Mean Mean Mean Mister EJ

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Love this chapter. Good to know that Nicole has Sydney...i was kind of surprised that it was Hope helping her out!

Thanks for another great chapter CTG!
Love the chapter. I don't think EJ can be redeemed anymore, but I am sure that CentalTexGirl will find a way. Love that Nicole has Sydney. Wonder why Hope and Nicole are friends.
Good job envisioning Nicole's future. Nicole is a survivor! Thanks for the chapter CTG.
Monday 12/20/2010

EJ is standing next to Ari, watching Nicole with ambivalence. He doesn’t understand why he’s watching her work. What does it matter to him? Oh well…at least he wasn’t privy to the going-ons with Samantha and Rafe…

EJ: Tell me again why we are here?
Ari: Do you not care how Nicole is having to work on Christmas Eve of all days, just to support YOUR daughter? You LOVE Sydney! How could you be so cold?
EJ: Because I’m not wearing a very heavy coat.
Ari: You are incorrigible!
EJ: Hmph. My handwriting is easy to read, thank you very much.
Ari: UGH! That illegible, you dope!
EJ: My parents were not married, but you don’t have to call me out on it!
Ari: That’s illegitimate.
EJ: You want to get friendly with me? Well, I never.
Arianna: Oh good grief, Charlie Brown. That’s intimate. I think I need a Tylanex.
EJ: Oh, here! I have some in my pocket! (Pulls out bottle and displays it for all to see) Whenever I have a bad day at the office, nothing works faster than Extra Strength Tylanex!
Ari: Thank you. But I really don’t have a headache. That’s the beauty of being a spirit.
EJ: Oh. Never mind the product placement then.
Ari: EEENY-way… How could you be so cold not to care about Sydney? What happened EJ?
EJ: That’s really none of your bloody business. I figured out a long time ago I’m going to be alone, I will always be alone, and to the devil to the rest of the world!
Ari: Hmph. That might be the wisest thing I’ve heard you say this whole adventure…

To be continued…

Here's a little Christmas bonus...I am posting Tuesday's chapter early..I am afraid I might run out of time, because I want to wrap this up by Christmas Eve...That's my own deadline for the big finale. So I may be posting more chapters each day... :):):)
Have a wonderful evening, hope u are able to see the eclipse wherever u are...:cool:

EJ and Ari are whisked away to another place in Salem. She shows the detestible villain more goings on around the now sleeping city. Eventually, they arrive at the penthouse downtown, once owned by Marlena and John. Now, it is owned by Chad. He is not yet sleeping, for he is sitting by the fireplace, talking to his fiancé…

EJ: Ah, brother dear how nice for you to be warm and cozy with you latest date of the week…
Ari: Pardon? I think you must be on wacky weed or something. He’s been seeing the same girl for the last four years. Oh…my bad. I forgot you don’t associate with Chad.
EJ: No, we hardly mingle in the same places. He’s all sugar and spice, and I’m snails and puppy dog tails.
Ari: You said it, not me. Just take a look, EJ. Someone who actually could be bitter, but chose not too. He’s done something with his life, and is happy.
EJ: Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Ari: Sit down, shut up, and listen!
EJ: Yes mam, Arianna, mam.

EJ and Ari perch upon the balcony of the penthouse watching the scene unfold before them…

Chad: Sorry to keep you up so late…But I’ve been wanting to ask you a question all night, and I just can’t seem to get the right words out…So I’m just gonna say it. Nothing fancy, just how I feel. Love of my life, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?
Chelsea: Do you know that rhymed? (giggles) Sorry. Serious situation and all. Yes! OF COURSE I will marry you!

EJ: Well. If fatha wasn’t in the nursing home now he would be having a serious conniption fit knowing his son is going to marry Bo Brady’s daughter. The kicker is she’s not a Brady by blood…She’s a KIRIAKIS girl. Oh, I would just love to see the look on the old man’s face…
Arianna: Is that what you really want? Okay…lets go.

ZOOM! Off to the nursing home they fly…

To be continued…
Oooh, thanks for the holiday bonus. It's almost like a Christmas clearance sale! With free shipping!

I could see Chelsea reacting exactly that way to a marriage proposal. She and Chad look like brother and sister! But it is so like EJ to think of how it would upset fatha, instead of wishing the couple a happy future.

Looking forward to more now! Thanks Tex!
Tuesday 12/21/2010

SomuchmoneyhowddidIenduphere Rest Home

We have Stefano Dimera, once the mighty and noble Phoenix sitting in a chair, playing chess. With no one. He longs for the days he was able to best any man…at chess, at corporate raiding, or just simply besting him because he could. No reason. He had no one to blame but himself for being in this reprehensive place. EJ and Lexi were the last of his brood to give him the time of day, but EJ was just a spoiled rotten apple that he no longer cared for anyone. Lexi, well she was just tired of hanging on the fence, and decided to just RUNNOFT and be a family solely with Abe and Theo. And Chad, well he didn’t want to give his father the time of day. When the day came that his drinking, smoking, and ill diet caught up with his diabetes, no one bothered. Such a bittersweet end for such a glorious villain. (And CTG means that too, Stefano was a villain you could love to hate. Not hate and hate and hate and hate and hate like EJ. Too many hates? Nah, I don’t think so…) EJ and Arianna are sitting outside the window, watching Stefano play his game…

EJ: This is utterly depressing. Why do I need to come here and witness fatha wasting away? That is why I stay as far from here as I can. I cannot bear to see the man just wither and…
Arianna: Die? Because you know that is where he is headed. To that big mansion in the sky…or heh, someplace a bit hotter. Not for me to say.
EJ: Heaven, hell. Doesn’t matter. He’ll end up atoning for his sins one way or other. Because when the great Titanic was built they said it was unsinkable. Bah. Great things have a way of going out with a terrible bang. But this man, this supposed patriarch of the Dimera clan is going out with a whimper. Truly pathetic.
Arianna: What happened to your utter glee upon knowing how terribly upset your fatha…I mean father, would be having him know Chad was marrying a Kiriakis?
EJ: Words, just words. I don't care what he feels about Chad. I really don’t feel sorry for the old man. HE is the reason I am the way I am today. I learned from the master.
Arianna: Did you? I suppose. You are both alone. Miserable. Is that the way you see yourself EJ? Alone, forever? Nasty till the end? Do you want to go out of this world with your tail tucked between your legs, feeling contemptuous for everyone, including yourself? Think about these things, EJ. For soon, another Spirit will come to visit. The Ghost of Things Yet to Pass. And I’m afraid this guy won’t be nearly as friendly towards you as I, Zack, or Grace have been. Farewell EJ, I must take my leave before the Spirit shows. He’s not thrilled with this assignment…

With that, Arianna floats away, disappears with little fanfare. EJ is cast right back into his bed at Dimera mansion. Without any reprieve, the Ghost of Things Yet to Pass is at his window, banging, clanking, booming, and just downright in an ugly mood. But he has a job to do, and do it he will…
Spirit: Oh, right then, boyo. You migh’ as well be whistling jigs to a milestone as to have me feelin’ sorry for your arse. Let’s get this show going, shall we, my boy?
EJ: I don’t believe it!! Shawn Brady? Darn the luck!
Shawn: Aye, and it twerent the luck of the Irish, neither.

To be continued…
LOL, I thought it was gonna be Tony DiMera..........this is wayyyyy better.
Perfect. Shawn is going to be great as the ghost of Christmas yet to come. Love how EJ is saying that he did not mean the words he was saying. Thanks for the chapter.
December 22 2015

Been a long day, friends. Went to see my Grandma in the rest home today (she's 96!!!), gave blood, went to the recycling place to take some plastic/paper, and then went to church. Good heavens, sounds like I am running for Ms America. Seriously ya'll, it's been a busy day. Hope to have another chapter posted in the morning, then another later in the afternoon. That is the plan!
Hugs & Kisses...CTG

EJ is again confuzzled as to why yet another figure from the Brady clan is chosen to be his guiding spirit…Does God have a sense of humor? EJ shakes his head and walks over to the window where Shawn is now standing.

EJ: Shall we get this over with? I don’t think I want to prolong the agony much longer. I have seen people in misery, heartache, and it bothers me naught.
Shawn: Aye. Tis what I know. Trust me, I don’t like these turn of events any more than you do. The son of Stefano Dimera. Bah. Humbug.
EJ: Hey. That’s my line.
Shawn: No, it’s not. I can dern well say it if I like.
EJ: Rather mature of you. Not.
Shawn: (sighs) You are such a rascal. Never understood what Sami ever saw in the likes of you.
EJ: Forget that wench. She’s nothing but a thorn in my side.
Shawn: True. True. Would’ve been nice had that thorn only but stuck a little deeper. Cut you in half, I say.
EJ: You’re not thrilled to see me, are you?
Shawn: No. Not in the least. I don’t know if I am going to be able to do you much good.
EJ: Hardly the joyful positive spirit, are you?
Shawn: HUH. I was plentiful in merriment and joy till I saw your name on me bulletin board. I most nearly tripped over me own tongue…jaw dropped to the floor it did.
EJ: You know, you kinda remind me of the little Leprechaun on the Lucky Charms commercials.
Shawn: Hmph. You are weird. I sound nothing like the boyo.
EJ: Just saying is all.
Shawn: Hush your fool mouth and come with me. I cannot wait to see YOUR jaw drop when you see events yet to pass. Itsa gonna be a reeeel show stopper…

To be continued...
Awesome stuff! Shawn Brady is an interesting choice for the Ghost of things yet to come. Can't wait to read more

EJ and the elder Shawn Brady are transported to the future. Salem is no longer a dark and gloomy place. There seems to be a light feeling in the air…it’s almost tangible. It is as if a huge weight has been lifted from the city and everyone is delighted in waking each day, the sun shining, birds are singing. Shoot, its as if Mary Poppins herself was the mayor of Salem. (Too much? Okay. Everyone is happy. Better??)
The reason for the happiness? EJ Dimera has just kicked the bucket. Went to that happy hunting ground in the sky. Pushing up Daisies. Bought the farm. Punched his ticket. Out of the game. Deceased. Permanently dismissed. Gone home. Went fishing with the Big Guy. A real gone guy.
We see the denizens of Salem gathered at the Brady pub. In the year 2020. Everyone whoever was treated miserably by the old wretch is there. A glass of beer, champagne, or whatever other spirit happens to suit their fancy. Much delight is found in this pub. Nicole is doing a table dance with Chloe, Philip, and Brady. (yes, Brady and Nicole have reconciled) Will and Rafe are throwing darts at EJ’s picture. Sami Brady is getting everyone started in doing a line dance. Kpatch, Delina, Bellac09, Poirot, Red Squirrel, and Rew, and the WHOLE Salem Spectator Gang is there spinning around on their barstools, making Irish toasts, (oopsie, I just fell off me stool)...

EJ: What in the world is going on here?
Shawn: Tis a celebration.
EJ: For what? And why is Rafe tossing darts at my portrait?
Shawn: Ah, well boyo. You are dead. Salem is rejoicing.
EJ: Dead? Seriously?? Oh wait a minute. I’m not really dead. No one really ever stays dead in Salem. Look how many times fatha came back from the ashes.
Shawn: Did you ever see me return to Salem, USA my boy?
EJ: Yes…but you are a Brady.
Shawn: So is Roman. He came back numerous times. Shoot – even once much taller than his original self. Now he looks a lot like this dude Chris Kosichek.
EJ: Still don’t believe you. I will be back.
Shawn: Not this time. Twerent a bullet that did you in. No mysterious illness that you could magically come back from. Twerent even stabbed. Noooo. You were drunk one night and fell into the Salem River.
EJ: I drowned? Hmph. That’s not so difficult to come back from.
Shawn: Ah. But this part of the river, so strange me boy, but somehow there were a mess of piranhas that happened upon ye. Chewed ya to bits they did! (laughes) It was a pretty gruesome event, Elvis. Even Stefano himself wouldn’t be able to put all those pieces back together. Heh, heh.
EJ: This is utterly ridiculous! I cannot go out like this! Where are Johnny, Hannah and Sydney? Surely they must be weeping at my grave.
Shawn: Nope. Sorry Elvis. They just all left to get more ice.
EJ: Pardon? They’re here drinking too?
Shawn: Aye. What do you expect? We’re Irish. It’s what we do.
EJ: What?!
Shawn: You stupid fool. This is 2020, five years from your present day, but all the kiddos have been SORA'ed so they can all drink legally. They are all having quite a time of it, ELVIS.
EJ: Heavens to betsy…this can’t be happening…

To be continued…
Dec 23 2010

# 2 Chapter for the day - Tomorrow - Terrible Sinister Things and the Grand Finale!!!

Oh, but it IS, EJ. Yes, you are in deep doggie doo. I think you better change now, before it is too late... Will he? Would he? CAN he? I don't know friends, it seems like our leopard doesn’t seem to WANT to change his spots. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result in each time. Is Mr. Elvis John Dimera perhaps... insane?!? Maybe. Let’s just go on back to Elvis and Shawn Brady and see what lies ahead for our miscreant Dimera dude.

Shawn: It is happening.
EJ: Jeepers...this isn't possible. (yet Elvis wears the same smart alec look when he thinks he has the upper hand)
Shawn: It is boyo. Totally possible. Are you that thick in the head sonny, to not realize the damage you caused? You cannot leave such a tumultuous wake along your journey through life and not expect a few ships to be wrecked. Come on now, EJ. I honestly don’t give a rat’s patootie if you die a horrible death by teeny tiny razor sharp piranha teeth, but I do care about the people of Salem, and how many of them you hurt. Your grandfather was in love with MY sister. Thank tha Good Lord Almighty we aren’t related, but we have a strong connection at any rate. Do you really thrive on seeing other people writhe in agony over what awful things you say and do? Does that make you feel like a real man? If so, Elvis Dimera, you are so mistaken.

EJ: Is this where I break down and cry? I haven’t fallen on my knees yet old man! I don’t think its going to happen. So if you would excuse me, I will just go on back to the mansion, and you can just report to the “Man Upstairs” I am a hopeless case. You, Zack, Grace, and Arianna did your best. Epic failure…on my part.
Shawn: Can’t take you back yet. You’ve not seen all there is to see. We have more stops to make.
EJ: Oh, what could possibly top seeing my own wake…turned into a freakin’ party? If that doesn’t reach me…what will?? Good night, Mr. Brady. It’s been real, it’s been educational…but it hasn’t been real fun. So, Ciao! (turns to walk away)
Shawn: Oh, I wouldn’t go out alone if I were you, Elvis. It be mighty dangerous business running thru the future without a Spirit to guide ya.
EJ: Then take me back.
Shawn: Sorry, no can do.
EJ: Goodnight, then. I’ll wander around till it IS time to go back.
Shawn: Trust me, it’s not a good idea, boy.
EJ: So. Since when did I EVER do the right thing?

With that Elvis Dimera takes his leave, off into the streets of 2020 Salem. Should have heeded Shawn Brady’s advice, however. Terrible, sinister things do lurk in the world he is not familiar…

To be continued…
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