"Dear Ruffles McRed"....an advice column by Maggie

Dear Ruffles McRed,

You seem to be getting a lot of letters about a girl who conked a dude on the head with a rock and tossed him in the river. Shouldn't you be a bit concerned about that and perhaps notify the Salem PD?

Concerned Citizen

Dear Concerned Citizen,

The Salem PD has far better things to worry about, such as finding that vile Kristen DiMera for what she did to poor Father Eric. They don't have time to be worried about bodies supposedly tossed in the river. Besides, I really need to talk to my divorce lawyer now.

Really impatient now, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

Do you know where I can find a detector dog ? As I need to find cocaine... I mean, all the bad drug dealers out there.

Bra... Brainless, the name is Brainless

Dear brainless,

Oh, drugs are such a terrible thing. I can't help you with the detector dog. But you can always try calling the wonderful Salem PD, they're so good at finding stuff.

Naïvely, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

Woe is me. My fiancé and I overcame the hateful attitude of his friends and family, but then my wedding was ruined by a trick played by a nasty old grouch. I've now moved away, but wonder if I should try to reunite with my true love. I know he still loves me, I just do.


Dear KrBlDiM,

You poor thing. Something similar just happened here in Salem, and boy did I give the person who ruined the wedding a piece of my mind. In fact, I'm divorcing him. But take heart, true love always prevails. Run to the waiting arms of your lover. May happiness always be with you.

Romantically, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

We seem to have missed the ad about the big recent sale on leather jackets in Salem. Instead, we are stuck with hideous looking thin jackets that won't even last the Fall, let alone a Midwest Winter. Can you help us?

Bored Detective and WhatsHerName

Dear Bored and Whats,

Talk to my beautiful and most perfect niece Jennifer Rose. She has leather jackets in every color of the rainbow! Did I mention how perfect she is? Plus she has a lot of free time on her hands these days so I'm sure with her insider press connections and her being a perfect Horton, she can hook you up with a great deal. Good luck!


P.S. Don't let WhatsHerName get anywhere near my son Daniel. My perfect Jennifer Rose will get jealous and won't be so perfect anymore.
Dear Ruffles McRed,

I'm a patient at a local hospital and I'm having feelings for my physical therapist. Yesterday, we were on an approved outing and we kissed. I'm pretty sure she liked it. She's pretty shy, though. How do I proceed in this relationship?

Sincerely, Sexy Brown Eyes

Dear Sexy Brown Eyes,

I find it absolutely appalling that a hospital employee would DARE to kiss one of their patients. What kind of unprofessional slimeball would cross that line? You should immediately report this person to the hospital HR Department for being out of line. Imagine... the nerve of some people, hitting on a patient like that. Ugh....

Disgustedly, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

I think I made a horrible mistake when I accepted to work for a screechy evil blond woman who wanted to get revenge on her fiancé's mother by hurting her son, who's also a half brother, kind of, to the fiancé (try to say that three times really really fast). Now, I'm afraid I might get caught as apparently, a doctor, a TV reporter and the half brother/son victim are trying to find out what happened. What should I do now ?

Dr. Ch.... I mean, Chiquitita

Hey Writer, now that's spooky. As I was reading it was like, "did I write this"? My name is actually Chiquita. Imagine my double-take. :rotfl:
Dear Ruffles McRed,

Do you know where I can find a detector dog ? As I need to find cocaine... I mean, all the bad drug dealers out there.

Bra... Brainless, the name is Brainless

Dear brainless,

Oh, drugs are such a terrible thing. I can't help you with the detector dog. But you can always try calling the wonderful Salem PD, they're so good at finding stuff.

Naïvely, Ruffles McRed
Dear Brainless: I understand Ruffles McRed gave you great advice on calling the Salem PD to help you find a detector dog....but in case you find them barking up the wrong tree, maybe you should just call out Scooby-Doo? He could be available quickly and might still have a good sniffer.

With love, just another Granny from outside Salem looking in.

Dear Ruffles McRed,

I'm doing time in State Prison for helping a woman that I was infatuated with mug the cads who had done her wrong. In the past, I also got paid for helping lonely couples get the baby of their dreams. I keep waiting for parole, but nothing happens. Any advice?

Inmate Doc

Dear Inmate Doc,

Tsk, tsk. You did stray from the straight and narrow, but don't lose hope. My brilliant, darling nephew was paroled from State Prison and made a wonderful new life for himself here in Salem. And just recently, he left to take a great job in New York City!! I can't wait to hear from him.

Understandingly, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

My private heartbreak is all the things mean, mean, mean people say about my darling baby boy. Even James Bond has said awful things about him. It's almost more than I can bear. Please help.

Susan in London

Dear Susan,

I feel your pain. I know how I'd feed if anyone dared criticize my wonderful, perfect, darling, egg-baby son. But take heart. Someday these awful people will be forced to recognize your son's wonderful qualities. Imagine how foolish they will feel then. And pay no mind to James Bond. He's just a handsome lout in a good suit, with a taste for violence. P.S., if you see that nice Kate Middleton, say hi to her for me. Her baby is soooo cute.

With sympathy, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed...

Over a year ago my husband left to visit our son & his family who are on an around the world by boat adventure. Our daughter & I flew out to meet them all last Christmas, and my husband decided to extend his stay, but would be home in a couple of months. He still is not back, he keeps making excuses, and I no longer know what to tell our daughter.
Frankly, this has just gone on too long. Is there a solution?

Signed...HopeLess & Lonesome

Dear HopeLess. & Lonesome....Alas, you have already stated the obvious. It has gone on too long. One word - attorney. If your husband seems to be reluctant to return home, it must mean he is happier wherever he is, which seems to no longer be with his son and that son's family. Is there an old love or flame of his in Europe somewhere? Perhaps he went searching for his roots and found happiness there.
Unless you plan to live the life of a nun, as you probably have the past year or more, get into that attorney's office fast. Time is awasting.

Legally......Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

I know this woman who is in terrible need of a stylist. I feel she's trapped in the 80s, hairwise (always very poofy, typically always styled the same regardless of whatever awful outfit she's wearing). Clothing wise, she's always in gigantic flowy scarves atop equally gigantic ruffles. I would love to see her in maybe a nice sweater, something that less resembles Bozo the clown's wife? How do I tell her?

Sincerely, You Need a Makeover

Dear Needs a Makeover

Wow, it sounds like there's nothing wrong with your friend's style! In fact, I think I'd like to go shopping in her closet. Does she love bright colors? If you must tell her, though, just nag and call her "dear" or "darling" a lot. Eventually, she will thank you. Or just have her call me for a shopping date.

Yours, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

I'm a college student in need of a man. I recently lost my virginity to the man I thought was my true love, but he turned out to be a liar, so I dumped him. How do I find a good, honest, upstanding man in Salem.

Sincerely, Not So Pure Anymore

Dear Not So Pure Anymore,

Since the only good, honest, upstanding man in Salem is my perfect darling, Dr. Daniel Jonas (and he's far too old and sophisticated for the likes of a college girl), I suggest you move.

Cheers, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

How do I make everyone in Salem realize I am the greatest person to have ever lived here? I mean, I am the best mother ever to my 9 children, I'm the greatest business woman to have ever run a company, I was the best wife in the history of Salem wives. Why don't people give me the absolute respect I deserve? Everyone in this stinky town is a doody-head if they don't bow down to me as I pass by. I need you to tell me how to make them all respect and worship me, otherwise, I will HATE them!

Signed, Queen of Salem

Dear Queenie,

I think you need some serious psychological help, especially since MY son, Daniel Jonas, is the greatest person to have ever lived in Salem. Please be sure to check in with Dr. Marlena Evans to make an appointment for your issues, dear.

Concerned for your mental health, Ruffles McRed

Reply from Queen of Salem:

Dear Ruffles McRed,
About ten months ago, I had a one-night stand with the ex-husband of my ex-daughter in law, which turned into a real, loving relationship. It was very real and very loving, it was NOT a fling. Anyway, we got in a fight and broke up kind of because my gay grandson knocked up his little sister, it got complicated. So I was going to apologize to this man for our fight, and I found him lying in an alley having been beaten nearly to death. Now he's in physical therapy, and I think he has a thing for his therapist. We aren't back together... Yet, and she's getting in my way. How can I get rid of her? I'm great at baking.

Signed, Not a Cougar

Dear Cougar,

Maybe you should kill this lady with kindness. Bake her treats! If that doesn't work, maybe you should talk to the therapist or your... Boytoy. My perfect son is available if it doesn't work out for you!

Happy baking! Ruffles McRed.
Dear Ruffles McRed:
There is this big-haired woman in Salem who seems to butt into everyone's business. Everywhere you go, she's there; Horton Town Center, the nurse's station at the hospital, and even in my restaurant. She gives that condescending head tilt while she's bossing everyone around. Add to that the fact that she stole my son's father from me, but I'm ok with that, as he just threw my grandson under the bus, and she can have the old coot. Oh, and if I hear one more word about her perfect doctor son, I will give her 'what for' on behalf of Salem. What should I do?

Car..uh...ummm...Clam Chowder....cookies...ice cream....kids....oh, never mind!

PS - I also think she dresses like an understudy for Elizabethan-era dramas. All those high collars and ruffles-very tacky!

Dear Confused, ( that's what I'll call you, as you seem somewhat, you know...)

Why would any town be upset with someone as helpful as she? She sounds absolutely delightful! I'm certain she is full of wisdom and good advice to share with all of Salem. It does take a village, so she takes this noble burden upon herself to set the good citizens on the right path. You know, she reminds me of a certain plucky redhead I know.... . Anyway, I understand how she must feel about her son. As you must know, my doctor son IS perfect! As much as I'd like to continue advising you on this matter, I must leave to divorce my 'old coot'. I will be sure to share more with all my readers later.

PS- I find nothing wrong with her style of choice...
Dear Ruffles McRed,

My family is such a disappointment. My now-deceased son was so estranged that he refused to call me "father." When my favorite daughter died of brain tumor, some family members tried to blame me. What a heartbreak. My youngest son shunned me and has now left town. Another daughter, whom I was counting on to bring the family together, just caused more upset before leaving abruptly. Finally, my favorite son has long been wasting his talents and has spent half his life trying to win the affections of a tainted, fickle, volatile woman who once shot him in the head. Where did I go wrong?


Dear Pater,

You poor, dear man. If you ever come to Salem, drop by my home for some warm milk and home-baked cookies. As for children, they can either be a joy or a heartbreak. Luckily, I am blessed with the most wonderful egg-baby son in the world -- handsome, brilliant, and superior in every way. He's even a doctor. He also looks so cute with a three-day beard. Hopefully, your children will soon see the error of their selfish ways, and rush back to your loving arms.

Knowingly, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed

In my younger days, I was greatly influenced by my fatha father, who had his own way of doing things, but was very successful at it. In the course of trying to follow his wishes I met and became enamoured of a young lady. There was an unfortunate sexual encounter, and eventually she gave birth to twins, making me the father of one of them. Thru the years, there were ups and downs, and during one of the better periods, managed to conceive another child, though she never revealed that pregnancy for quite some time. She married another man, but with some work on my part, was able to end that. Then, I promised to change, to be the sort of man she wanted. She eventually moved back into my home, with her children, agreed to marry me, but another problem rose it's ugly head. My sister underhandedly seduced her brother, and my fiance' realizes I knew about it, and said nothing, before my sister was about to wed her other brother. Sadly, a video was made, shown just before the wedding, and now she won't talk to me. She claims I sacrificed her holier than thou brother to protect my sister. (actually my sister is adopted, so not blood, while her brother is her twin)
Right now she is very angry with me, and while I have been able to get her past her upsets in the past, this is proving beyond me. What can I do now?


Dear Perplexed

You naughty, naughty man! You may try to disguise events with smooth sounding rhetoric, but you cannot hide. It would seem your infatuation with this woman led you to forcing yourself sexually upon her. The fact she later hid another pregnancy from you is telling. You, sir, must be very good at hiding your bad qualities & deeds, something you undoubtably learned, as you have indicated, from your father. You, sir, appear to be a charlatan, and while you claim to be corrupted by your father, you do have a will of your own, so you cannot blame him for your heinous acts.
You are fooling yourself, if you think you will ever have a lasting relationship with this woman. She seems to understand that your promises to change were just so much rhetoric, as I have.
My advice is not to beat a dead horse. If you have to constantly scheme and lie in order to win favor with her, you will never win her hand. Let her go about her life. If she cannot be without you, she will be back, or perhaps will not leave. She knows what you have done, pointless to lie and try to cover it, however you are doing so.

Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

I am perplexed by your answer. You were so understanding to others who sought your advice, yet you call me a charlatan. I'm handsome, charming, wealthy, and have never swerved from my devotion to the love of my life. Certainly,I have committed some indiscretions over the years, but my loved one frequently insists on making these molehills into mountains. I think the problem is her, not me. Is there any way that I can get her to see the light?

Doubly Perplexed

Dear Doubly Perplexed,

You sound totally clueless, just like my soon-to-be ex-husband's grandson who insisted that he wanted to marry a monster despite all the warnings from his loving family. You also seem a bit like my self-centered old fool of a husband who always put himself and his priorities first. There is no hope for you until you completely change your outlook on life. For starters, I suggest you consult with my perfect egg-baby son, Dr. Daniel Jones, who brings new meaning to the concept of "living for others." P.S., don't write again.

Irately, Ruffles McRed
Dear Ruffles McRed,

My mother thinks I walk on water, that I'm the cat's meow, that I'm all that and a bag of chips (she's right, of course)! How do I make sure everyone in Salem agrees with her assessment of me?

Signed, Surfer Dude

Dear Surfer Dude,

You need to make sure your mother continues singing your praises to everyone who still breathes. Tell her she needs to constantly remind everyone of your pure awesomeness as a man, 24/7. If people don't want to hear it, she needs to MAKE them listen to her. And if you need more people to listen to her singing your praises, my miracle doctor son, Daniel Jonas, can resurrect those in the Salem cemeteries, because that's just the type of guy my precious egg-baby is!

Proudly, Ruffles McRed