SPOILER !! Week Dec 2

I will wait to see how Stephen Nichols (Steve) portrays Stefano. I love Steve but I don't enjoy any of the doppelganger stories under this headwriter. Hattie, Bonnie, Gina are always written over the top and become tiresome after awhile.
Right you are, Jen67. The doppelganger stories are as overused as most of the other stale stories. I don't understand how people are going to be looking at Steve and being told it's Stefano and expected to believe it. Essence of Stefano or whatever they want to call it, it's not working for me.
one of the clips has him saying "I now have the face of Steve Johnson". Well, big difference in bodies as well. What about fingerprints? Oh, that's right, minor detail never checked in Salem.
Like many of you, I think that Mickey will turn out to be, at the very least, not Sarah's and Eric's. She mentioned the disastrous night of her birth and Xander said that he took care of things, so I am guessing he took a baby and gave her to Sarah. I guess it depends on when Kristen supposedly had a miscarriage as to whether it could be hers.

I really don't care if Eric and Nicole are together or not - she is just never happy and always has that scowl, so I don't know what she wants. I know many you love the character, but I don't find her at all compelling."
Amen, Amen, and AMEN!!

Babies are switched so often in Salem that there should be a mandatory DNA test before the baby leaves the hospital. Oh....Wait....this is Salem; babies are seldom born in hospitals. So, let's make them take that DNA test before they leave the Horton Cabin.
That won't help. Dr. Rolf will change the DNA to suit whatever dastardly thing he needs next
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Katmouse, I want you to know I appreciated your post, but I hate that sourpuss Eric is the father.

Years ago I was hoping for Nicole and Eric to have a baby together, but the ship sailed long ago for that. In fact Eric could sail out of Salem and I would do a Happy Dance.
Soooo, Eric will share custody of Mickey with Sarah, as long as Xander takes a hike, has nothing to do with her. I can understand the why of Eric's demand, why he feels that way about Xander who has tried to kill him a few times......but also can see Sarah's dilemma as Xander loves the baby, has cared for both Sarah & Mickey all this while, has been there for Sarah when she needed someone. However, unless she agrees, Eric could get full custody, inasmuch as in a court of law, the things Xander has done, plus her keeping the knowledge from Eric about his "fatherhood" could have the judge award Mickey to Eric??? True soapy situation.
If I'd had any sympathy left for Eric before hearing this, it would be the final straw. Yes, Xander has done awful things, even to Eric. There was a time when I didn't think I could ever root for him. But a lot of people in Salem do terrible things and everybody seems to get over it, and Xander really has gone above and beyond in being good to Sarah and the baby. I'm thinking his real motive may be revenge rather than concern for the baby's well-being, whether he realizes it yet or not.