Faux spoilers, part 7

After hearing about Christina Ricci playing Lizzie Borden in the new Lizzie Borden Chronicles on LIfetime, TPTB decide to have Lizzie visit Salem and then leak what they think will be thrilling spoilers for Days fans.

Victor is appalled when Kate tries to sign up Lizzie as a spokesperson for Mad World products.

Lizzie is not amused when Sami suggests that she put down her hatchet and pick up a "Truly Radiant" spin toothbrush.

Victor considers asking Lizzie to solve the Clyde problem.

After talking to Lizzie, Ciara decides to keep a small hatchet in her backpack, just in case.

Will writes a cover story for Sonix that claims Lizzie's father and step-mother committed suicide by giving themselves multiple whacks with hatchets.

"I use Mad World Products or nothing at all."
Theresa is diagnosed with a disorder ...Shiny object Syndrome or A.D.O.S. (see right pic)
About 5 yrs down the road ...when baby "Kristopher" is a SORAS'd young man, Kristen comes back to town to see if she can have a shot with him after remembering bouncing Brady on her knee and holding Kristopher in her arms. She thinks "Hey this can still work". Father, son and now grandson. :eek:

*assuming he is returned to his parents
Thinking that the viewers just love stories about Will writing articles for Sonix, TPTB leak some spoilers about his future "exciting" articles.

The fur flies in Salem when Will writes an article about the unsolved EJ shooting that casts suspicion on Sami (the cheated-on wife) and Abigail (the spurned lover).

Caroline and friends are outraged when Will writes a tell-all article about Salem's eateries that asks: "Just what's in the Pub's clam chowder?"

Maggie is outraged when Will's snarky article about the annual Salem bake-off reveals the recipe for her chocolate-chip cookies.

Roman is incensed when Will writes an article about the incompetence of the Salem P.D. that features interviews with two fugitives who got away: Jeremy Horton and Owen Kent, whom Will located easily.

Bo Brady fumes on a tropical beach (and almost spills his margarita) when he sees Will's article on the DiMeras, which describes Stefano as an over-the-hill codger and calls ongoing efforts to "bring him down" an absurd waste of the taxpayers' money.
Hoping to hype the ratings during the May sweeps, TPTB once again resort to totally misleading spoilers.

Kristen is alive! [In Stefano's memory.]

Paul and Sonny share an erotic moment! [In Will's fevered imagination.]

Lucas runs into immediate trouble at Countess W! [He can't find his reserved parking space.]

Salem is utterly shocked by Will's article on Clyde! [Readers find that all the words are spelled correctly.]

Rafe angrily confronts Clyde! [Because he hasn't fully paid his bar tab at "Club Victor."]

Nicole makes a surprising discovery about Daniel! [In a product placement scene, she finds that the towel-clad super surgeon uses "Truly Radiant" products.]

Adrienne digs for dirt on Elsa! [She does a quick Ewe Search, finds nothing, and gives up.]
Thinking that Days viewers just love plots involving babies, TPTB release some baby-themed spoilers, which they hope will wake up fans who have dozed off during the May sweeps.

Brady becomes concerned when steady contact with both Baby Arianna and Baby "Christopher" makes Melanie act more babyish than usual.

Adrienne takes time out from her marital problems to get into an nasty argument with Theresa over whether Baby "Christopher" is cuter and smarter than Baby Arianna.

Sami is infuriated when Theresa ignores child-rearing advice from "Salem's best mother."

Theresa and Brady are enraged when Chad tells them that when Baby "Christopher" can talk, Stefano wants the child to address him as "Nono."

When Will announces that he wants to write a Sonix cover story about Theresa's and Brady's baby he gets cautioned by Marlena, blasted by Victor, an earful from Maxine, and a whole lot of snarky insults from "Aunt" Anne Milbauer.
Worried because many of their recent spoilers have fallen flat with posters on this board, TPTB come up with some more that they hope will excite the fan base.

Sonny chooses Paul over an anguished Will! [When selecting his team at a pick-up softball game in Salem Park.]

Hope and Aiden go to the Horton cabin for a romantic tryst, but are horrified by the experience! [The resident raccoons, armed with swords, knives, pistols, and assault rifles, chase them all the way back to the ferry dock.]

Victor breaks Maggie's heart! [He passes up a plate of her home-baked chocolate cookies for a bag of Oreos.]

Will figures out how to get the real dirt on Salemites! [After consulting with a Salem U. scientist about how to communicate with inanimate objects, he gets interviews with Benchie and the DiMera Love Couch.]

Ciara becomes Sami's spy! [In product placement scenes, Ciara asks Salemites if they use "Truly Radiant" products.]

Stefano is terrified by a DiMansion intruder! [While walking in the DiMansion garden he encounters the Forest Preserve Bear who'd dropped by to raid the garbage pails.]

Brady and Theresa have a steamy encounter on a Titan conference table (the same one used by John and Marlena)! [In Jeannie T.'s fevered imagination.]
Thinking that viewers just love "revenge" plots and are all worked up over Eve's plans to get even with Jenny, TPTB leak spoilers about what they think are exciting, surprise revenge plots.

Harold plots revenge against Chad because he always leaves his dirty socks on the bedroom floor and his wet towels strewn about the bathroom.

Ciara wants revenge against Father Louis because he named Chase, not her, as St. Luke's Academy as "Student of the Year."

Cole seeks revenge against Eve because she led him to believe that he had a chance with Paige.

Paige plots against Rory because she's miserable and he always seems to be so happy and cheerful.

Sami plots revenge against all Salemites who have not purchased "Truly Radiant" products.

The ghost of Madison James wants revenge against Victor because he made her arch-enemy, Kate, an executive at Mad World.

Melinda Trask thinks about getting revenge against Abe and Roman because they never bring her cases that she can win.

Arianna wants revenge against Tate because she thinks he's replaced her as the most adored child in Salem.
Finally realizing that Days viewers love Rory, TPTB attempt to win them over with some spoilers featuring Salem's beloved cannabis expert.

Rory warns the embittered Paige that she's in danger of turning into her mother.

Rory tells a squawking, whining, scheming Will that he has definitely turned into his mother.

Club TBD holds a festive party in Rory's honor after it's revealed that he made the Dean's List at Salem U., at which Jenny asks JJ: "Why can't you be more like Rory?"

Rory wisely warns Ben that if Abigail learns about his tracking app, she'll dump him in a Salem second.

When Rory overhears Harold telling Henderson about his plans to make a video of Chad's next garden romp with Abigail and then post it on YouTube, he firmly tells the disloyal DiMera butler that his plan is very "uncool."

In a particularly exciting episode, Rory's last name is revealed.

The Horton Cabin Raccoon Team names Rory as its favorite human (it also warns Hope, Aiden, Jenny, Daniel, Lucas, Adrienne, Chad, and Abigail to stay far, far away).
Given that TPTB consider Daniel Jonas to be the only star of the show, they release some new Daniel focused spoilers in the hopes of bringing in new viewers. They also hope this gives him even more air time.

Daniel inexplicably replaces Kayla as Chief of Staff at University Hospital

After Eric and Nicole reconcile, Daniel becomes the interloper in their relationship

It turns out that Paul Narita is Daniel's son instead of John's. Viewers learn that Daniel also used to be a Major League Baseball player before getting injured and turning to medicine instead.

Daniel starts to date Eve and immediately grows jealous of her feelings for JJ. Daniel confronts JJ during July sweeps.

Daniel moves into the Kiriakis mansion to oversee Maggie's medical care. In the process, he also serves as a "brother" to his childhood friend Brady, serves as a surrogate father to Tater Tot Black, relieves Henderson of his duties and starts to show an interest in Adrienne. Daniel then proceeds to battle both Lucas and Justin for her affections.

Daniel is hired by Kate to consult for Titan as it turns out he actually has an MBA as well. Justin is not happy.

Hope and Rafe seek out Daniel's advice on the Clyde investigation seeing as he did so well investigating Dr. Chyka. Unbeknownst to them, Aiden also hires Daniel to consult on the Clyde case. Turns out he has a JD degree as well. Daniel is unable to tell either side that he is working for the other due to confidentiality rules.

Abigail seeks Daniel's advice about Ben and Chad

Will is assigned the story of a lifetime: The Daniel Jonas Story for Sonix Magazine
It's Father's Day in Salem (naturally a few days late) and TPTB leak spoilers, which indicate the holiday is filled with the usual Salem dysfunction (with one notable exception).

A party in honor of John hosted by Brady and Paul at Club TBD is loudly interrupted by Will who hurls his usual accusations.

The DiMansion party arranged by Chad to honor Fatha is rudely interrupted by Hope, Roman, and Abe who are unaware of the Phoenix's deal with the state tax department.

Sami's Hollywood Father's Day worship event for EJ loses some of its luster when Johnny, Sydney, and Allie all express the wish that Daddy Rafe was there.

The Deveraux family's remembrances of Jack are cruelly disrupted first by Paige and then by Eve who loudly repeat the tired old line that JJ is just like his father. Eve's visit concludes with a brief, good-old-fashioned hair pull involving herself and Jenny.

The gala Father's Day party at the K-Mansion is spoiled by Sonny giving his cheating parents pointed looks, Victor ranting about lowlife Xander, the absence of Li'l Toddler Mel, Maggie burning her chocolate-chip cookies, and Parker breaking one of Victor's prized Grecian vases. (Victor is not appeased when Daniel says he can fix it with some Super Glue.)

A smiling Rory and his never-before-seen, long-haired, good-natured ex-hippie father cheerfully celebrate the holiday by puffing on some fine cannabis obtained by the father on a recent trip to Colorado.
A smiling Rory and his never-before-seen, long-haired, good-natured ex-hippie father cheerfully celebrate the holiday by puffing on some fine cannabis obtained by the father on a recent trip to Colorado.

Clyde interrupts the happy reunion by telling Jeremiah that it's time to get back to Poplar Bluff to transport the next round of "product" to Salem.
Foolishly thinking that Days fans love the bratty, obnoxious, irrational Will, TPTB leak spoilers in which Will is causing more conflict and upset for large numbers of Salemites.

Sonny storms out of the apartment after Will rips into him because he burned the toast and forgot to bring in the mail.

Kate's blue chunk turns green when Will pesters her about her offering Paul a job and demands to know why he can't be the face of Mad World's men's products.

Will confronts John about his long-ago tabletop tryst with Marlena and says it not only ruined Sami's life, but, most importantly, his too.

Will stops by the Salem CVS and browbeats customers who visit the toothbrush display and then fail to purchase one of Sami's "Truly Radiant" spin models.

Abigail is furious when Will asks her if she's trying to put young men into a bedtime mood by walking around the Town Square wearing Jack's old pajama tops.

Rafe tosses Will out of Club Victor after he loudly berates the customers for not doing their drinking at Club TBD and claims that the bartender waters down the drinks.

Nicole smacks Will when he tells her that her new hair style makes her look as if she's wearing Pookie on her head.

Jennifer and JJ are outraged when Will casually tells them that compared to him, Jack was a no-talent, hack writer.

Anne Milbauer is offended when Will asks her if she owns anything other than wrap dresses, and if she sleeps in them at night.

After overhearing Victor zinging Theresa with one-liners at Club TBD, Will tells him that his stuff is getting stale.
When Victor's goons confront Will about his comments on Maggie's homebaked cookies, he offends them by saying that Stefano's thugs are better dressed, scarier, are in far better shape, more professional, and carry better quality pistols.

When Will sees Xander sulking in the Town Square he angers him by saying that his suit is so tight that he's in danger of splitting his pants.

Caroline is insensed when Will starts telling Town Square passersby to avoid the Pub because Caroline's clam chowder really has no clams in it.

Daniel is more than a little annoyed when Will spreads a rumor that he uses tanning cream and spends hours in front of a mirror to make sure that his hair has just right amount of dishevelment.

Will finally goes too far when he spreads the rumor that Ciara's backpack contains nothing more than a few gummibears, old spelling tests, and an overdue Nancy Drew mystery.