The Cop and the Bad Girl-A Rafe and Nicole Love Story

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Chapter 60: Cry
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're now beginning our descent into Cancun. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing."

Rafe saw Nicole's excited face as she looked out the window. Rafe smiled and put an arm around her. "Excited?"

"You bet," Nicole told him. Gabi and Nick were sitting in the aisle across from them, next to an elderly woman who was babbling on and off about her grandchildren in Minnesota. Rafe noticed the tension between Gabi and Nick at the airport, and saw how they weren't holding hands right now.

"That's odd. My sister and Nick always hold hands," Rafe whispered to Nicole.

"Remember what I told you? He's controlling, possessive. They probably got into a big argument before leaving, and that's why thing are so awkward," Nicole said.

"I just hope this vacation can help them relax."

The plane lowered more and more, and eventually landed on the runway. Rafe was grinning and turned, only to see Nicole crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Rafe rubbed her shoulder.

"I'm just so happy, and sad, and confused all at once! I've missed so much time with Daniel Rafael, and I thought he was dead. But now he's alive, and he's in danger, and I might not even get to see him because of some stupid criminals! The thought just makes me so sick and nervous."

"It'l work out, Nicole. Just have faith."

"I do. I believe in you, Rafe," Nicole grabbed his hands, telling him as she looked him right in the eyes. "I trust you."

"The feeling's mutual." Rafe hugged Nicole. The plane stopped and Rafe and Nicole unbuckled themselves, standing up quickly and grabbing their bags from the overhead compartment. They waited for a bit as the plane cleared out. Gabi came across to Rafe.

"So, where are you going now?" She whispered.

"What?" Rafe asked, smiling.

"I know this isn't your final destination, Rafe. Or else why is Nicole here?"

"The less you know," Rafe whispered in her ear, "the better. I'm sorry I can't tell you yet, but know that I love you, and I hope you can forgive me if I made it too awkward between you and Nick." He hugged his sister.

"We're fine, Rafe, and I love you too. But don't say things like that. Don't just say your goodbyes. You better come back! You and Nicole both!"

"We'll try!" Rafe and Nicole walked down the aisle and headed off the plane.

"What did the lady say?" Nicole asked.

"She said that we're taking off for Havana in a few minutes. The flight will be an hour and 20 minutes long."

"It's pretty short, but it seems like we can't get there fast enough!" Nicole said impatiently.

Rafe laughed. "We'll get there soon, you'll see. I'll get you through this."

"We'll do it together. We'll get through it together. We make a good team, afterall." The two friends smiled. And then, the plane took off.
Chapter 61: PS, I'm Still Not Over You
Abigail and Chad met up on the pier. It was a warm day, though not really humid, which was surprising for this late in the season. Nevertheless, gnats kept flying around Abigail's eyes, and Chad had been bitten by many a mosquito.

"Chad, hey!" Abigail said.

"Hello, nice to see you. I'm glad you got my text."

"Me too. Gabi and Nick just left this morning. Rafe and Nicole picked 'em up, and they should be on their way to Mexico by now."

"Yeah, that's good. You know how I feel about Gabi and Nick, but at least I can enjoy these few weeks of not having to see them around town."

Abby playfully hit Chad's shoulder, half-smiling and half-frowning. Chad laughed. He pulled out an envelope from the back of his pants. "What's that?" Abby asked inquisitively.

"Open it and see. I hired some of my family's men to investigate this. Luckily, my father doesn't know, and I hope it stays this way."

Abby ripped open the envelope clumsily. "Thanks," she said. She pulled out a picture and saw Cameron meeting with a mysterious guy here, on the pier. Cam was handing him a wad of cash, and the guy gave him a bottle. "Oh my G-d! Cam's a drug addict?"

"It looks that way," Chad said. "But who knows? Maybe he's just getting some drugs for cheap to bring to the hospital, or he could be getting it to deliver to someone."

"You know, I was here when Melanie's mom started taking drugs because she was in love with Daniel! This looks like maybe it's the same situation!"

"But Cameron has no reason to take the drugs," Chad pointed out. "And he's bee acting normal. Like, not all high and stuff."

"Good point," Abby said. She kneeled down, biting her lip and giving the picture some thought, glancing at it. "Then why? Why would he do this, and act so weirdly. I mean, his tone on the voice sounded much more serious than if he was buying some cheap goods for the University Hospital, and he wouldn't keep it a secret from me."

"Then he must have been buying them for someone else," Chad deduced. "Like I said earlier. Problem is, who? Who would buy these drugs from him?"

"Brady! He used to be an addict!"

"No, he's clean," Chad said. "Maggie's made sure of that. And besides, he has been acting normal. Can you make out what kind of drugs those are? Maybe read the label on the bottle?"

"I can't tell...I need a magnifying glass."

"I thought that might come handy. Well, I brought EJ's reading glasses so we can see it a bit more clearly..." Chad told her, bringing out the glasses from his pocket. He stepped closer to Abby, clearly making her uncomfortable. He put the glasses near the photo. "I can make out a few's vitamins?"

"I don't understand," Abigail told him. "Who would need this? And why is it such a shady meeting for something totally legal?"

"Maybe because it's not legal at all. There must be something else besides vitamins in that bottle."

"I can't believe this!" Abigail said loudly, putting her hands on her face as her eyes widened. She kneeled down again. "I'm dating a drug dealer, I can't freakin' believe it!"

"Just calm down," Chad said smoothly, bending down and touching her shoulders. She flinched a bit, but then relaxed. "We're not sure that Cameron's doing anything wrong. We need to ask him."

"And how do you suggest we do that! Just go up and show him the picture, confess all to him? He'll leave me in a heartbeat because I didn't trust him, and I still won't have an answer!"

"We'll figure this out somehow. Look, I've gotta go back to class. I'll see ya later." Chad began turning around.

"Chad!" Abby stood up and faced him. "Thanks again."

"Anytime," Chad told her.

"What're you doing for Memorial Day?"

"Well, nothing really. Volunteering with a few other student and putting flowers on some of the graves in the cemetery of fallen soldiers."

"I'm doing that too. So are my mom, JJ and Daniel. I was thinking...afterwards, maybe you want to come to our BBQ?"

Chad smiled at Abigail, who grinned, but looked embarrassed.

"I'd like that. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow." Abby turned around and smiled, grabbing her purse from the ground as she exhaled and walked away.
Wow. I read each and every word with gusto, and with heart felt enthusiasm, and I cannot explain how much Nicole needs her little Daniel Rafael, and how much he needs his mommy too. She aches to pick up HER baby and coo, and hum to this child. This is the thing that makes the baby know all is ok with his world, as this is the voice he heard during the time of gestation, and it is who he knows. How wonderful that they are on their way. It is like they are the Canadian Mounted Police.... Here they come to save the day..... No No that was Mighty Mouse... sorry.. I love it. The story has really come a long way, and we are all like fish in a brook.... caught..

Happy Memorial Day Everyone... Wish we could include them all in a prayer... let us not forget them
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