SPOILER !! Week Dec 25

Makes one wonder what Stefano had against birth control, or why none of his paramours believed in it either. Just think, for all his wealth, Stefano did not support or raise a single one.
Yet somehow upon learning they're a DiMera they suddenly become completely loyal and often-evil. It's almost as if the writing is terrible and stuck in the '70s.

Oscar? Oleg? Oliver? Obi-wan? O'Brady??
Maybe the "O" stands for "OhnoIcan'tbelievethistropeisbeingusedagain". That's what it will mean for me anyway.
So I read spoilers on Facebook (I don't know the legitimacy of it honestly) and there is one speculation that Anna is returning and a romance might happen with Roman. Then also an upcoming custody battle (I'm thinking Eve and Brady fight for custody of Tate). And then big surprise another murder will be coming to Salem. (Wonder if it's Vivian?).
Paul is acting like something that's nobody's fault (on-screen at the moment) is Will's fault. While I think Sonny was a little harsh with Paul, he had to be honest with him. Should he have strung him along for months (that seem like decades, à la Bo/Hope/Billie or Hope/Rafe/Aiden)? I think not. Perhaps I'd feel more if Paul hadn't been such a sleaze upon coming to town, and stalked Sonny for months while he tried to work on his marriage. Or if the previous writers had seen to it that Sonny/Paul's romance rekindling was a front-burner story instead of a tacked-on afterthought.

I know I'm supposed to feel the worst for Paul, I just can't.

Meanwhile more medical junk? Steve is losing his eyesight - again. I hope this isn't cured in a Salem second when it's convenient to do so. Remember when Abe was blind? Yeah, me neither.
I feel horrible for Paul. He didn't deserve to get pushed aside like yesterday's leftovers. Sonny was wrong in the way he handled the entire situation. I don't think it was fair when a minute before Paul confessed to seeing Will, Sonny was all gung-ho on proposing. Will, I think, feels some remorse about the way he was treated and therefore feels some responsibility.