Sleepy Hollow

OH, LOVED jeremy BRETT. Right now, Elementary is just a new series with a smart detective & female sidekick,, familiar names.

Is this how Ichabod is???
While Ichabod is a reinvented character, he's not modern yet. As I said before, the biggest difference for me is the fact that he's no longer being portrayed as cowardly, but neither was Johnny Depp's interpretation. This version's quirkiness comes more from him being out of place due to time displacement rather than being a nerd (which I think held true for most previous versions including Depp's and Jeff Goldblum's). From what I've seen of both Elementary and the new PBS version of Sherlock Holmes, those characters have been reinvented, so that they've always existed in the present with no reference to the past and the original concept of Holmes. Part of the fun of the new series is watching Ichabod's adjustment to modern times. Unlike a lot of time travelers, his reactions, while humorous, are not over the top, they are rational but still with a sense of awe.
Against premiere competition, Week 2 of SLEEPY HOLLOW saw a bigger percentage increase (+48%) of DVR playback within 3 days, boosting it from a 3.1/8 to a 4.6/12 among A18-49.

LOL, must be cuz of me! Watched it yesterday. Don't much care for those weird monster type characters in movies or TV. And while Ichabod may have woken up in modern times, he certainly caught on quickly to present day construction, tools, appliances, comparison to what was around 250 years ago.

Most new show are going to take a few episodes to determine whether they really have a loyal audience. The Fall schedule has so many show that appear winners opposite each other, so folks want to get a "taste and see".
I also loved his irate reaction to the 10% tax on baked goods. It's not scientific, industrial or even philosophical progression that's tripping him up so much. Being a man of the Enlightenment, he can accept that once sees it. Its the notion that "tyrannical," taxing has prevailed even after the revolution.
Jnta thanks for the info on ratings.

If I person watches a show live and another DVR. Do
both shows count?
I believe if they watch within 3 days, it will.
Loved last night's episode. Abbie's sister is wonderful, smart, sassy, funny and lethal. Loved her nickname for Ichabod.
I enjoyed the episode too and laughed when Jenny said Icky.

I think it's interesting how they are bringing in a lot of
different beliefs in the show. Last night, they had an
Native American story.

I felt said when Ichabod did when he realized what
happened to all the Native Americans.
I think it's interesting how they are bringing in a lot of
different beliefs in the show. Last night, they had an
Native American story.
I think that's the plan. They'll tie in as many faiths and traditions as possible to the coming apocalypse.
I'm sure it is and I think that is what is suppose
to happen later for all of us... only god knows the details of that plan.
I enjoyed last night's episode.

Interesting to learn about origin of words.

Didn't the four tell Icky Jeremy was put to sleep?
Would that mean he could wake up?