Lucas' Last Stand

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All soap writers need to read your stories kpatch! Maybe you could teach a class for them :) You know how to keep people wanting more and they are just keeping people wishing the storyline was over.

This story has been so awesome!! I'm sad to know that it's all ending tomorrow!! :clap::clap:
Tomorrow?!?!?!?!? OMG, I can't possibly wait that long. I have a perscription from my doctor that says:

Patient: Squirrelly Shirley

kpatch: Lucas' Last Stand
1 new chapter every 6 hours as needed for Lucas withdrawal
reread as necessary

L. R. Horton, M.D.
(Lucas Roberts Horton, Missing from Days)
Another fabulous chapter Kpatch!! I'm very curious about what Sami has remembered.... and I'm a bit jealous of RedSquirrel's prescription, perhaps I should visit the same M.D. :)
Hey , Rioks, Doctor L.R. Horton just gave me one for you. I can send it to you unless you'd rather he made a house call. :drool: can take the prescription, I will take the house calll!!! :wink: :evillaugh: :hot: :drool: :over18:
Aww, Thanks Red! And mighty kind of you to volunteer Jammers but I wouldn't want you to miss out on the prescription; I'm willing to "endure" the house call. :love:
Chapter 18, The Finale


Lucas: When I registered on Facebook, I used Roberts instead of Horton because I wanted to get in touch with some of my buddies from the academy. They only knew me as Lucas Roberts.
Sami: Uh oh. I just remembered something.
Lucas: What?
Sami: Nothing. You’ll be mad.
Lucas: Lucy, splain please.
Sami: I wrote something on your Facebook wall that might embarrass you.
Lucas: What did you write? When she doesn’t answer, Lucas pulls out his Blackberry and logs into Facebook.
Sami's Facebook post: General, some days the only thing that keeps me from losing my mind while I'm here all by myself is picturing you wearing those ridiculous boxer shorts Will gave you.
Sami grabs the phone and they playfully use it as a hot potato. Lucas starts tickling Sami and then pulls her into a kiss.
Sami [coming up for air]: Wow, I remember you were always a great kisser, and you haven’t lost your touch. Now I know for sure that you missed me, didn’t you?
Lucas: Honey, you have no idea.
Sami: I missed you too, Lucas. I thought about you all the time. You, and our children. Lucas, how are they? How’s Will? How are the twins?
Lucas: They’re fine. They’re great. You’d be so proud of them.
Sami: I’ve missed so much time with them.
Lucas: We’ve got a lot of time to make up for. We’ll call Will when we get to Switzerland.
Sami: Switzerland???
Lucas: That’s where your mother and John live. I sent the twins to stay with them. We’ll stop by and pick them up on the way home.
Sami: Home ... Lucas, I don’t want our children growing up in Salem. Even with the Dimeras locked up, I don’t want to take the chance that they’ll go through the same things we did.
Lucas: That’s fine. We’ll live somewhere else.
Sami: Like where?
Lucas: Well, we have the whole planet to choose from. We could live in Switzerland near your mother, or in Africa near my father....
Sami: Africa, huh? Sounds like the start of a new adventure for us.
Lucas: Sami, where we live doesn’t matter, just as long as we’re together. My home is wherever you are.
Sami: Oh Lucas. I love you so much.
Lucas: I love you too, Sami. I always have and I always will.
Lucas and Sami kiss, long and passionately.
Lucas: No doubt about it. You are definitely my Sami.
Sami: And you are definitely my General. And my hero.
Lucas: Before we leave here, I have just one question for you. He gets a twinkle in his eye. Is that bed in there sturdy?
Sami [with an equally mischievous look in her eye]: Are you kidding? No bed is sturdy enough for us. But I’m willing to take the risk if you are.

The End
Thank you for your wonderful story. I am so sad that it is over but so happy that Sami & Lucas are getting the happy ending we have wanted for them. You need to do a follow up chapter of how EJ reacts when he finds out that Johnny isn't his and the woman he is with isn't really Samantha. Kudos kpatch for s story well done.
Absolutely L O V E D IT!!
Wow. What an ending. I can just picture the bed falling apart now. So Lucas and Sami get their happy ending with the children. So loved that all of Sami's children are Lucas's just as I always hoped it would turn out. Ok drying up my eyes now. Thanks so much kpatch.
I had to read this all at once instead of by installments, like I usually do, and boy, it sure was worth the wait!!!!

What a fantabulous story! I sure wish I could have seen Rioks' video, but my WebTV just won't let me. But I so much loved the rest of it. What an imagination out kpatch has! And quite a rememberer also!

We need to have a poll as to which story is our favorite! Mine is always the current one - I think DJM does that too!

Goodness - what will our famous author come up with next????

KUDOS, kpatch!!!!!
To have seen this acted out on Days would have been fantabulous. When I was younger, Bo and Hope were my favorite, but when Sami and Lucas got together, they became my favorite. I hate what the writers at Days have done to them. We need writers like you kpatch on the show. Thank you so much for this story line. This would be a great way to bring Lucas back to the show, if there are any Days writers reading this.
Kpatch, thanks again for providing us with so much enjoyment.....great story with everytjhing a great story should're a gem....!!!!!
WOW!!! Loved the story; Loved the ending. It's about time those two got some happiness - Thank you Kpatch! :clap:

@MaTrot, Ditto.
@Lovogrif, I wish I knew a way to get you a version of the video you could watch. I'll ask my nephew for ideas.
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