Mean Mean Mean Mister EJ

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Lol methinks those two had too much coffee this morning. :D

Can't wait for the next chapter!
@ poirot hahahaha

Thanks for another great chapter! Wonder who the other two ghosts are going to be. I think the future ghost is going to be Parker...
hurray, what a great Monday suprise 2 chapters I never seem to get here on the weekend. Sooo glad you enjoyed your time with your fiance.
Monday 12/13/10

Elvis’ Bedroom (Dimera, not Presley)

EJ is all of a sudden back in his bed in the dark and gloomy mansion. He sits up with a start, as if he’s had a terrible nightmare. (Don’t we all know about nightmares…New Salem being one.) Back in the present day, EJ sits and wonders if all that just happened was just a dream. But, it was so REAL. Maybe he just had too much to drink before retiring to bed. He wipes his faces with both hands as if to rid his brain of the scenes he witnessed. Soon, there is such a clatter upon the rooftop, he rose to see what was the matter. Could it be Saint Nick? EJ retorted hatefully – “Who’s that trip-trap-trapping on my bridge?” Oh, wait a moment. That’s the story of the Troll and the Billy Goats Gruff. Excuse me. A double whammy for this narrator. Saint Nick would NOT be visiting EJ, that is for sure, as the demon from the deep dark abyss is on the naughty list. No, my friends, EJ is about to be visited by the spirit of Christmas Present. The curtains blow calmly at first, then a huge WHOOSH. An apparition is standing before him…dimly. Then grows more and more clearly, stepping slowly toward Elvis. The Spirit smiles kindly at first... then the eyebrows furrow, a terrible scowl appears upon her face…

EJ: You? I never thought I’d see YOU again.
Spirit: Nor did I. I considered you my friend, EJ. I put my life on the line for you. And you repay me by besmirching my name... all for your own pitiful scheming. I am here before you, Elvis Dimera to show you what kind of Present you have created for yourself.
EJ: You are giving me a gift? How thoughtful of you.
Spirit: No you egotistical rotten spawn of a dung beetle! I mean the PRESENT…as in today, now, 12/24/2015.
EJ: Oh, that. Tell me, what lovely things are YOU going to reveal to me?
Spirit: Don’t be so anxious. We will get to that in a moment. First, I want to know why you used me so... when all I ever did was be your friend.
EJ: Arianna, I am truly bewildered. I don’t know what you are talking about.

To be continued...
I was kind of thinking it might turn out to be Arianna, but wasn't sure....thanks for another great Chapter CTG!
Can;t wait for more! :)
I knew it was gonna be Ari. Come on now, don't leave us hanging....
I never thought of Arianna. Gee, there are a lot of dead people in Salem, lol. Looking forward to EJ's visit with the next spirit. Love this story, CTX!
December 14, 2015

EJ’s Bedroom

EJ is nonplussed, confused, abused, rude, crude, and thoroughly unattractive. He’s so ugly even flies won’t swarm around him. He’s so ugly a stick horse threw him off as a child. A date of his once told him as she downed her last glass of Chardonnay that beauty was only a light switch away. He’s so ugly he looks like he was pulled through a knothole backwards. He reminds me of Pepto Bismol. Nasty in a bottle. (CTG shakes head, and snaps out of her insult-a-thon) Sorry about that folks. Got on a roll there. As I was saying, EJ is nonplussed. He truly is clueless as a blonde in a Math Club. Oops. Sorry again. He really doesn’t understand why Arianna is upset with him.

Arianna: Unbelievable. You really don’t know what you did, do you?
EJ: Arianna, you bloody well know I was on your side. Who helped you when you were accused attacking all those men which was actually carried out by Hope Brady?
Ari: (snorts derisively) Sure. You had your own agenda. I know YOU were the one behind the drug trafficking in Salem. I know all you wanted from me was that video. Just to get even with Samantha Brady for marrying my brother. I know all you EVER wanted was revenge. You USED me!
EJ: I once made you cookies.
Arianna: You did what? No you didn’t. Weirdo.
EJ: Okay. So I never baked cookies for you. I am a sorry so and so who only thinks of himself. No one in their right mind would give me the time of day, much less be my friend. Is that what you want to hear?
Arianna: Hmph. I was your friend. But you used me like yesterday’s newspaper lined in a bird cage. And why is the author/narrator using so many clichés?
EJ: Bloody right she is... Now where were we? Oh yes, I’m no good, user of everyone in Salem. Blah, blah, blah.
Ari: (sighs) Let’s get this over with shall we? You are going to see what is going on now. 2015. December 24th. I hope you are capable of actually SEEING with your heart…not just with your eyes.
EJ: Hah! As far as Salem is concerned, I have no heart. You know…Bah humbug and all that rot.
Arianna: Well Elvis Dimera…that remains to be seen.

To be continued…
Just found your story and I am enjoying every word of it. Insults and all. Thanks for giving us all a laugh and much of your time to write this story. God Bless You! :)
As I was reading this chapter I was reminded of Johnny Carson's old bit: "How ugly is he?" "EJ is sooo ugly ...." LOL. Keep it up, CTG. Fun story!
Wednesday 12/15/10

Arianna stands before EJ, raises her arms gown billowing around her. A howling wind blows, whisking them away to the alleyway below Chloe, Philip, Sami, and Rafe’s building. They are standing in the bitter cold, snow has completely lined the street. EJ is scowling already, for he knows very well who dwells in this rather humble abode.

EJ: Why did you bring me HERE of all places? I don’t want to see her. Please, take me anywhere else. Show me old ladies living on the street, I’ll donate to the homeless. Let me glance at starving orphans. I’ll cook food in a soup kitchen and spend millions upon millions of dollars in toys for the unfortunate tots. But please, don’t make me SEE her. Please. I am begging you!
Arianna: Oh please. Get over yourself EJ. Given a choice, you’d still NEVER do any of those things, even if it meant never seeing Samantha again. Just come with me. And grow a dadgum backbone - you spineless, lily livered, parboiled jellyfish!
EJ: You forgot yellow bellied.
Arianna: Hush up, and follow me! Now. We are of course standing on the fire escape to Chloe and Philip’s apartment. They can’t see us…
EJ: Oh give me a break! I know that! I’ve been in the past before you came along. I believe I have an understanding how this whole spirit thing works.
Arianna: Geez Louise. Sor-ry! It’s in my job description to explain these things to you. Something in our bylaws or something to that effect.
EJ: Very well. Let’s just get on with this, shall we?
Arianna: All you have to do EJ is look through that window…

Before EJ and Arianna, Philip and Chloe are watching a sleeping Parker, his crutches leaning against the wall. Parker is hooked up to a machine to assist with his breathing. It seems that the undisclosed ailment Parker has is attacking his lungs, weakening him daily. Christmas Eve had been a much better day for the young boy. However, the saddened parents know it will not last. For the doctors had warned it would be a matter of time before the more severe symptoms return. Neither of them voice their fears, for this is Christmas. It's best to let the sadness lie away for a while. Just for a while.

Philip: Did you enjoy your evening?
Chloe: Yes! Of course. It was very nice. (puts her finger to her mouth, and says Ssssh) Let’s go back to the living room.
Philip: Sorry! (he grins, dimple showing sweetly. They get back to their sofa and relax for a moment) You know we really should go to bed.
Chloe: Oh, I don’t think I can sleep! Even though we are virtually broke at this point, I love Christmas. I’m still looking forward to Parker opening his presents in the morning. I couldn’t get him that flying gravity defying skateboard (remember, this is 2015 folks) he so wanted, but I think he will be happy.
Philip: Of course he will! Let’s just hope this is our LAST Christmas in this place.
Chloe: Ugh! And be rid of EJ Dimera as a landlord. I cannot believe we had to sink so low as to depend upon him for a place to live.
Philip: Well it certainly isn’t free. $1000 a month for this place is robbery.
Chloe: Huh. You know what he’s charging Rafe and Sami? $3000. a month!
Philip: What? Their place is no bigger than ours. How in the devil’s playground is he getting away with that?
Chloe: Same way he does everything else – because he can. And his last name is Dimera. (Chloe looks down for a moment, feeling rather guilty) Philip, there is something I need to tell you.
Philip: What is it sweetheart? You look upset.
Chloe: You need to know the real story how I was able to get the money to pay rent, AND have enough left over to buy Christmas presents…

To be continued.
Oooohhh! I wanna know the real reason!
Can't wait for more. I just love this story. Thanks CTG!
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! You stopped before the reason! I really love this storyline, it's full of greatness! :) ...oh and I'm a blonde that was in a math club (high school) hee hee....still love you though! :)
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