New Days writers

Scripts are written several months in advance, so they CAN tinker a bit with the ones already written, due to be filmed next week. I think this week, Days is dark. Not sure.
I remember this current team did that when they came aboard, to change direction for a few things, ones they wanted to progress differently.
No, we ALL don't know any such thing. Higley was hamstrung during her time because of Whitesell, plus there was something else which I will not go into at all.

Then, Tomlin & Whitesell came aboard, tinkered with/changed storylines. i.e. Stefano really WAS supposed to be dead, shot to death but they resurrected him to keep the DiMeras going. And then they killed off Jack in the aftermath of the tunnel explosion.

I would imagine that various writers may have character they love to write for, and those they may have a problem with. I don't know.

What I do know, though, is that viewers have been clamoring for some time for a change in writers. And there ARE writers who absolutely will not take on Days, because of the interference. So let's not complain, until we see what transpires. And that won't be until late summer.

:clap: BRAVO!!!!
Everyone seems to be focusing on Dena Higley, and ignoring the Josh Griffith part of the announcement. I think it's quite possible that he will be the idea person, and Dena will provide the historical component. I think the 50th anniversary story arc has already been written. The idea for it is probably why Josh Griffith got hired in the first place.
I would think Days would spread out that "50th" over several months. I know some of the cast has mentioned that this is their 50th YEAR, AND they are happy to be a part of it.

And I agree, since scripts are written several months in advance, plus they are filming summer stuff right now, that perhaps .....and that is a big PERHAPS there will be some tinkering and rewriting here and there.

I read somewhere that the show has had a lot of complaints about the slow pace, and multitude of red herrings. In my opinion, OVERUSE of the red herring routine.