Letters to Salemites

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Dear Commissioner Brady,

I have received disturbing reports about the actions of your department toward Mr. Andre DiMera. Last year, I saw fit to pardon Mr. DiMera because his troubled past had caused the criminal insanity, which led to his felonious acts. I simply will not stand for any member of your department attempting to frame Mr. DiMera simply because of his family affiliation. If such malfeasance is actually occurring, there will be serious repercussions for you and your entire police force. In addition to criminal charges against those involved, your police department could well suffer the fate of former mayor EJ DiMera who was summarily removed from office. The Salem P.D.'s disbandment and its duties being taken over by the state police are not beyond the realm of possibility.

G.G. Gouveneur

P.S., Any suggestions that my pardon of Mr. DiMera or this letter were prompted by a hefty DiMera bribe are vile lies.
Dear Victor,

The word is that you need a new CEO, and you seem to be fresh out of likely candidates. Your grandson Brady who spent most of his time dealing with relationships and personal problems, is consorting with a tart whom you hate, and is now off on some crazy quest; your feckless son, Philip, the one with the shaggy look, sold you out to your hated baby brother, Deimos; your nephew, Alexandros, is a nasty piece of work who's now sitting in the Salem jail largely because you won't bail him out; and the less said about your sort-of ex-wife, Kate Roberts Brady, the better. Under the circumstances, you might want to give me a second chance. Sure, we had our differences several years ago, but prison has given me a whole new outlook on life. So how about you get me out of prison and back into the corner office? The fact that my crime was kidnapping the hated Stefano DiMera ought to make it easy for you to make everything go away.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Ian McAllister
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