Lucas' Last Stand

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Oh my goodness!! THAT WAS THE BEST VIDEO!!!! i laughed, i cried. God I miss Lucas and Sami!!! They had romance and chemistry. Thank you, the story is great! I need more...... LOL Bravo :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Chapter 14


Caroline: Lucas asked me to give this to you, Roman. He said it’s really important.
Roman opens the envelope. There is a piece of paper inside with a series of typewritten numbers.
Roman: What are these? Codes?
He looks in the envelope again and takes out a handwritten note from Lucas that reads: “I think you’ll find this very interesting. It’s something you’ve been waiting most of your life for – the keys to the kingdom – but you can never tell anyone where you got it. The rest is up to you, Dad. Good luck and take care.”
Roman: Dad??? What duh ...?


Lucas and Joe the pilot are standing in front of the gated compound, facing the northern side of an expansive single-story house that looks like a vacation resort. Its southern side faces the ocean. The compound is encircled by a 20-foot high wrought iron fence.
Joe: Don’t!
Lucas: Don’t what?
Joe: Don’t touch it. The fence is electrified.
Lucas: That’s just great. Now what?
Joe: You don’t happen to have the code that opens this gate, do you?
Lucas [sighs]: No. What’s that thing? What are you doing?
Joe: It’s a device that safecrackers use. We used it in the Marines to ... well I can’t tell you what we used it for. It’s classified. If I told you, I’d have to kill you.
Lucas: Something tells me you’re not joking.
Joe: I’m an ex-Marine. I never joke.
Joe zeroes in on the signal and the device lights up.
Joe: Got it. The code is 11081965.
Lucas: I should have figured that out.
Joe: Why?
Lucas: November 8th 1965. That’s the day that Days of Our Lives debuted.

Lucas enters the code on the keypad. The gate opens.
Joe: Reconnaissance says the guards are gone, so it’s all yours. I’ll wait here for you. Take your time.
Lucas feels his heart pounding as he walks through the gate and enters the compound. He goes into the house which has an open floorplan, travertine tile floors, vaulted ceilings, stainless steel appliances, central heat, air, and radio, new window treatments, three bedrooms, an Italian marble fireplace, and upgrades galore. It’s listed at $6.5 million or best offer.

Lucas walks through the house from the front to the back where the sliding terrace door is wide open. As he walks onto the terrace, he sees Sami sitting on the terrace steps, gazing at the sea with her chin resting on her hands and her elbows leaning on her knees. Lucas stops about 15 feet away from her.

Lucas: Hi honey, I’m home.
Before she turns to face him, Sami softly says “Lucas.”

To be continued. Tune in Monday through Thursday for the final four chapters of Lucas’ Last Stand...
Thanks kpatch. I just know it is going to be a long weekend. The chapter was amazing. I am wondering if Lucas called Roman Dad because he is planning to be Roman's Son in Law before he returns. Or was it Cassie that he divorced therefore he and Sami are still married. Loved the line of Joe's If I told you I would have to kill you. Picked up on the date of the code as soon as I read it.
I love it!! Do I have to wait for next week?

At least the story will end on my birthday. :smile:
I thought the "Dad" was just a bit of irony from Lucas because Roman was technically right that the woman in the penthouse is his daughter but that Lucas was right about her not being Sami.

I love that Lucas found Sami and his "honey I'm home".... and what a house it is! Thanks for the detailed description Kpatch, at least poor Sami was kept in much more comfortable surroundings than a bird cage or a tunnel. I'm so glad she's safe now and with her General.
Hi honey, I'm home. WAH. :cry2: :cry2:

I am STILL wailing from two days ago. My husband has been giving me the look and staying in the garage. :D
LOVED it, as always. The reference to one of my favorite shows (House hunters) was cool. Can't wait to read the next installment Monday!!
I can't believe it is almost over. What a wonderful job you are doing on this story. I just have one question... Is it Monday yet?
Wow. Stupendous. Awesome. Amazing. I am running out of adjectives!!!! The video was a real tear jerker. Turning me into a Lumi fan! (did i just say that??) I will echo the sentiments of the others...I WISH DAYS WAS WRITTEN THIS WAY!!!!!! Totally fantastic job, Kpatch!!!
I like to wait until your stories are finished before reading them, Kpatch. So it had been a while and I just assumed this one was finished and started reading it. Got to here and realized it isn't done yet and now I have to wait just like everybody else. Boo hoo! :cry2: You gotta know I am loving this story! And thanks to Rioks too, for the video. It really tugged at my emotions, as does the whole story.
Chapter 15


As Lucas walks onto the terrace, he sees Sami sitting on the terrace steps, gazing at the sea with her chin resting on her hands and her elbows leaning on her knees. Lucas stops about 15 feet away from her.
Lucas: Hi honey, I’m home.

Before she turns to face him, she softly says “Lucas.” She turns and looks at him, stands up, and puts her hands on her hips.
Sami: What the hell took you so long?
Lucas: Sorry I’m late. Rush hour traffic was a bear.
She runs into his open arms and he holds her as tightly as humanly possible for several minutes. He takes a step back, looks into her eyes and smiles a wry smile.
Sami [pushing him away]: What’s so funny, Coma Boy?
Lucas: Just checking to make sure you’re really my Sami.
Sami: Who else would I be?
Lucas: Well, you never know ....
Sami: What does that mean?
Lucas: Long story.
Sami: My family, are they ...?
Lucas: Everyone’s fine.
Sami: Truly? I thought they killed everyone.
Lucas: What???
Sami: Because I didn’t cooperate with the Dimeras. She starts to talk really fast and breathlessly. Every week, I got a message saying that someone else died. Like they told me Grandma Caroline had a heart attack, Grampa Shawn died in a plane crash, my father was killed on the job, and my mother died in a skiing accident, Uncle Bo died of cancer, Will died of a drug overdose....
Lucas: Sami Sami, take a breath.
She starts crying and Lucas puts his arms around her.
Lucas: Sami, they lied to you. Except ... Grampa Shawn did die, but the Dimeras didn’t kill him. Everyone else ... they’re all alive and well.
Sami buries her face into Lucas’ chest and begins sobbing uncontrollably.
Lucas: I can’t believe they made you think everyone was dead all this time.
Sami: They’re gonna pay, Lucas. I swear, if it’s the last thing I do ...
He strokes her face to wipe her tears away.
Lucas: That’s right. They are going to pay. Stefano, EJ, Rolf. I gave the police the hard evidence they need.
Sami: Since when did you turn into a superhero? It’s very becoming.
Lucas: What did they tell you about me? Did they tell you I died?
Sami: Worse than that. They told me you married Chloe. But I knew that one was a lie.

To be continued ...
Ok kpatch I forgot about not eating or drinking while reading (cleaning up Special K Redberry off the table) What a great chapter after a long weekend. Just loved Sami and Lucas together. So like Sami to talk without taking a breath. Boy it must have been awafaul for Sami to think that all her family was dead. I loved that the only thing she didn't believe was the truth. Can't wait for them to get back to Salem. Thanks for the chapter.
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