Tuesday, March 4th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Episode #10,775 Taped 2/11 Director – Grant A. Johnson

It’s a new day in Salem, and a new guy in town, and get out your bibs, as definitely a drool worthy addition to town. :love: LOL Chelsea sits on a bench in the park with a bag of peanuts, throwing them to the squirrels. (And just let me say these squirrels sure do sound different than the ones that inhabit the area where I live, lol) She talks about the old guy who used to come and do this, and he has died, so now she will be taking his place. She sniffles, wipes her nose with her hand and as she brings it down, brushes up against the pants leg of a perfect stranger. (He is wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, unzipped, hood down, even tho it is winter and snow everywhere. LOL) She is startled, he asks if she just wiped her nose on his pants leg, she apologizes. They chat a bit, she tells him he grandfather died, her dad is very sick, he is sorry. He gets beeped, has to leave, gives her his big handkerchief, she needs it more than he does.

Steve & Kayla are walking the dock area, she is happy to just be out of the house, he is nervous, wary of a passing stranger, she is puzzled, he beats around the bush, anxious to just get her back home. They stand together, and he looks out, pointing out something to Kayla, saying “look, isn’t that where we got married?”. She agrees……and we are treated to a very long flashback of their wedding day on the boat, with them each telling each other how much & why they love each other. (And thank you Days, that was just wonderful!) They hug, and tell each other it was the happiest day. Steve wants to go home, Kayla wants to go walk in the park, so the park it is. They sit down on a bench, Steve finds a half full bag of peanuts (guess whose?) and proceeds to throw the remaining peanuts to the squirrels. He talks a bit to the baby she is carrying, saying he is going to bring the dude or dudette to the park to see the squirrlies, the doggies, the birdies, and whatever else may be around. LOL. Steve is still jumpy, Kayla is concerned, he says he heard a noise…..just a squirrel running up a tree. They embrace, but Steve remembers (in a flashback a time when he was hooked up with Ava, sitting on bed, boozing it up, with her pushing him to make an honest woman of her and join the mob family. He jolts back to the present, but in a bit, has another flashback, this time of he & Ava on the pier, where she said she wanted him back, and suffering his few broken ribs only partially makes up for her suffering all these years. Steve & Kayla hug and again tell each other how much they love each other.

Sami, looking much the worse for wear, answers a knock at her door, to find EJ standing there, rather taken aback at her appearance. Just typical up all night with twins who won’t sleep look, she tells him. He has brought the annulment papers. She is surprised how fast that was, he replies that his LAW DEGREE should be good for something. She is happy, just wanting this marriage to be over, and is reading it through, as he tells her just to sign it, but she wants to read it thoroughly before having Mickey look at it, then she finds the registered letter he got the other day. He thinks it is the letter saying he no longer has a trust fund, and mentions having to find a job. She laughs at the thought he might be flipping burgers, then insists he open it. EJ’s face falls as he reads, saying it seems his visa has expired. He never thought he could be kicked out of the country and then babbles on about having a son who is an American citizen. Sami tells him he is a DiMera, and has shown in the past he is creative, so can think of something. They both come up with a lot of adjectives that begin with the letter “C”……cunning, conniving, and don’t forget crafty. He will think of something. She returns the annulment papers, he thinks she has changed her mind. Oh, no, she will sign them, as soon as he figures out something to get his visa renewed. (And yes, folks, we all know that EJ’s was born in the United States to an American mother, which makes him a U.S. citizen automatically, and that he is married to an American, etc. etc. I hope Days explains the thinking here, too.)

There are several scenes of Ava in her room, gazing at Hope’s picture, wondering what her name is, pounding on the door, yelling to her father to let her out, like he always does eventually. Then pounding for the bodyguard goons to open the door, & finally saying she just wants a list of the names of the female passengers on the plane. A paper is slipped under the door, she thanks Eddie, reads the list, noting the last name is Kayla Johnson. She flashes back to meeting up with Hope outside the Pub, right after Steve left with Bo, asking her if she loves Steve. She looks at Hope’s picture, saying ….so your name is Kayla!

Hope & Shawn are at Bo’s bedside, fussing over him. Shawn has brought him a travel magazine, Hope is trying to get him to eat. Bo wants them both to stop fussing. They have a bit of conversation about wishing they were on the Fancy Face, and how they loved traveling around the world, meeting different people, being such vagabonds. Hope talks of him getting well, Victor strides in saying he is sure of it. Chelsea has arrived, and Victor tells them all how he found this amazing diagnostician, specialist and surgeon all rolled up in one, who is right here in Salem, giving a seminar. Victor talked to him about Bo, and the good doctor agreed to extend his stay in Salem and take on the case. In walks Lexie, a bit huffy over the idea of someone taking over her case. Hope comments they are greatful for any help they can get, and are sure Lexie is, too. Oh, yes, the welfare of her patient comes first. Cue Dr. McStudly to arrive. Victor makes introductions all around, Dr. Jonas does not acknowledge he & Chelsea already met. Chatter back & forth about him trying to help Bo. He wants to see the charts, test results, and will probably order some new tests. Heshoos everyone out, so he can talk to Bo. In the hall, Lexie tells Victor that Dr. Daniel Jonas seems rather unconventional, she is checking his credentials, as she should, being Chief of Staff.
Chelsea sits with a cup of coffee, leafing thru a magazine as Dr. Jonas comes out, startles her, and her coffee now hits his other pants leg. He teases her that she must not like his pants, she apologizes again, offering to buy a new pair. He tells her he did not realize in the park that her sick father was his new patient. She wonders if he will be able to help her dad, he will try his very best.
In his room, Hope lays on along side Bo on the bed, as they leaf thru a travel magazine, and talk of the new doctor on the case. Between him and Lexie, things are looking up.


Does anybody know where I can see a pic of this "Dr. McStudly"? LOL

I'm very anxious to see the new hotness.

Looks like sami is going to stay married to ej till he can renew his visa. "rolls Eyes"

Poor Nick. He did everything for Chelsea, now he's hardly seen and is goin to have some competetion. Poor Nick.
Thanks for the write up. I will definitely watch this one...if for no other reason, then to see the newest addition to the cast. :)
cough cough....

is there a doctor mcstudly in the house??? <cough cough> i'll take two mcstudlys, and a side of mcbo, mcpatch and mcej. hopefully, those are all on the dollar menu!
WOW...look how everyone perks up when they find out theres a new stud on board!!:smile: I'm looking forward to the view myself!
Just a note on EJ. He was moved out of the country as a baby and most likely given dual citizenship in England (or wherever they are claiming he was raised now). In the United States, citizens not living in the country or claiming dual citizenship at the age of 18 must declare the United States and LIVE in the US (There is a certain amount of time required). EJ would not have met those rules when he turned 18 hence his US citizenship would have been revoked. (My brother almost had this happen to him.) The visa thing makes sense. Besides, at this point, Susan is probably an expat.

Edit: Shawn Christian was Mike on As The World Turns... yummy!
Just a note on EJ. He was moved out of the country as a baby and most likely given dual citizenship in England (or wherever they are claiming he was raised now). In the United States, citizens not living in the country or claiming dual citizenship at the age of 18 must declare the United States and LIVE in the US (There is a certain amount of time required). EJ would not have met those rules when he turned 18 hence his US citizenship would have been revoked. (My brother almost had this happen to him.) The visa thing makes sense. Besides, at this point, Susan is probably an expat.

Edit: Shawn Christian was Mike on As The World Turns... yummy!

As I said, I hope Days explains THEIR thinking on this. While this may be an explanation, the U.S. allows many foreign born citizens of other countries to live and work in this country for years on end, and it does seem hard to believe anyone could renounce U.S. citizenship before they are 18. We do not know the reason EJ had to have a visa....but hopefully Days will explain.
This guy used to be on ATWT and he is good looking for sure. I really liked him then and was glad to see him back on anothe soap. Salem could use a good looking MALE doctor.
Thanks for the write up, Poirot! For some reason, I got a good laugh at Tuesday's episode...from everyone...Chelsea's encounter with Dr. Hottie (is she going to fall for him??) and EJ surprise at the visa and Sami not signing the papers (oh brother, just get on with it! too much filler!) and Steve and Ava relationship and Steve acting like an idiot (just tell Kayla already!) Can't wait to see this one, though!

Shawn Christian (Daniel) is a nice looking guy...and his resume is pretty extensive! I remember him from Summerland! Too bad Belle isn't still a nurse...I bet she would forget Philip and Shawn!
LOL, gotta say he has a great smile!
And I know newer viewers are gonna enjoy the young Steve, who shows in the flashback wedding scenes, just how wonderful an actor he was back then (still is) & why he has such devoted fans. (also, why he should please shave now! LOL)

And EJ talking of having to find a job....lol. So WHY does EJ suddenly have a law degree?
Not only is he :hot: , but he has the same B-Day as Brad Pitt. If all men born on this day, look that good, I need to meet me one!! Growl :evillaugh:
::rolls eyes:: I'm sure the deportation papers are as legitimate as the annulment papers that Elvis supplied. I doubt anyone in Salem will question it, as thinking logically isn't something the residents are known for (except for Claire & John at the moment lol).

Thanks for the writeup Barb.
Doesn't sound like it is going to be a very moving show like it has been in the past.

I also have figured out that I can watch my soaps at ten in the evening. I get DOOL and Y&R. Beginning at 10pm. So take that, taker of the T.V.!
law degree?

LOL, gotta say he has a great smile!
And I know newer viewers are gonna enjoy the young Steve, who shows in the flashback wedding scenes, just how wonderful an actor he was back then (still is) & why he has such devoted fans. (also, why he should please shave now! LOL)

And EJ talking of having to find a job....lol. So WHY does EJ suddenly have a law degree?

ummm, did i hear wrong LAST WEEK that ej had only gone to law school without graduating, and now this week, he has his law degree? maybe he got one of those groovy online degrees, or maybe i was hearing voices? i'm soooooooooo confused, (as usual), can anyone elaborate on this one, please?
As far as EJ having a law degree, he mentioned in past episodes that he had a great education, so it wouldn't surprise me that he had some kind of degree...although why he always has lawyers working for him doesn't make too much sense now.

Glad the man wants a job! Thank goodness he has a little sense! There are too many unemployed people on Days. I guess Sami's savings account is still pumping out some cash...but Elvis' isn't. Too funny!

Can't wait to see Patch's flashbacks! I was still loving the Kayla/Shawn fishing flashback from last week.
All we know about Elvis' "degree" is what he said about going to law school (did not mention a degree or graduating) and what Poirot put in her recap for tomorrow's US show. I guess we'll have to wait and see instead of speculating. We all know how soaps rewrite history all the time. Yep, Sami was dumb enough to fall for it.
All we know about Elvis' "degree" is what he said about going to law school (did not mention a degree or graduating) and what Poirot put in her recap for tomorrow's US show. I guess we'll have to wait and see instead of speculating. We all know how soaps rewrite history all the time. Yep, Sami was dumb enough to fall for it.

IA soaps re-write history all the time but it don't think there is a rewrite of history here ... EJ is basically a blank slate other than his birth. (of course he's only 11) EJ was not all the forth coming about who he was ... In his last talk with Stefano he mentioned that he could get a good job with his experience and education ... so he has a law degree I call that a GOOD EDUCATION! Wow those writer's must Love our EJ!