Faux spoilers, part 7

Realizing that Ciara is a fan favorite, TPTB leak some spoilers about her future adventures.

While relaxing in the Pub, feeling smug over his apparent victories, Clyde feels a stab of fear when he sees Ciara staring at him.

Maggie is going on endlessly about how wonderful her perfect egg-baby is, but is brought up short when Ciara says: "He's not so great."

Melanie reconsiders her too-cute act when Ciara tells her: "Oh, grow up."

After a brief conversation with Ciara, Jeannie T. decides never to mess with her, realizing that she's out of her league.

Eve has a crisis of confidence when Ciara suggests that she look for a boyfriend at the Salem Senior Center.
After returning from her field trip to San Francisco and Tahiti, a teenage Ciara gets called to the principal's office for not turning in her homework and is told she won't graduate with her class until she does. Hope tries to pull strings with the school.
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Hoping to build on Ciara's popularity, TBTP leak spoilers that indicate she's become Salem's truth teller.

Jenny, Melanie, and egg-mommy Maggie recoil in horror as Ciara asks Daniel: "Don't you ever shave?"

Kate begins to have doubts about Clyde when she overhears Ciara tell Hope: "Mommy, that guy's a dirty crook. Why don't you arrest him?"

Eve is horrified when Ciara tells her: "Good grief, you look so desperate that you'd even have an affair with a college freshman."

Eric is taken aback when Ciara bluntly tells him: "You always look like you suck on lemons," and, "your sermons were soooo boring."

Already upset by his problems with Sonny, Will is crushed when Ciara tells him: "Your article on the baseball player was stupid fluff. Anyone in my grade at St. Luke's could have done better."

Downhearted after constant criticism by self-righteous Salemites, Nicole's spirits are lifted when Ciara tells her: "You always look so nice."
Thinking that the viewers loved the sight of Caroline promoting Wan Chai Ferry Chinese food, TPTB release spoilers related to characters appearing in TV ads.

Kassie DePaiva reprises her late-night ads for the NoNo hair removal device in a bedroom scene in which Eve helps JJ remove unwanted body hair.

Sami uses her Hollywood connections to get Johnny and Sydney into a NoNo ad. The punch line is: "Even Nono uses NoNo!'"

Hope wonders just what kind of man Aiden is when she sees him in late-night ads aimed at finding plaintiffs for class action food-poisoning lawsuits against Chez Rouge and the Brady Pub.

Hope is angered when she sees Bo, who's supposed to be fighting the DiMeras, appearing in one of the "It's Better in the Bahamas" commercials.

Daniel, Maxine, Kayla, Melanie, and "Pete the Dancing Pancreas" appear in a musical ad touting University Hospital's prowess in organ transplatation.
NoNo :rotfl:I won't comment on actors appearance but someone needs a trim because it just looks weird to me.

NoNo named after Nono Stefano lol
Some Salem newbies learn about the dark past of certain Salemites, causing them to rethink things.

Aiden starts to fear for his life after learning that Hope has fatally shot two men and once poured gasoline on Bo Brady with the intention of setting him on fire.

Eve stops yanking Jenny's chain after hearing a rumor that she once pushed a pregnant woman down the Town Square steps. This leaves Eve with so little do to that she considers leaving Salem.

Ben may have not have cared about Abigail's trysts with EJ, but starts to have second thoughts after learning about her stalking of Austin Reed. He really starts wondering about Abigail after hearing what a clueless dolt Austin was.

A worried Clyde reconsiders his relationship with Kate after hearing about why Sami was almost executed and Chloe ended up in a coma. He also starts insisting that Jeremiah taste his food so he'll know it's not poisoned.

Jeannie T. decides to be nice to Brady and all his friends after learning how he kept Vivian Alamain in a sarcophagus.
Paige overhears an argument between Jennifer and Eve, they are screaming.

Eve: "NO NO"

Jennifer: "YES!"

Jennifer: If you are going to take hair off my son's chest use YES!

Eve: I will use what I want and I will use NO NO!
Adrienne goes to "Dubai" and gives a super slap to a bratty man named Michael Quartermaine (GH) (Oh how I wish lol) Then returns home where her services are still needed.
Hoping to get viewers excited about springtime in Salem, TPTB leaks some spoilers for April.

Will is horrified to learn that a professor at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism is using his Sonix articles to demonstrate to his classes what really badly-written hack writing looks like.

Hoping to keep a closer eye on Paige and JJ, Eve considers enrolling for some classes at Salem U. After learning about this, Jenny rushes over to Eve's apartment for yet another confrontation.

Out of work, Kate contacts Sami about doing some TV ads for "Truly Radiant" mouthwash and spin tooth-brushes.

Parker breaks his silence to tell Serena "Bluebird" Mason that he'll trade Fred the Elephant for the real thing.

Scientists at Salem U. announce a big new research project, which could determine why flowers bloom in Salem sooner than anywhere else in the Middle West.

Nicole is surprised and suspicious when Maxine starts being polite to her.

Eric gets annoyed when some tourists in the Town Square mistake him for Grumpy Cat.
Hoping to keept the ball rolling for spring, TPTB release some more "exciting" spoilers.

Will is so crushed when his Paul Narita article is not awarded a Pulitzer Prize that he dumps Baby Arianna on Lucas and wanders around Salem being snarky to everyone he meets.

When Sami hears that Will's article was not given an award, she sends each member of the Pulitzer Prize board an "I HATE YOU!" email.

Will is horrified and furious when TruVista magazine turns the tables by publishing a cover story about him, which says he's an immature, insensitive, unethical, unfaithful brat with no journalistic talent whatsoever.

When word gets out that Will tried to keep Paul away from John's Little League event he is assaulted by bat-wielding children.

When Stefano's tax lawyers finally go over his case with the state tax department, it's revealed that the Phoenix is actually owed a refund.

Dr. Mandrake demands that Clint stop dressing like such an obvious thug. He then asks Daniel for some wardrobe tips.
Desperate to keep the ball rolling and make viewers forget Hate Boinks I-V and Fred the Elephant, TPTB resort to their old standby, totally misleading spoilers.

Sonny sees Aiden about a divorce! [He talks to him about the possible consequences of a Justin-Adrienne split.]

EJ is seen in Salem!!! [When doing a Titan TV show about his still unsolved shooting, Nicole displays his photo.]

Eric returns to the Church! [He stops by St. Luke's to light a candle and ask the Lord to give him a personality.]

Daniel disappoints Nicole! [He fails to maintain the clean-shaven look that she gave him.]

Melanie dumps Brady! [She leaves him alone in the K-mansion living room to go bake cookies with Maggie.]

Clyde leaves Salem!! [He and Jeremiah go to Chicago for a few days.]

Rafe is the center of attention at Victor's club! [He's shown mixing a few drinks before exiting the scene.]
After enjoying a nice meal at the Pub, Allie and Sydney go outside and see Rory sitting on a bench; they ask him why his cigarette smoke smells so funny, nothing like Nono's cigars.

*Side Note: We always imagine that Nono's cigars smell just like Rory's cigarettes. Puts a whole new perspective to his actions.
We also say the same about cowboy movies or any other character smoking cigars.
After learning about Peggy McCay's (Caroline) comments in the Days 50th Anniversary issue of Soap Opera Digest about her character not being written strongly enough, TPTB leak spoilers that indicate they will fix the problem.

Caroline dumps a large bowl of steaming clam chowder on Clyde's head, pulls a shotgun out from behind the Pub bar, and warns him to get out Salem while he still can.

Caroline rips into Maxine after overhearing her again being gratuitously rude to Nicole.

After witnessing Melanie acting like a toddler with Brady at the Pub, Caroline barks: "Oh, grow up!"

Appalled at the sight of Rafe wasting his time by working at "Club Victor," Caroline grabs Roman by the ear, demands Detective Hernandez's immediate reinstatement, and, for emphasis, smacks the startled police commissioner on the top of the head with a rolled-up copy of the Salem Spectator.

Fed up with Daniel's scruffy look, Caroline grabs him by the shirt collar, marches him to the barbershop for a professional shave, and then takes him to the Salem Mall for a wardrobe makeover.

No longer able to bear Eric's boring personality, an exasperated Caroline forcefully suggests that he leave Salem and become a cloistered monk.

Using a red pen, Caroline notes all the misspellings, grammatical errors, and cliche phrases in Will's articles, hands the mark-ups to him, and tartly suggests that he find a new line of work.
Now that the cat is out of the bag about John being Paul's father, TPTB leak some spoilers, which they hope will excite the fan base.

An angry John rips into Daniel for ruining his son's pitching career.

Melanie has a serious hissy fit over John ripping into her daddy.

Brady is relieved that John has another son whose life he can meddle in, and that he may never again hear the words: "please, son."

Brady then becomes jealous when John spends all his time going around Salem loudly bragging about his star athlete son.

Melanie has a major temper tantrum because John is ignoring Brady.

John begins to avoid going out in public because he fears meeting Melanie.