Faux spoilers, part 7

Will finally goes too far when he spreads the rumor that Ciara's backpack contains nothing more than a few gummibears, old spelling tests, and an overdue Nancy Drew mystery.
And Will Horton is finally run out of town by the one person who would not tolerate his shenanigans.

Ciara is given a medal and a key to to the city for her efforts.
Foolishly thinking Days viewers love Will hurling accusations in every direction, they leak some spoilers that promise more of the same -- including some unlikely targets.

Will browbeats Serena, charging that her dirty dealings with Xander have distracted Salemites who would otherwise be supporting him in his battle to keep Sonny.

Will barges into Roman's office and demands that he determine if Paul knows who really shot EJ, and states that he suspects the ex-pitcher is withholding key information out of spite.

A furious Will accuses Adrienne of having an affair with Lucas as a way of encouraging Sonny to have an affair with Paul.

Will angrily accuses John Black of helping Paul shop for a conference table, which he can use for a tryst with Sonny.

Will accuses Justin of serving Adrienne with divorce papers so that in a case of like father like son, Sonny would divorce him.

Will confronts Theresa, Paige and Eve, demanding that they cease their stupid plots and instead help him in his struggle to save his marriage.
Anne decides she wants a sugar daddy, so she starts flirting with Stefano. The Phoenix is rather captivated by Anne and they become Salem's new power couple.

Kate makes it her mission to ruin Anne.
I had a dream a few nights ago that Zack Brady was alive. Stefano faked his death and took him away. Now that he is older, he comes to Salem and even though Hope doesn't know who he really is she can't shake the feeling that it's her son. Everyone else thinks she is losing her mind.
Thinking that Days fans simply love Jeannie Theresa causing trouble, TPTB leak some "exciting" spoilers that promise more of the same.

Angry because Brady likes Tater Tot more than herself, Jeannie T. secretly coaches the child so that his first words will be: "Daddy is a doody-head."

Bo Brady almost drops his margarita when he receives a message from Jeannie T. saying that Hope is neglecting Ciara and consorting with an attorney who was a suspected ax murderer and is the faithful mouthpiece for a hillbilly drug dealer.

In an effort to make trouble for Henderson, Jeannie T. starts spreading rumors that he's spying for Clyde Weston.

After the news of Abigail's pregnancy becomes common knowledge, Jeannie T. hopes to cause Jenny and the expectant mother more embarrassment by starting a rumor that the unborn baby's father is really Stefano.

The Stanford admissions department receives a letter from Jeannie T. warning them that its acceptee, Paige, is now an embittered crazy who once consorted with Salem's infamous Town Square vandal and is now hanging out with a vicious drug dealer.

An outraged Sami packs her bags for a trip to Salem after Jeannie T. sends her a message saying that she overheard John Black coaching Paul about how to seduce Sonny into a conference-table-top tryst.

Hoping to ruin Nicole's relationship with Daniel, Jeannie T. emails him the link to a new website called "Hospital Gown Hotties."
Aware that Days fans are completely sick of certain characters, TPTB, leak the following series of alternative exit spoilers, hoping that viewer reaction to each will help them develop good plot lines.

1) Eric: a) rejoins the Church and vanishes into the Vatican archives; b) decides to become a street mime in Chicago; moves to Tinda Lau, washes dishes in Duck's bar, and beach combs

2) Eve: a) tries to save Paige from Kyle by shooting him, and goes to prison; b) permanently returns to California to confront Shane and Kim about their poor parenting; c) freaks out in the Town Square and is sent to Steve Johnson's old mental hospital

3) Paige: a) leaves Salem to attend Stanford; b) runs off with Kyle; c) joins the circus

4) Xander: a) falls into the Salem River and drowns while bird-watching with the newly-returned Percy; b) gets caught in a heating duct while trying to burglarize the Pub and dies; c) literally dies of boredom while listening to Eric

5) Clyde: is killed by a) Kate with her special brownies; b) Stefano henchman Sergio who fits him with cement shoes and then tosses him into Salem harbor; c) Hope, who, during a drug bust, shoots him dead during a big Saturday night at Victor's club

6) Serena: a) suffocates when she's caught in the rain and her too-tight dress drastically shrinks; b) chases after Nicole seeking another confrontation, trips, and has a fatal fall down the Town Square steps; c) goes into a coma after listening to Eric
Thinking that viewers just loved Caroline plugging Wanchai Ferry Chinese food, TPTB leak spoilers that promise more product placement scenes.

Dr. Alison Tendler visits Salem to treat Caroline's dry eyes with Restatis.

Nicole's determination to provide a good home for Daniel and Parker causes her to have dreams that are filled with images of the Jolly Green Giant, Eggo waffles, and Jello.

After meeting the OxiClean spokesman in Salem Park, Xander uses the product to remove tough grass stains from his gardener's uniform.

Chad is surprised when instead of discussing Italian opera, Stefano is enthusing about an upcoming episode of The Voice.

Jennifer explains to the pregnant Abigail why Huggies are the best disposable diaper.
After learning of the popularity of the "Sharknado" movies, TPTB decide to get the fall season off to a rousing start with a series of episodes called, "Sharknado -- Salem USA," and leaks spoilers.

After seeing a huge shark land in the Town Square, Lucas says: "OMG, that shark has a bigger mouth than Sami."

After learning that sharks are landing in Salem, Clyde goes online to see if they might be interested in buying his "product."

When several sharks land near the Horton home, Jennifer confronts them and then drives them away with her best rant ever.

After a shark lands in Salem Park and eats Kyle, Paige assumes that JJ had something to do with it.

Jeannie T. tries to use the shark crisis to get Brady to love her again.

When a giant shark crashes through the front door of the DiMansion, it immediately flops away after sensing its aura of evil.

When one shark learns that EJ had once been mayor of Salem, it decides to run for the office, figuring that if EJ could get elected, anyone or anything could.
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Inspired by Nicole's absurdly quick and easy victory in civil lawsuits against Xander and Bluebird, other Salemites seeking revenge or a quick buck file their own suits creating a frenzy of civil litigation that clogs the Salem courts for months.

Kyle sues JJ for trespass for breaking into his apartment.

Jeannie T. sues Victor, Brady, John Black, Jenny, Melanie, and Nanny Megan for intentional infliction of emotional distress for all the hurtful things that they've said to her.

Stefano sues his Queen of the Night on behalf of Kristen's estate claiming that her negligence caused the Salem witch to fall to her death.

Jeannie T. and Tater Tot sue Kristen's estate for false imprisonment for being locked up in the DiMera Italian castle.

Will wants to sue Paul for "alienation of affection" for ruining his relationship with Sonny, but is crushed to hear that this cause of action has been abolished.:cry:

Sami wants to sue John Black for ruining her life, and is infuriated when she learns that claims that somebody "ruined your life" are not actionable.:angry:

Aiden sues Clyde for civil battery for beating him up.

Marlena sues Stefano for false imprisonment for dragging her to Italy after Kristen's fatal fall.

Xander sues Victor for civil battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress for the small cut he received on his throat and for being threatened with instant death.

Paul sues Daniel and University Hospital for medical malpractice because of the operation that left him unable to pitch.

Jenny sues Eve for invasion of privacy after discovering the bug in the Horton clock.

Ciara sues Chase and Hope for invasion of privacy after they take a peek into her magic backpack.

Aiden makes so much money representing many of the above-mentioned plaintiffs and/or defendants that he can retire from the practice of law, leave Salem, and buy a mansion and yacht in Palm Beach.
Knowing that Days fans can't wait for Clyde to get what he deserves, TPTB float alternative spoilers, hoping to learn what is the viewers' preferred final exit.

Ciara gets Clyde to look into her magic backpack. He's sucked into it and is never seen again.

Acting under Victor's orders, Xander stuffs Clyde into the Titan Building crawl space and turns the heat way up.

Pretending to seek a reconciliation, Kate gives Clyde a plate of her tasty brownies.

Looking for peace and quiet, Clyde decides to move into the Horton cabin, where he is promptly torn to shreds by the Forest Preserve Bear and the cabin's raccoon team.

Clyde is dragged to the DiMansion by Sergio and Ricardo. Stefano says: "Ah, you realize that I know you killed Elvis, tried to frame Chad, and planted a bug in my library, yes?" Clyde is then shot and dumped into Nick Fallon's favorite spot of the Salem River.

Because of JJ's information, Hope and Rafe try to arrest Clyde, who flees into the Town Square, hides behind the Horton memorial, and starts shooting. One shot from Annie Oakley Hope kills Clyde instantly.
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