nicole got, and has informed Chad, who returns to tell Gabi he will be off soon, wait for him, he wants to continue their conversation. Mia smugly tells Gabi it shows how controlling Chad is, he used to do that to her, yada, yada, yada. She finally leaves, Chad comes to talk to Gabi, who more or less tells him to get lost, they can never be friends. She grabs the scarf Mia left behind, and takes off.

Anna is holding Sydney, hears a noise outside the door, but when she checks it out, no one is there. She has Sydney in the playpen, gets a call, then tells Sydney her ex-mother just got sentenced. She shudders at the idea of spending time in jail, vowing she is just never going to be caught. She again hears a noise at the door, and figures there definitely has to be someone out there. It is not “just a branch”.

Maggie is at the hospital, giving Chloe instructions on taking over for Maggie while she is gone. Chloe is not sure she will be up to it, but Maggie is confident all will be o.k. Lexie rushes up, telling Chloe she’d better check events at the courthouse, the hearing was not just a preliminary one. Lexie goes home with Maggie, bringing a box in for her, then commenting on the framed picture that is on top….it is a black and white photo of Tom, Alice, Mickey & Maggie, taken on their wedding day. Maggie talks all about it, how nervous she was…..and then goes on and on about her life with Mickey, the ups and downs, the fights and makeups, the divorce and remarriage, children and grandchildren and how blessed she feels, having married her best friend. They talk a bit about Lexie, Abe, Theo….and how great life is now for Lexie & Abe. Maggie knows Lexie also married her best friend, Lexie agrees. They talk of the cruise to South America and how wonderful it is going to be to get away, how excited Mickey is…he is upstairs packing.

In the living room, Mia is cozying up to Will, yakking how much she needs him, and soon they are making out. There is a knock at the door, Mia goes to answer it, and there is a rather surprised Gabi, returning Mia’s scarf. Mia asks Will to go get her a drink, water is fine, Will leaves and Gabi wants to know why she is making out with Will if Chad is her soul mate. Mia tries to say they weren’t kissing, but Gabi sees the smeared lipstick, red faces, etc. Mia denies, Gabi insists, telling Mia that stringing Will along is wrong. And if she cares at all about Chad, to leave Will alone. She leaves, Will has come back in, wanting to know what Gabi meant.
While in the kitchen, Will ran into Maggie, who is on her way upstairs to pack herself, is running late, no time to water her plants, will Will & Mia do it…and don’t forget to turn the lights all off if you leave the house. She dashes out.

Brady has returned to the Pub, where it is obvious that Arianna is upset with him. She knows he’d like Nicole to be free, and also that he wants to go say a last good-bye to Nicole. She tells him to go, and go now. He leaves, she mutters she knows he is still in love with Nicole, she knows it, and he has to know it, too.
At the jail, Nicole is visiting with Chloe, thanking her for being her friend, sorry they spent so many years fighting and so little time being friends, wishing it was vice versa. She tells Chloe she wishes she herself had not spent so much time chasing a dream, when reality was right in front of her, and by that she means Brady. (nothing like telling the ex-wife that her ex-husband is the man you really want, lol). She knows Daniel loves Chloe so much, tells her not to take that for granted. Chloe promises to come visit, Nicole urges her to leave, and Chloe goes out the door. It opens again, Nicole thinks it is Chloe, but Brady appears. She is greatful he came, greatful for all his help, and her situation now is her own doing, he should not try taking the blame for any of it. She tells him that he is not to try and call her, write her or visit her. That the best gift she can give him is to have him move on with his life and find happiness. She does warn him about Arianna, tho, telling him she overheard Arianna & her sister talking, and Ari is a drug dealer. Brady assures her that is not so, just a mistake. She gives him a quick kiss as the guard arrives to say the transport is here.

Sami & Rafe arrive home, she says he has been so quiet all the way home. He asks if she doesn’t have something to tell him, she wonders why he is acting so suspicious. He tells her that when he interrupted her & Ej earlier, he does not think she was being honest with him. Am I right? Is there something you want to tell me?

EJ has returned home, poured himself a drink, gets a call, has a fit and storms out.
Maggie slowly enters her kitchen, looking rather dazed, and upset. She sits down at the table, lets out a breath…..then a sob…and then Maggie begins to cry. The camera pulls back to show Maggie, hands folded, sobbing.

Anna has her coat on, a huge blanket wrapped around Sydney, she rushes to the door, opens it…..and there stands EJ…..looking rather angrily at her.

Thanks for write-up:)
Oh EJ is so in on the kidnapping... what a scum-bag, but I can't say it's a shock! And again I say, Sami, dumb, dumb, dumb for trusting him. too dumb for words.
Wow, Mia is quite the liar and manipulator all of sudden isn't she? Interesting.
This not telling Rafe deal is going to cause a rift between Sami and Rafe. I don't like it!

See- I just knew it was EJ. He's so bad- so evil.

Nicole gets 20 years... she's not really going to carry that sentence out. What if she finally remembers the voice which then helps in the rescue of Sydney- and then she is cleared from her sentence... (Speculation) ???
Hmm very interesting though.
Thanks for the great write up Barb!!

I am so glad we can now see how much of a DiMera EJ really is. Seems he learned too well from Stefano. I knew it was him.

What has happened to Mia? Did she find her evil side?

Now that Nicole has 20 years, how will she return? I am sure there is a twist somewhere, lurking out there.

Sami, come on, really..have you not learned anything...wake up....
Thanks for the summary. If it wasn't for you, I'd have to go to some other site that is not nearly as good as yours to get my info.

I don't get to watch Days at all right now, haven't since July. My office is being renovated and the TV hook up is not back in the break area yet. I work on a military base, and being government, everything is done very slowly. When I was watching, I could only catch half the show because I only get half an hour for lunch. I don't really have time to watch it at home, besides the DVR is monopolized by the rest of the family and my old computer is too slow to watch it on line. My office computer blocks so many sites, that I can't pull it up to watch on line, during lunch, at the office either. That leaves you as my source for what's going on on Days. None of the the summary sites that I've visited over the years have been anywhere as good as yours, so I don't even bother with them anymore.
Thanks for the preview, Barb. I don't usually get to read it this early but am hiding out from the cold weather this morning. Up until now, I have been pretty indifferent to Mia. Not a fan but she didn't bother me like she did some. Now I definitely do not like what she has turned out to be--a nasty little pretender. Guess she's been taking lessons from Stephanie.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Boy has Mia ever changed. Hmmm could not stop laughing when Mia told Gabi that Chad was her soulmate even though you told me to. Not sure if I like the new Mia. I know I liked the old one. Poor Nicole 20 years. (and EJ gets nothing for his crimes just wait til it comes out that he had something to do with this kidnapping) I am going to miss Nicole. Poor Maggie. I just feel so bad for her. (bet I know why she is crying and dazed but this is not the spoilers) I am going to try and get it on my Dad's tv.
Oh boy....

I really can't wait to see this one...all except for Mia, that girl just gets under my skin. One minute she's telling Gabi that she and Chad are soulmates and in the next she's trying to get into Will's pants! I look forward to seeing Rafe's face, I love when he gets that suspicious look in his eyes (loved Galen on Passions, even though his talent was seriously wasted there IMO and the same goes for Lindsey and Eric) Thanks for the write up Poirot, I really enjoy reading your recaps!
Mia is definitely a changed personality....and EJ....I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Scum that he is....
Thank you, Barb.

I don't know if I can watch Maggie's scenes today. I was tearing up just reading the summary.

I want to shake Mia. Was she a cheerleader at her old school? I wondered because they talked about Chad being the quarterback at the other high school. Mia is now acting like a cheerleader from hell like in some tv shows and movies. Maybe what we're seeing now is the real Mia, and the other personality was just a shell shocked one.

I'm soooo po'd at EJ. I'm hoping against hope, fingers and toes crossed, that one of his henchmen tipped him off instead of him being involved in the kidnapping. Anna's cohort could've been followed from D'Mansion. Oh well, that's how I would've written it. I can dream.
Mia is definitely a changed personality....and EJ....I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Scum that he is....

I am with you on this one. He is Scum, and I saw the writing on the wall, with him figuring out the ramson note, come on we know he is not that smart
Thank you for the fabulous write-up, Barb!!!

MIA!!! That little skank! LOL She used to seem nice. I hope Will figures this out! He doesn't always seem that aware though...HEHEHE Do you think Chad is still interested in her? Gosh...this storyline is too close to the Melanie/Philip/Nathan/Stephanie scenario.

I STILL can't figure a plausible explanation for EJ's involvement in the kidnapping (even though several suggestions have been made in other threads), so (like redsquirrel) I am hoping that he's just been given the information about where Sydney and the kidnapper are from his thugish spies. Would it make sense for him to go confront Anna his own though? SAMI!!! Smarten up, Girl!!! Shake the truth out of her, Rafe!!!
Maggie slowly enters her kitchen, looking rather dazed, and upset. She sits down at the table, lets out a breath…..then a sob…and then Maggie begins to cry. The camera pulls back to show Maggie, hands folded, sobbing.

This definitely sounds very sad.

EJ being behind this whole thing makes perfect sense, and for once Days gave us a mystery wherein the mastermind is acting in character and had a completely understandable motive. Think back to how terribly they botched the Trent murder story by making sweet Nick Fallon the murderer--that was a twist, but it was a terrible one because they didn't bother to set up Nick's addiction, which was necessary because Nick killing anyone, let alone in cold blood, was simply unbelievable. EJ is back to the EJ he was when he first got back to town, coldly manipulating Sami by pretending to be her friend and caring for her, all the while cruelly depriving her of her daughter. The first time around he was doing Stefano's bidding by manipulating her, and now he's hurting her of his own volition. It's almost a perfect mirror for what she did to him, except that there's a malevolent overlay--he didn't know Sami was keeping a child from him, while she knows her daughter is missing. How anybody can think EJ loves Sami I will never understand.

Mia--pfft, who cares. I didn't care about her as a misunderstood hard-knocks teen and I don't care about her as a scheming bad girl. I'm sorry, Poirot, but I did laugh at her saying Chad and she were soulmates. ;)

Terrific summary, thanks very much!
OMD! That dirty SOB EJ. I wish Rafe would find out and ring his neck. Maybe this is how Nicole is going to get a lesser sentence.

Mia! Are you a DiMera, seems to me you should be.

Sami is up to he old tricks, she better beware!
Ok, the bumps outside Anna's house are EJ's men keeping an eye on her....Anna is freaked about Nicole's going to jail and decides to run (maybe return Sydney..??)when the men watching her see her putting her coat on and preparing to leave they call EJ, he gets the call and rushes over to make sure she stays put, when Anna opens the door with Sydney bundled up to leave, EJ is angry and wants to know what is going least that's my take on it....
Ok, the bumps outside Anna's house are EJ's men keeping an eye on her....Anna is freaked about Nicole's going to jail and decides to run (maybe return Sydney..??)when the men watching her see her putting her coat on and preparing to leave they call EJ, he gets the call and rushes over to make sure she stays put, when Anna opens the door with Sydney bundled up to leave, EJ is angry and wants to know what is going least that's my take on it....

yeah..he's p.o.'d that she is going to take flight... but what is the connection with her and Nicole?
She was telling Sydney that Nicole was being sent to prison for kidnapping Sydney, and then mumbled about no way was she going to let that happen to her, she then said she would rather die than go to I figure she's getting nervous about taking the heat....she has to know EJ will make sure she is punished if caught and he will skate like he always does.....
Other than that, I see no connection with Nicole....