John Black to the Rescue

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Shane is sitting alone in the living room/headquarters, thinking about what John Black has just suggested. He wonders secretly if John's mind was put together correctly after the "mind erase" by Stefano a few years ago. The old John Black was more careful, more determined. Why would he want to involve a civilian like Chloe Lane? Not to mention working with EJ DIMERA? Last he checked, EJ and John had not made ammends. Was this a sly attempt by John to get EJ away from his step daughter Samantha? Having EJ and the enchanting Ms Lane to work together might lead to... NO. Surely not. John didn't play matchmaker. The only person that did that well was Alice Horton. And no one could top her matchmaking and scheming skills. Good scheming...What a woman she was! Shane shook his head of the memories associated with Alice, and tried to concentrate on the matter at hand. Could he really use Chloe to lure Stefano away from the villa? Or maybe Chloe could go to him...while...Hmmm....?

Shane: (making a call on his cell) John, come in here. I need to talk to you.
John: Be right there.
Shane: (talking to himself) I just may be bloody well mad myself for even thinking of this...
John: I was just in the next room...talking to yourself, I hear.
Shane: Well, its your dang fault. This cockamamie scheme you have suggested. I am considered some things...
John: What are you wanting to do?

Shane and John plot their plots and scheme their schemes while we all venture back to Salem (what? Did you think I'd tell the whole story of what Shane is planning? Nope!)

EJ and Samantha are sitting in the living room of DiMansion after Hope has told them what is going on in Italy. EJ has already cursed up a storm, yelled, screamed, and threw a great British fit. Now that he is somewhat calm, he is trying to digest the information he has been given.

EJ: There is not a doubt who the children in Italy are?
Hope: None whatsoever. We have reliable people working for us over there. Nobody switches DNA samples there like they do here.
Sami: (looks ashamed for a moment) Well, that is a relief.
Hope: (nods) Yeah. Anyway, I've been instructed to make sure the both of you stay put in Salem. Plus, you both need to get out of this godforsaken house. It's not safe.
EJ: Obviously from the Salem PD, if you know what is going on here, my phone call from Nicole, Lord knows what else...
Hope: (thinking of EJ and Sami in bed together) Nevermind that now. Nevermind THAT. (she sighs) I don't know why it has been allowed for you two to stay here as long as you have, but you need to find a safer place to live.
Sami: I know every hates me living here with EJ, but not safe? This is probably the most secure and safest house in Salem.
Hope: Not when it is housing enough explosives to blow up the entire town of Salem.
EJ: Pardon? (blinks rapidly) There are EXPLOSIVES in this house and no one bothered to tell us???
Hope: We have it under control.
Sami: Oh, really? Does my father know about this?
Hope: Um, no. Are you kidding me? Roman only knows what the person in charge want him to know.
Sami: Who the heck is in charge?
Hope: Can't tell you that yet.

Hope's phone rings...
Hope: Hello? Oh! Yes. I'm talking to them both right now. You want me to WHAT? With WHO? And...Oh, wow. NO. I don't think he...John thought of this? And Shane AGREED?? Okay, okay. I will talk to him. Sure, sure. No. I promise you, she will not. Oh, I can very well imagine what would happen if she were to go over there. She will stay put. I promise you that. Okay. Love you too. Bye.
EJ: What the devil was that all about?
Hope: Something about something. I will talk you both about it later. I need to take care of some other issues before I can brief you two on more. Now, get packed, go to your old apartment, it's safe, Sami. Don't worry about it. I will put an officer out front to make sure you
Sami: No, not safe. You were going to say stay PUT. For us to not go anywhere. Right?
Hope: (looks very innocent) No, I mean safe. Your father would kill me if anything happened to you.
EJ: We will go to the apartment. And we won't go anywhere...I want the rest of the information you have. IF I don't get it QUICK, FAST, and in a HURRY...we will be heading to Italy. Got it?
Hope: EJ, please don't bark orders at me. We are only trying to handle this the right way. One wrong move, and Stefano AND those children are GONE. YOU got it?
EJ: ( looks very angry) Whatever.
Hope: Sami, please. Help me out here?
Sami: I'll try.
EJ: (rolls his eyes)
Hope: Oh, that's mature. Will you walk out front with me EJ, I need to show you something with the security camera out front...
EJ: What? Show it to Harold. He can make sure it gets fixed...
Hope: I don't have time for that!
EJ: (sighs) Okay! Show me.
Hope: Goodbye Sami...please hurry up and get stuff packed!
Sami; I will. Talk to you soon?
Hope: Yes. I will get back with you both soon.

Hope and EJ leave the living room....step outside of the front door. Like a smart person she is, Hope looks and makes sure Sami isn't listening.

Hope: EJ, I gotta make this quick. That phone call earlier was partially about you. I have to ask you...will you be willing to work with us LEGALLY and no help get those children back?
EJ: Of course I would! Two are my very own, and one is my niece!
Hope: Even if it means bringing down your father once and for all?
EJ: If you are asking me about my loyalites to my me. You have nothing to fear. He's gone way too far by taking my son and daughter from me. So help me GOD, I will make him pay...
Hope: No, you aren't getting payment for anything from Stefano. LEGAL and no funny business, remember?
EJ: (he heaves a very heavy sigh) Alright. What do you want me to do?
Hope: Not here. I will let you know when I can go over the plan. Someone else will be involved as well.
EJ: Who?
Hope: Can't tell you that.
EJ: NOT Nicole!!
Hope: No...
EJ: Who?
Hope: You already asked WHO...and I'm not saying. Yet. Be a good little boy EJ, and show some patience!
EJ: That has never been my virtue...

To be continued. :)
Most of Salem forgets, even though he's a married man to a very sweet and smart red head, that Victor Kiriakis is still a very forminable man. He's got a lot of chutzpah left in him, and he still has his eyes and ears on what goes on in Salem. He may not be the big bad meanie he once was back in the day, but he can still dish out some revenge, justice, or comeuppance. Lord help whomever crosses his path...

Victor (on the phone) I most certainly did tell you to keep her under wraps. (Pause) Yes, that is the way I wanted it. I don't care if she is uncomfortable! I'm sure she is making your life a living...Okay. Don't worry about another thing. I'll take care of it. (Releases call, and takes note of Maggie standing behind him)
Maggie: Victor, what are you up to?
Victor: Business darling. Just business.
Maggie: Didn't sound like it to me.
Victor: (smiles) Well, it is. Don't worry your pretty little red head over it. I've got a lot of things to deal with in Greece, and the state of affairs over there are pretty precarious still. I've got a lot of people still unhappy with their cuts in pay. Small cuts mind you, but cuts, nonetheless.
Maggie: I'm sorry to hear that. I'm off to go spend some time with Jennifer. She's not very happy these days.
Victor: Is she ever? I wish she and my godson would work things out once and for all.
Maggie: She's grieving still, Victor. Give her time.
Victor: Time? (he sighs) I understand that all too well. I don't care how much time goes by, I still cannot help but to miss Isabella. She's was one of a kind...
Maggie: I know. I wish Brady would use the good sense the Lord gave him that SHE had and stay away from Kristen.
Victor: Oh, I think he will wise up. He's a lonely confused man. He's another one that needs time. Madison was truly a heartbreak for him. Don't forget that.
Maggie: I know it's wrong to speak ill of the dead, but I don't understand what he saw in Madison.
Victor: Neither did I. She was a shrew and a half, and if I didn't know better, I'd say she the daughter of Kate Roberts.
Maggie: Hmph! What a terrible insult.
Victor: I know...I didn't have time to come up with a better one. Kristen on the other hand is the adopted daughter of the devil himself. What that stupid grandson of mine sees in HER, I have no clue. I wish the men in Salem would start thinking with their proper heads instead of the improper ones....
Maggie: Victor Kiriakis! How shameful!
Victor: These lustful dunderheads are full of shame!
Maggie: (stifles a laugh) You are right. When you're right, you are right!
Victor: Go on now and visit with Jennifer. She could use the company, I'm sure.
Maggie: Yes, dear. I love you.
Victor: Not as much as I love you, redhead. Stay out of trouble, please.
Maggie: Me? I would never think of getting into trouble!
Victor: Hmph...Sure, sure. Mrs. Innocent Kiriakis!
Maggie: (only grins, grabs her purse and heads out the door)

Victor goes to the bar and pours himself a drink. And he stands near the window staring out, obviously lost in thought, Henderson walks in...

Henderson: I know I'm not supposed to know things, but you know that I do know...
Victor: Please don't speak in riddles...what are you getting at??
Henderson: Why in the world are you keeping Kate Roberts prisoner?
Victor: Oh, I would love to say it is for payback for all the rotten things she has done to me and the other citizens of Salem...but this is actually for her own good...
Henderson: Oh...Really? I'm sure there is a part of you that is delighted over this turn of events!
Victor: Of course! Anytime I can get the upper hand on my ex wife is most assuredly a HAPPY day!
Henderson: What, may I ask are you protecting her from?
Victor: You may ask, but I'm not telling you.
Henderson: Sorry. Didn't mean to overstep my boundaries.
Victor: You overstep them so much Henderson, you might as well be dancing the two step...
Henderson: Sorry again.
Victor: Let me just say this, there is a lot more going on than meets the eye these days in Salem. And that is saying a lot...

To be continued...
Sorry for the small hiatus...April is a busy month at school. So, I will press on, and post another chapter...

EJ and Hope meet secretly per her request. This really is in secret, because no matter where you are in the Horton Town Square, it is not secret. EJ preferred not to meet at the cop shop, so we have these two meeting at - THE PIER!!! (Yay)

EJ: So what is it you want ME to do, Detective Brady?
Hope: You don't have to sound so smug, EJ. Yes, I need your help. WE need your help. But, Samantha cannot and absolutely SHOULD NOT be involved in this. Do you understand?
EJ: You don't have to speak to me as if I was Daniel Jonas. Give me a little credit here. Please.
Hope: EJ, this is very important. Sami could mess this whole thing up, and Salem is getting more than weary of seeing the Salem PD fail at nabbing your father.
EJ: And you think you can TRUST me? What makes you think I want him brought to justice?
Hope: Are you kidding me? He has kept two of your children from you! Both Santos and Bella. That doesn't make you see red in several different shades?
EJ: Of course it does! I'm beyond angry at the evil so and so for doing this to me, to my children. I'm surprised trust me this much. I'm awesome at double crossing.
Hope: Unfortunately this is a risk we are willing to take.
EJ: So, what do you want me to do, ask I asked before?
Hope: We have someone else that is going to help us, and you need to promise not to reveal any information of who she is.
EJ: She? Oh, dear God no...Not Nicole. She's almost as bad as Samantha when it comes to throwing a kink in plans!
Hope: NO. Not Nicole.
EJ: Who then?
Hope: Well...speak of the diva.
Chloe: Hope. EJ. Started the meeting without me?
Hope: You already know what's going on. But I wanted you to get familar with EJ...(Chloe raises her eyebrow) NO..Not like that. I want you two to be on the same page.
EJ: What in the devil can Chloe do for you in this debacle?
Chloe: You would be surprised what I can do, Elvis.
EJ: (Gives her a wide eyed look, not knowing what to say or how to respond) Um...well. Hope? Enlighten me, please.
Hope: I have no idea what she's talking about. Maybe that was an attempt at flirting with you, EJ.
EJ: No, no, no. NOT that. Geez, you've been hanging around the cop shop too much. I mean, what is she going to do?
Hope: Oh...I see what you were asking. Sorry. Um, well...she's going to do what she does best.
EJ: Which is?
Hope: She is going to sing...
Chloe: I can't wait to see the look on Stefano's face... This is going to be amazing...

To be continued...
Well, life is not perfect and secret meetings are usually held in places not quite so secret. Once Chloe, Hope, and EJ leave the pier...there is someone who has been keeping an eye on the whole scene. And in true Salem fashion...this little spy was never seen, and heard just about everything that was said by the trio. Who could possibly been so sneaky?

Sami: I'm almost as bad as Nicole when it comes to throwing a kink into plans? Gee, thanks a LOT E. J.!! But I'll think about that later. I can't believe his and Nicole's children are still alive! I'm going to have to get to the bottom of this... And there is NO way he is going to Italy without me!

Rafe and Nicole are sitting in her penthouse, him drinking a beer, and her a martini. Chloe is gone for the moment, and Nicole is beside herself over the fact her children are ALIVE. She's gone from extremely irate to being happy they're alive, to very upset they're being held by Stefano. And WHY? Why would he keep EJ's children away from him? From her, YES. She could easily understand that. But to deny his own son his children? It did not make any sense at all.

Nicole: (gets up to fix another drink) Why is he doing this, Rafe? What is that man's plan this time?
Rafe: I don't have any answers on this one Cole. Who knows why Stefano does the thinks he does? And don't you think you've had enough to drink?
Nicole: Please don't start on me about my drinks. No. I have not had enough. This little drinkie right here is keeping me from going to Italy this very moment and killing Stefano. ANYway, my thinking on Stefano is he is alllll about family. Supposedly, he loves EJ. Why would he keep his children away from him? I don't understand it.
Rafe: I'm sure in that warped and twisted mind of Stefano's there is a good reason in there somewhere. Now, I need to know from you, you say you aren't going to Italy...right now. Can you be trusted to stay out of this and let the people that are in charge do what they need to do?
Nicole: (rolls her eyes) If the Salem Police Dept is the one that in charge of this, then you get a resounding HELL NO from me on that! They can't do a darn thing right, and this never would have happened if they were able to bring down Stefano YEARS ago!
Rafe: Cole...
Nicole: No! Do not try to talk me out of this! I've lived with that man before and I know what he is capable of! He has unlimited resources...if he finds out that people know about those children, then he will disappear in a heartbeat, and I will never see those children. Tell me you realize this, Rafe!
Rafe: I know better than most what Stefano can do. You say you know what he is capable of. YOU go over there and try to get your children, how fast do you think he'd run once he saw you? Not to mention he would not hesitate in having you killed if he sees you as a threat. I don't want to lose you...
Nicole: What? You don't want me...
Rafe: You heard me. I've cared about you ever since you came to me for help about not wanting EJ to know you were carrying his baby. Did you really think all I wanted was a one night stand with you after we got drunk together?
Nicole: (teary eyed) I didn't ever want to believe you could possibly feel toward me what I have wanted all along. Good guys like you don't care about bad girls like me...
Rafe: You are not all bad. And I'm not such a saint either. I am in love with you Nicole...
Nicole: You love me? Please don't say those words just because you are trying to get me to stay here in Salem, do what you want me to do...
Rafe: I am saying it because it is true. I don't want you to leave Salem because it is dangerous.
Nicole: I don't believe this... I love you as well, Rafe.

To be continued...
Sorry I have been AWOL. End of school, finals, and sadly my grandma passed away last week. (She was very blessed, she lived to be 98!) So I have been BUSY. Once school is out, I will get back into the routine and post a chapter or so every morning. Sorry I have been away, just so much going on! :)
there is no way I want anyone to think I was saying anything but to offer you my condolences and to wish you only the very best. I am so sorry about your Grandma, and I know how important my own Grandma was to me, and to my life, and I think you are doing great... hang in there sweetie, and I will offer prayers in Chapel for you if you enter the name and so on in the chapel itself.... Thanks for the story so far.....
CTG don't worry about us. Enjoy your life and good luck
with exams..... I won't tell Daniel :D
Nicole and Rafe enjoy some alone time, thinking about how weird it is they were such enemies at one time, and now have grown close and are falling in love. Love is strange, and it picks the weirdest couples sometimes. Case in point...there is more to the story with Maggie and Victor. As about to be revealed, things have a way of working out...or do they???

Henderson: Mr. Kiriakis, I don't want to pry, but you remember the conversation we had quite some time ago? I was wondering...have you...
Victor: No. I haven't. And I don't know why you are bringing it up now. We should just leave it alone. Maggie wouldn't Or herself for that matter.
Henderson: She should know the whole story...or better yet, the TRUE story.
Victor: You overstep yourself sometimes, Henderson. I'm your employer, remember?
Henderson: I do know that, sir. And you know how long I've "worked" for you. I've seen and heard it all, my friend. YOU are my friend, and I care what happens within this house and family. I've grown quite fond of Mrs. Kiriakis, and I admire how much you've changed over the years. You sir, are a better man, and she's part of the reason. Bo is the other part. Now that you have her as part of the family, shouldn't you tell her the real reason why you are so closely associated with Daniel?
Victor: (looking perturbed, but softens) Henderson, I'll say this, you are a bold man. I'm glad I can trust you, and I thank you for your discretion over the years. But this is something that really needs to stay under lock and key, so to speak.
Henderson: I am sorry, but I respectfully disagree.
Victor: What am I supposed to do - blurt out to the redhead that Daniel is not actually her son due to some very bad judgement on my part? That during a lonely night after too much drinks Daniel's mother and I had an affair?? Oh, but wait Maggie! It gets even better! To cover up the pregnancy, which should have not been medically possible - we used your eggs as a cover story to keep her husband from finding out the truth! Isn't that just grand! Let's go have some tea, shall we? (Victor looks disgusted and shakes his head) Now, doesn't that sound like a lovely story to tell my wife? She'll never forgive me.
Henderson: She may surprise you!
Victor: I highly doubt that...

And as the two men are talking...standing at the door is none other than good old Dr. Daniel Jonas...

To be continued....
(And before you all call the incest police... my version of the story, Daniel and Chelsea were never together)
Goodness, what a twist... Victor the baby daddy
I love your version... I have wanted it to be that way for a long time. I hope your version is picked up by all... The only thing is then.. Melanie and Philip becomes too tight does it not..? I still think this is going to develop into something very heart wrenching and yet it keeps mine going.... Loved it .....
Henderson: Oh good gracious me...oh dear...(he's seen Daniel standing at the entry to the parlor)
Daniel: Please tell me you were talking about something else...anything but what you just said. You did NOT have an affair with my mother! You did NOT lie to Maggie about her did NOT cover it all up with more lies! Tell me this is some sick joke of a story!
Victor: Daniel, sit down. We need to talk...
Daniel: I hardly think so. If what you've just said is true, I have NOTHING to say to you!
Victor: You need to hear some things before you go running off thinking some things that don't need to be thought.
Daniel: How could you possibly know what I'm thinking right now???
Victor: Melanie...Philip. What I've just weren't supposed to hear. And I apologize for that. But you need to know something else. And I hate to tell you like this, but you need to know. When I found out about Melanie...well, I just had to check things out. I had no idea she existed...that there was a possibilty of her being related to Philip!! After going over the details that only I can obtain through nevarious means, I found out that Philip and Melanie are not related.
Daniel: She's not my daughter?? What the hell is going on here???
Victor: That's the rotten luck right there. She IS your daughter. Call it karma, call it my comeuppance for the misdeeds and lies with your father and mother, but actually...Philip is not my son. Ironically...the baby Vivian was carrying belonged indeed to was her egg. But the sperm donor turned out to be someone else. Without going into any more details, Philip is not related to Melanie.
Daniel: Dear God. Ever since I've come to this town I've had a heck of a time finding out who I'm related to, not related to, who's kids I have. Who's I do..don't.. This is absolutely nuts. I wish I had never set foot in Salem.
Victor: And you would not have saved your brother's life.
Daniel: My brother...who?? Oh. Wow. Huh...Bo is my half brother. Interesting.
Victor: I don't blame you if you never want to talk to me again...I completely understand. Please, at least understand, the man who raised you, the man you knew as your father...he was a very good friend of mine. And your mother loved him very much. We made mistakes. Neither one of us wanted him to get hurt.
Daniel: I don't know what to say to you right now...I really don't. Cutting people out of my life for their transgressions hasn't worked too well for me in the past..and Lord knows I've made plenty of mistakes... Just let me process this information...and you...YOU are going to have to tell Maggie.
Victor: Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice now...

To be continued...
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