Friday, February 29th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, February 29, 2008

Episode #10,773 Taped 2/6 Director – Kathryn Foster

Tony & Anna arrive to visit the comatose Stefano. The sight of him creeps Anna out, she feels he is staring at her, and decides to wait outside for Tony. He talks to Stefano, telling him he has had a long time to just think, and wonders if Stefano regrets anything he has done. Cue Stefano to have a flashback of being in the lab with John, talking of the marvelous creature Rolf has created, who has no memories of his past life, and holding the disk that contains those memories. Tony is still talking to Stefano, wondering why he really came, and glad the world is rid of his evil self. He leaves, saying good-bye. An impatient Anna is glad Tony is ready to go. Seems he checked with the doctors, and Stefano will be remaining as he is. Tony gets a call, telling him to get over to the DiMera mansion, so leaves, with Anna deciding to accompany him.

A weary Sami comes out of the bedroom, falls on the sofa, when there is a knock at the door. She answers, it is EJ. She is tired, Johnny was up til 4 a.m. , and she wants to nap when she has the chance. Oh, but EJ has something he wants to talk to her about. Sami says the only thing she wants to talk about is how soon they can get the annulment done. Stefano is in a coma, no reason for them to have to stay married. EJ seems disappointed, but Sami says he has been a big help taking care of the twins, but there is no reason for them to still pretend to be man and wife. (Sami is wearing glasses all through these scenes). EJ agrees to start paperwork on the annulment, she wants Mickey Horton. He claims it is not necessary, simple, and he did go to law school before his racing career. (Ah, a man of many talents is our EJ). Sami finally agrees to let him draw up the paperwork, but still wants Mickey Horton to look it over first. Knock at the door, and a messenger brings a certified letter for EJ. He signs for it, figures it is something to do with his trust, he gets these all the times, will look at it later. Now he gets a phone call from John, asking him to come to the DiMera mansion. He asks Sami to come along. She agrees to get a sitter, and will change clothes. He leaves to change his.

At the hospital, Bo wakes up to find Hope at his bedside, where she has been all night. He asks if the test results have come back, and she admits they have. Out in the hall, Chelsea brings coffee to Shawn, talks of their dad, and perhaps losing him. Shawn tries to be positive, but Chelsea feels she has lost everyone she has loved. The Bensons, then Zack, Grampa Shawn, and now her father. Shawn tells her not to think like that. He says he wishes he and Chelsea were closer, but she says that is rather hard when they did not grow up together. He talks of his father’s pancreas shutting down just as Victor comes up. He is shocked, not pancreatic cancer. Shawn says no, just as Lexie comes up. He questions her, talking of how his daughter, Isabella died of that. Lexie assures them it is not cancer. Victor declares he will not let his son die, if he has to bring in every specialist in the world. Caroline arrives, and they go into Bo’s room.Eventually Shawn & Chelsea join them. Lexie talks of how Bo’s pancreas is shutting down, that it is a slow process, but once it does completely……Everyone understands. Now they are trying to find the cause. They feel the “weakness” of the pancreas is probably genetic, making it susceptible, and that Bo’s recent motorcycle accident could have perhaps caused a bit of trauma to the pancreas, weakening it further. They really do not know the cause, and until they do, they do not have a course of treatment. Victor vows to spare no expense to try and find what is happening to his son.

Marlena arrives at the DiMera mansion, surprised that John asked her to come over. Oh, he was going over the books, ran into some problems and wants her help, if she finds access codes to off shore accounts, he will cut her in for 10%. She refuses, not even for 10 times that, telling him she wants no part of that blood money, and he should give it away. Doorbell, he is expecting Stefano’s lawyer…..but it is Belle & Claire, who wants to see her poppop. (love that name!) John is hesitant, but Claire says….”Pleeaasseee” as she looks up at him. He cannot resist, picks her up and brings her in. He still wishes she would call him John. (nahhhh, PopPop is much more endearing!). Belle tells him that after being at Grampa Shawn’s funeral, she just wanted to tell her father how much he means to her and to spend some timewith him. He brushes her off, saying he is busy, and maybe can squeeze in some family time on Saturday. Belle turns away, Marlena tells him that was cruel. He picks up Claire, takes her to the desk, gives her a big gold pen, telling her to write down everything she remembers. LOL. She picks up a CD in a storage case, asking him what that is. He fingers it, says it is not labeled, probably a blank disk, and tosses it aside. Doorbell again, this time it is Stefano’s lawyer, Richard Griffin. They have a short chat about Stefano far flung financial empire, and John learns Stefano had lawyers all over the world, each handling different aspects of his holdings. Griffin has no idea if anything is illegal, he handled only the personal side of Stefano’s affairs, and is the executor of his estate.
Now we have Tony, Anna, EJ & Sami in the room, and John says that is everyone. Lexie is busy at the hospital. EJ wonders how they can be talking of Stefano’s will, when he is not dead. Agreed, but the terms of his will make it apparent what his wishes are, and the direction to be pursued. Belle & Sami stand behind Marlena, John sits along side the attorney, while Tony & EJ stand on the other side of the room. Mr. Griffin states that Lexie was taken out of Stefano’s will some time ago, and that he has a trust established for his grandson, Giovanni. Sami protests, saying she does not want her son to have any of Stefano’s money, but Griffin says that the boy will make that decision when he is 21. He also informs them all, that recently, Stefano canceled the trusts he had for Tony & EJ, and also says that there were certified letters sent out by him at Stefano’s request. EJ looks rather uncomfortable at that news. Now the lawyer says something about Stefano having only one remaining blood relative, John sips his drink with a smile. Tony says not him, that is the last person in the world Stefano would want handling his affairs. John smirks saying “There’s my new jet”. Griffin has made his decision. Belle says it is time for her and Claire to leave, and picks Claire up, who now says “good-bye, John” as she kisses him on the cheek. Belle says maybe they will return on Saturday. Tony & Anna leave, Sami says she is going, too. John tells EJ he probably would have been cut out of the will later anyway, but EJ retorts that his one big mistake was probably telling Marlena that John was alive and where to find him. They leave. Now John invites Marlena to stay for dinner, but she is rather disgusted and leaves. John sits at the desk, putting his feet up, lighting a cigar, and smiles.

In his room, Stefano is once more flashing back, this time to John standing over him, saying how he is going to live in his house, drink his booze, eat his food and sleep in his bed, and soon no one will ever remember you even existed. We hear Stefano laughing, as he tells John he will never realize his true identity, and how disappointed his family will be in him, probably wishing he had stayed dead.


P.S. Last night, laying in bed, remembered that I forgot to include (Thursday’s show) that Steve asked Abe to run the name Ava Vitali through the police computers.

Now he has to a lawyer? maybe?

John's true identity.....any thoughts on what this could mean???
We hear Stefano laughing, as he tells John he will never realize his true identity, and how disappointed his family will be in him, probably wishing he had stayed dead.

What da **** does that mean?...he will never realize his true identity? Is there something more? Is Stefano ever out of surprises?
Sounds like a good show! Thanks for the summation!

Oh, and thank goodness that EJ is out of the trust. That man needs a job. You know what they say about idle hands...probably most of Salem's problems stem from that.
Wow! What a great write up!! It really does sound like they are making John the next big villian!! I just wonder what Stefano means by saying John will never now his true identy!! Sounds like they may need to get Stefano out of his coma to bring down John!!! Sounds like a great story line that could take several twists & turns!!!
Thanks fo keeping me updated since I cant watch at home!! Gotta work for a living unfortunatly.
Sounds like another great show.
Hmmmm..wonder if that CD that Claire picked up that has no lable is the one with John's memory on it. Wouldn't that be great if they could find it and he could get his memory back. I like this John for a change, but I think I would rather have the old one back for the long run.
Another thought

Stephano has "disowned" everybody, but do you think they could say he was not in his right mind and contest it??
I dont know about anyone else, but I am getting a little tired of the rewriting of history. I mean, how many times can John have his "true identity" reveiled? This makes reveil 5 or 6 if I am counting right since his character has been on the show. If they want to make John the new villian, do it, but to now tell us, again, he isnt who he thinks he is, is pushing it for me. Anyone else???
I dont know about anyone else, but I am getting a little tired of the rewriting of history. I mean, how many times can John have his "true identity" reveiled? This makes reveil 5 or 6 I am counting right since his character has been on the show. If they want to make John the new villian, do it, but to now tell us, again, he isnt who he thinks he is, is pushing it for me. Anyone else???

I don't think pawn John is John I think Pawn John is Andre!

Thanks for the write up Barb ...

I have no idea what that means?

Does anyone have a theory? WHO IS JOHN BLACK?

Stefano better wake up fast because we need answers.

Are there any spoilers out there that might shed some light? really want to know.

So John is going to be a bad guy? What is his mission? Who is he to bring down ?

God I wish this show were a book and then I would skip chapters to get the answers now.
I really want to know what is going to happen NOW not in May or Novembr during sweeps.

EJ might work at the advertising Firm that TONY bought or Mythic. Whatever happened to Mythic?

Or as a lawyer....don't really see that.

BY THE WAY, why wasn't Kate at the funeral? or she is at the pub?
John's true identity?

Jewel thief, priest, pawn, Roman Brady, Allamain, DiMera...are there any others I am forgetting? And let's not forget that he was police commissioner (as Roman) and ISA agent as John Black, as well as president of Basic Black. How many hours are in his days?
Wow, I just thought Stefano meant that the CD with John's memories on it is right there, John will not know how to use it, nor will anyone else, and thus nuJohn cannot return to old John......the nice guy.

I never gave a thought that Stefano might mean he is someone else. That really would be hard to swallow.....John was No One, then he was Roman, then he was John Black, then a zombie John, then Ryan Brady....and yet another ID???
I sincerely hope not. But I am also hoping he is really not the son of Colleen and Santo. LOL
Wouldn't Steffie have 2 blood relatives left? John & Johnny?

Btw.. it's my first post but I've been reading for ages! Thanks Poiroit for all your work! It's appreciated!:clap:
Thanks for the write up. What a place to hide the disk. In plain sight. I also wonder what stefano means by John never finding out his true ID. Maybe that is why he was not too upset when John said he was his half brother, because that is not his true ID. Stefano has always wanted to make sure the John never finds his past.
When John told Stefano that he was the son of Santo & Colleen.....Stefano (in his mind) did say.......That's impossible!

Guess we just may have more surprises in store. However, I cannot understand why that lawyer just took John's word for it that he is Stefano's blood relative. As I said & medical P R O O F!
OK, let's get real here. How can you put someone's memories on a disk? HUH? I feel like Rod Serling is going to show up at any moment. (Wonder how many of ya'll get that reference?)

BUT, if I have to believe that can be done, perhaps John's memories from his whole life are on that disk. Including the forgotten memories of his "before Salem" days. Maybe when the "upload", that disk, he'll remember EVERYTHING. And to quote a post either from this board or another one, do we really want to know how or where they put that disk to upload it??????
Memory Disk = Good?

OK, let's get real here. How can you put someone's memories on a disk? HUH? I feel like Rod Serling is going to show up at any moment. (Wonder how many of ya'll get that reference?)
Could I get one of those, please. If I backed my memory up nightly, maybe I wouldn't always be forgetting things. :rotfl:

BUT, if I have to believe that can be done, perhaps John's memories from his whole life are on that disk. Including the forgotten memories of his "before Salem" days. Maybe when the "upload", that disk, he'll remember EVERYTHING. And to quote a post either from this board or another one, do we really want to know how or where they put that disk to upload it??????
Ummmm, no. Maybe I don't want one of those disks, after all....
I hate to admit it mygoodness.....I got the reference!!!! Too funny.

Like I had said elsewhere.....I would enjoy more realistic story lines....all his memories on a CD, come on!