The "Time Jump"


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Nov 23, 2006
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Gotta say I feel it is going to be a confusing week coming up....Ben found a body he thought was Ciara.......and it will be a year later!. Spoilers indicate Ciara is still alive, so WHOSE arm was that?

Both Sarah & Kristen were pregnant.........obviously babies were born. Was Sarah able to discover the exact father of hers? Has Brady fallen for Kristen's manipulations?

Has Nicole become less insecure with Eric? Did they marry? (probably not)
Why has Kayla become "friendly" with someone else?

Has anyone discovered why/how Jen went over that balcony?

And .....has Gina succeeded in fooling everyone into thinking she is still Hope?

And what the heck has been Rolf's big plans?
Ben found a body he thought was Ciara.......and it will be a year later!. Spoilers indicate Ciara is still alive, so WHOSE arm was that?
He saw who it was; the face was only hidden from the audience (by the overturned table and lamp). I rewatched the scene several times and he never says Ciara's name. He only makes choking/crying sounds (like he's sucking air through his teeth) and says "so cold, so cold" as he strokes the dead woman's arm. And since Ciara's alive and well in the spoilers and preview video, has to be Jordan who was dead.
sorry ...beating a dead horse........don't have vcr or tape ability. guess memory is really faulty...maybe time for me to retire......20 years of doing summaries is taking it's toll.
It is hard when you watch it live and type the summary at the same time. But I did find the episode on YouTube and watched that scene several times to make sure.

I originally watched it live and thought he called Ciara's name as he entered the gatehouse. But when I rewatched it on YouTube I saw that he never called out her name at all.
well, I just watched it..when Ben come into the gatehouse, sees it trashed, he stands still, starts to call someone on his cell, stops, lowering the phone as he sees the arm....and says "Ciara".
Agree to disagree, because I watched it repeatedly and never once heard him say her name, only him sucking air and kind of choking before he says "so cold, so cold". He drags out the "S" in "so cold" when he first says it.
JS...I am speaking of when he walks in.....before he goes over to the body......
OK, yes, right there he does say Ciara (which is what I originally thought). I hadn't backed up the video to that part. I was rewatching the part when he gets close to the body (31:56), sees who it is and just says "so cold, so cold". He can see who it, but the audience can't due to the overturned table and lamp blocking her face from our angle.

And since we know Ciara is alive per the spoilers and previews, it has to be Jordan.
Back to the time jump, I'm curious where Will is, since Sonny seems to be spending time with Evan, Rafe's nanny for baby David. And Sonny tells Rafe that he misses "him", which I'm guessing is Will. Maybe Will and Marlena go to Italy to spend time with Sami and the kids? I can't imagine Ron Carlivati would kill off Will again since resurrecting him was Ron's first order of business when he came to Days.
I have a feeling the time jump will last for however many months and then bam Jennifer REALLY wakes up and let's say it is April 2020 where the show catches up to the present. Everything from say November to April was all Jennifer's coma dream. This is all my speculation as I feel the show cannot consistently stay in 2021.
Probably there WILL be a point in time where Salem will be in sync with the same time frame as the audience, but it definitely is going to take a while. (Days itself is supposed to stop filming for nearly 3 months soon. I guess they have finally realized that their 8 months ahead has to be curtailed) I know the headwriter said they chose a year so all the holidays, etc. would be in sync with the present ones. He also mentioned that doing flashbacks to previous year....they had to worry about clothes, beards, hair there are not as many as we all might like. But Jen did not have a coma dream. She was in a coma, and evidently is the person who has to be told of happenings to various people.

The little pieces of the promo are intriguing. Eve is in jail, and with Hattie, of all people! Will is somewhere, as Sonny "misses" him. JJ is actually pointing a gun at someone! But we also have to remember, these tidbits we saw ...some have occurred "in the past year" which was 2020, and some would be in the present....which would be/will be....2021. On Monday, November 11, in Salem, it will be Nov. 11, 2020!
What gets me is that Princess Gina appears to have been impersonating Hope for the better part of a year (although, might be much less, we have to see how it unfolds with the flashbacks) and no one is suspicious over how she's acting? Especially when Rolf is in Salem and they know he's turned Hope into Princess Gina in the past?
Ok - so they convinced Eric that Xander is the dad and he says how can you be sure?? Really???? How can you be sure its not Rex's baby. That's the part that aggravates me.

Holy crap! What is WILL in jail for?
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So maybe the holidays we're going to see are actually the 2019 ones (flashback) and it'll all sync up by this time next year. Unless the calendar year has gone to be with the postal code and doesn't exist in Salem anymore... Or all the preemptions over the years have taken their toll and we've been watching 2018 and they're now catching up to us .

I actually don't hate what they've done so far.