Friday, June 1st


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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, June 1st, 2007

June is busting out all over, as the song goes, and so are the bare chested guys and bikini clad gals, as Stephanie & Chelsea arrive at the beach, spotting Jeremy & Jett. Stephanie does the intros, and Chelsea realizes Jett must be related to Abe Carver. (and not a word about Jeremy’s last name being Horton??) Yep, but really does not know him well, since his dad died, and he was raised by his mother’s family. Chelsea takes an immediate dislike to Jeremy, who does come off as rather shady. He offers them a beer, even tho it is not allowed on the beach. Chelsea declines, as does Jett, while Stephanie gladly accepts. Stephanie is all excited about the new airline business her boyfriend & his pal have started. Alas, they have lost their investor, but Stephanie is full of ideas on how to raise money, finally hitting on contacting Max. Chelsea protests, but Stephanie thinks Max can get a loan on his garage, and goes to call him. Chelsea tries to dissuade everyone, to no avail. Stephanie is successful, and Max arrives, also in his beach attire. The guys pull a prospectus out of their backpack, and convince Max to buy in. Chelsea tries to dissuade him, to no avail. He says he will meet them at the Brady Pub in an hour. Stephanie is overjoyed and she & Jeremy go into a makeout session on the beach. Chelsea mutters, get a room, as she prepares to live. She doesn’t like the arrogant, obnoxious, woman hating Jeremy, & it shows. Jett agrees, then asks her to go for a burger, they leave. (and yes, she has told him all about Nick) Stephanie wants Jeremy to give her a backrub, and cannot wait to tell her family about his new “Touch the Sky” airlines. Jeremy warns her not to do that, claiming that he wants it to be a success first. (Sorry, but bad vibes her. Good looking guy, but the running the high rollers to Vegas sounds like a cover). He warns Stephanie that what happens with Touch the Sky airline stays with Touch the Sky Airline.

At the police station, Bo, John have told Lucas about EJ bolting from the station, after receiving a phone call. Lucas has called Sami countless times and she is not picking up, and he has called everywhere, including the university. He clues them in about the DiMera letter, then goes off to look for his wife. Sami is in the car, crying for someone to help her, as she becomes more groggy, and goes unconscious. Along comes EJ, rapping on the window, calling her name. We only see her, as he keeps rapping on the window. Now I have no idea how, but the car window eventually goes down, EJ opens the door, cuts her loose, and pulls her out onto the ground, beginning to give her artificial respiration. Along comes Lucas, pulling EJ away, and he does the same, getting Sami to awaken. She is crying, thanking Lucas for saving her, saying how much she loves him, and worries about the baby. Lucas is gonna take her to the hospital, and EJ has gone to call an ambulance. She wants Lucas to call her mom, he cannot get a signal and moves further away, as EJ returns. Now EJ tells Sami this was just a warning to her, that he got an anonymous call saying where she was, etc. She does not understand, she offered the stem cells, but EJ reminds her, they want her baby. Period. (Gad, this is just too stupid!)
Lucas returns, and lets EJ know in no uncertain terms that Sami is HIS wife, and HE will protect her and take care of her. EJ insists only he can protect Sami, and Lucas eventually has had enough, gives ol EJ a right cross to the jaw, saying this is HIS wife, and he will take care of her.
Meanwhile Bo & John decide to pay Tony a visit, and arrive at the DiMera mansion, surprised it is still in the DiMera family, as it had been up for sale. John says it was too creepy a place, and after all, how could the DiMeras terrorize the Bradys from afar. Ding Dong, and the door opens, and there is our fun guy, Bart (looking good, guy!) welcoming Batman & Robin and wondering where they left their capes. LOL. They go in, with Bart saying Tony is not there, but they push open another door…..and yes, this is unbelievable, but there is Tony, IN THE HOUSE, on a horse. Yes, a horse! John & Bo are surprised he rides his horse into the living room, Tony corrects them that it is a morning room, but they would not know the difference, and claims “Napoleon” has to have exercise, but doesn’t always like the weather. (Oh, brother, this is asinine). They all now trade insults, and smart remarks, with Tony denying knowing anything about Samantha Roberts, & acting shocked at the idea his father was in a warehouse. Says he will have to get him better health insurance. More cracks back and forth, with Bo & John deciding to go look for Stefano, and start to go upstairs. Tony asks if they have a search warrant, and of course not. Tony laughs, saying he just loves this country. Bart returns, sees them on the stairs, and is surprised Tony is letting them go up to see Stefano. Tony sighs, muttering that he forgot how really stupid Bart is. LOL Bo & John leave, with Bo warning Tony if a hair on his nieces head is harmed, he will come after him.
Now Bo & John show up in the alley where the paramedics have Sami on a gurney, and off to the hospital. Lucas goes with her, but John & Bo stop EJ from following. (Man, is it great to see John & Bo working together!). Now Bo wants to know how EJ conveniently managed to know where Sami was, EJ is not forthcoming, and Bo gut punches him. John calmly stands behind EJ so he won’t fall. EJ says he got this anonymous phone call, but they ask if it sounded like Tony. EJ says Tony never gets his own hands dirty, and whack, another punch to the gut. John holds EJ up. Bo tells EJ that if Sami or her baby are ever harmed, he will bury him. The guys leave, and EJ makes a call on his cell. I need to see you……Now!

:hot: So excited to see Max back! :hot: I don't think this airline business is such a great idea though. I have a feeling that it's going to get a few people in trouble. :?:
And I definitely agree with you, Jess. First Stephanie had claimed the airline was already in business....and now, it is a startup. The guys supposedly own the plane, but have no hangar storage, no money for fuel. The business plan calls for top shelf liquor, limos for pickup to and from airports, hors'd'oerves, etc. etc. Plus now salaries for two hot chicks to play glorified Playboy bunnies to the lechers on board.

Vegas flights are cheap and a dime a dozen, leaving more money to gamble away. Casinos offer huge perks to high rollers, and they certainly would not need something like Touch The Sky, when they have their own jets. The idea smells to high heaven.
Two Elvis punches = two reasons for Ponz to tune in. :evil:
It seems that Chelsea and Stephanie have both done complete 180s. Stephanie is heading for big trouble with her wild ways and new boyfriend, while Chelsea has a good boyfriend and seems to be becoming a voice of reason.
sami thinks her husband saved her yeahhhhhhhhhhhh haha ej in your face.
she turns around and tells EJ after Lucas leaves that she knows that it was him that saved her - that was a cover to save face for Lucas.
doesnt matter that proves she totally loves lucas not ej

no where in that post does it say sami tells ej she knows it was him.
For one, there is no doubt that Sami loves Lucas. That wasn't an issue.

secondly, I read on Prevuze that this will happen. Sami asks Lucas to go call Marlena, and this is when this event takes place.
1daysfan1 wrote:
For one, there is no doubt that Sami loves Lucas. That wasn't an issue.

secondly, I read on Prevuze that this will happen. Sami asks Lucas to go call Marlena, and this is when this event takes place.
1days1fan is absolutely correct on this. Just because a summary does not contain every single word in an episode, does not mean there are not things that are said or scenes that do happen.
Sami does not say that it was a cover for Lucas, tho. Just that she knows it was EJ who gets her out of the car.

And lumifan, I suggest strongly you check your mail.
listen, i am stating my opinion just like you and i am not attacking your opinion.thank you
why? i am not berating her at all. i am plainly simply just stating my opinion just like she is.
Poirot, when I said that was to save face for Lucas - I am assuming she didn't want a fight started between Lucas and EJ, because of EJ actually rescuing her. I assumed she wanted to make him feel good.
No, you are being confrontational, lumifan, and I will not stand for it. I asked you to read your mail. If you have, you are ignoring my advice, and repeating the same indiscretions. If you have not, then go read your mail NOW.

Sorry folks, I do not mean to go public with this, but am given no choice.
i read your email duly n oted thanks for making me feel like i am not wanted.
1daysfan1 wrote:
Poirot, when I said that was to save face for Lucas - I am assuming she didn't want a fight started between Lucas and EJ, because of EJ actually rescuing her. I assumed she wanted to make him feel good.
Yes, I understood what you meant. I just did not want anyone to get the impression that Sami actually said it was to save face for Lucas. Anyone who sees the show will understand that is exactly what she is trying to do, without verbalizing it.
Oh, I understand, Poirot. Thank you.

No need in apologizing - you do what you feel is necessary. This is your board, and I know we all want it to remain running smoothly. Hugs.