Downton Abbey -Season 6 - the last season


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Watched a retrospective of Downton last night....I guess our PBS station is going to have a fund raiser in December, at the GlenSheen mansion in Duluth. I have toured it, and though impressive, in wayyyyy smaller than Downton. Anyway, it is the site of a famous murder back in the 70s, where the grandmother was murdered in her bed, middle of night, the granddaughter & her husband were arrested & charged. I think the gramma's nurse was also killed. The culprits actually flew into Minneapolis I believe, then to Duluth. Well, can't remember all the details now.
The family gave the mansion to the Univ. of MN, who runs the tours, etc. But this Soiree is $120 a ticket, includes a big dinner, and then an advance showing of the lst episode for this upcoming last season Plus the boxed set of all 5 seasons, but as soon as the lst episode of Season 6 is telecast in January, they will send you the ENTIRE 6th season. So you will see it all ahead of time. Ha. Only room for 50 people, It is December 6, and everyone dresses up ala that period of time, and they have huge cardboard cutouts of the various characters all over.

They showed various scenes from the previous 5 years, and various actors spoke at various times about their characters, the personalities. That was interesting, because you saw the real life actor, how they look/talk normally, and then a scene from the show.
Poirot, was this a new special. They seem to have one for Downton every pledge drive.
I can't wait for the new Downton next January.

That sounds like a fun way to raise money, but it isn't all that much when you multiply it out. 50 X $120 = $6,000. Minus expenses , that won't raise very much money for that PBS station.
That is what I thought, too. But there are a few other "deals" in connection with this. Such as getting the disk set, and then the extra CD without doing the dinner, tour, and viewing the episode. I think they are counting on folks doing this. Who knows.....they may get so many requests, they do a second night of it?? They said Glensheen is all decorated for Christmas, so that makes it very special, and

And kat, yes, this is new, there were scenes from all 5 years of the show, including last season, especially when Mr. Carson proposed to Mrs. Hughes. :love:
Thanks, I'll have to locate the show since it was already shown on my PBS station.
It looks or seems as though everyone has to leave Downton.......Which is fitting I guess, since we all will have to, as well.
I've been to the GlenSheen Manor as well 28 years ago now on my honeymoon. I wish I still lived in MN as I would definitely do this. Normally I buy the DVD from the UK and my son does something to it so I can watch it here in the US (not all dvd players play dvd's from other countries) then I have a marathon day and watch the entire season. Well this year I decided not to do this as I want to drag out the ending of this series as long as possible. I will cry when it's done I'm sure of.
This past Sunday was a special on "manners" with some scenes from past episodes. Oh, they covered clothes, hats, hair, the wearing of gloves, all kinds of neat subjects. Various actors spoke of how they had to portray whatever, then we saw them in character. Loved it. Then they showed the last episode of the previous season (it was Christmas) and I had missed it, so was very happy to be able to watch it now. I believe the new season begins this coming Sunday. Yayyyy.
Well, I know I want to see Anna cleared of the murder charges, and certainly hope Carson & mrs. Hughes get married. LOL
Sitting here watching Season 2 and going to watch all the way to the end of 5!!! I can't wait until Season 6 starts on Sunday!! I think Ray is going to buy me the whole set after Season 6 comes out. Then I can finally take it off my DVR. He enjoys watching it puts him into a nice deep sleep...LOL!!!
Well I actually have no idea. My son "acquires" it for me. I don't ask and he doesn't tell. I guess it's a perk to having a computer geek for a son!
Folks, I adore Downton.......use google.
I do not care if i know something in advance.........watching is better.