Departing...arriving part 15

Nothing against the actress, but this is disappointing. Unless they give her a personality transplant, listening to Sloany-Baloney whine about her dead parents has gotten as old as Sami proclaiming that EJ changed and how John/Marlena ruined her life with the tabletop tryst.
As much as I hate to admit it, the last few episodes, she (Sloan) has seemed almost like a normal person, and not quite so annoying, since she started genuinely caring about Eric, and not just as a roll in the hay, which I know has been for whole 5 seconds, but still the last few episodes she almost seems palatable, and remotely relatable.
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I agree, as well. She is a solid actress who is good enough to make us dislike her. But now becoming, possibly, someone we might actually like a little. Redeemable now that she has given up on her revenge plot, especially when she learns all the havoc her brother caused. Maybe, just maybe, she will be tolerable. If she continues to keep Nicole's secret, that will be one huge gold star for her. Not saying we will love her/be in her corner, but if she is humanized and given a better story line, who knows? Salem doesn't need yet another villainess.
Sloan keeping Nicole's secret is self-serving. It isn't because Nicole asked her.
She doesn't want Eric to think or know Nicole is pregnant and possibly with his baby.
She is threatened by his bond with Nicole and knows that would seal the deal!
I think Sloan is toned down a little, but she is still "All about Sloan"
I still think she’s limited in ability compared to stronger performers on the show. Her facial expressions have been super limited: surprised, angry, sad, horny. But it helps when they give her more to do than slink around screaming about her horrible parents. She was a miserable person who hate-banged men for the first several months with no visible joy in sight. Miserable bed-hopping is actively unpleasant to look at. It just reads as damaged.

Recently, they’ve given her scenes to look like she’s capable of enjoying life and not just when someone she hates is miserable. So she’s added happy and concerned faces to her portfolio. This helps. I still question her ability to show complex emotion beyond just sliding between stagnant emotion faces.

But she needs a friend who likes her with her clothes on. Is there anyone not sleeping with her who even wants to be in the same room with her? Is there anyone she likes who she doesn’t see naked? Psycho Colin doesn’t count. Usually, even a hated character forms a bond with someone. Gwen wasn’t all bad at first, and then she had Xander, Jack, and Leo. Xander eventually had Maggie. At her worst, Gabi still had warm interactions with her brother and Will. Alex had Sonny when he came in the show.
I think Sloan is being self serving but also it's none of her business. And it shouldn't have been any of her business when she ran into Nicole. Now if she's actually trying to respect her privacy it's too late.

And I agree with Tina that these villians need someone to make them likeable if they're sticking around and Eric isn't that person. Oddly enough Nicole might have been the right person to befriend her.
I miss Eli and Lani. I’m still mad that somehow she’s in jail for killing a man who was in the middle of committing multiple violent felonies, but Megan and Kristen get to run free.