SPOILER !! Week Jan 21

There was a day when the harvesting/planting was going on, nurse came in saying sorry for the delay, they had been dealing with a man who was drunk. (something Eric was doing at the time). Many viewers would prefer that Daniel not be the father, that maybe Eric was there donating, and in the ruckus, confusion that day, sperm was switched, mislabeled, something.
I can't believe you would even THINK that could happen at University Hospital! They are SO careful and ALWAYS do everything right!!!

If Melinda is going to run for mayor, I wonder if Haley had been involved in something that they feel would derail Melinda's campaign? Maybe Haley was a stripper, hooker or did adult movies? Maybe she sold drugs? Terrorized the Smith Island Forest Preserve bear? Tried to poison the Horton cabin raccoons? Started an online smear campaign against Chez Rouge?

I thought Melinda Trask told Haley on Friday that she was running for Mayor and since it seems Haley is an undocumented alien, that could be what she doesn't want revealed. Just my opinion.
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I did my post before Barb posted the soap magazine spoiler that Haley is an illegal alien.
If Melinda is going to run for mayor, I wonder if Haley had been involved in something that they feel would derail Melinda's campaign? Maybe Haley was a stripper, hooker or did adult movies? Maybe she sold drugs? Terrorized the Smith Island Forest Preserve bear? Tried to poison the Horton cabin raccoons? Started an online smear campaign against Chez Rouge?
OMG, Melinda for mayor? This will be the biggest political farce since pre-mummy EJ ran against Abe. What will her campaign slogan be?
  • Vote for me. I lost all my major cases and want to make a career move.
  • Vote for me. I'll do a better job than career criminal Mayor EJ.
  • Vote for me. At least I've never been one of Stefano DiMera's in-laws.
  • Vote for me. At least I'm not Charles Woods.
  • Vote for me or I'll eat you and your family alive.
  • Vote for me. I have the charisma of a tree stump.
Spoilers from http://buzzworthyradiocast.com/?p=3826

-Xander jumps into bed with a surprising partner.
-Jennifer and Eve have a heated argument over Jack.
-Haley gets to know Tripp when she treats him at the hospital.
-Claire makes romantic inroads with Tripp.
-Sarah tries to make amends with Eric.
-Jennifer warns Jack that Eve is using him.
Vote for me or I'll eat you and your family alive
By prosecuting them outside the full extent of the law!!
The explanation was really hinky as to why Dario wasn't a US citizen, too.
I might be wrong, but I think that was just a scam on his part?

So is the secret that Melinda is also undocumented? Because otherwise, it's either highly implausible or not really Haley's secret...and why would that make her kill herself? (SNORE)
Jason, I thought the same thing about the Dario thing being a scam.

I also agree that Haley being undocumented is not something worthy of suicide. Even if Melinda is undocumented, the only reason Haley would/should kill herself over it is because she knows if she let the information slip out, Melinda would probably kill her anyway. I hope there is more to this story than we know or suspect right now.
That is what I think, too, Noel.
Does Eric learn Nicole is not dead after all? Or is it that maybe HE is daddy?
If getting to know Tripp gets Haley out of JJ's orbit, yayyy. Can you see Claire then??? LOL

I have read several places suggestion that Eric might be Holly's daddy; but I don't see how that could be unless we all have amnesia like Jack. Holly was conceived in a clinic using Daniel's sperm and Eric was a priest at the time (unlikely to be giving donations).
Haven't you noticed through the many years of Days, when Jack comes back that Lucas leaves. When Lucas comes back Jack leaves. The writers have always played these two with any sense of feeling. In and out. Out and in. I am dizzy with the writers torturing these two and the fans. :sad:
At the time Holly was conceived, Eric was drinking very heavily. A nurse commented to the women that she was sorry for the delay, they were dealing with a drunk.

As noted before, many believe it is possible Eric was there, at the time, donating sperm, drunk, and POSSIBLY the samples got mixed up.

(There are those who donate sperm/blood because they are paid!!! )

Maybe the secret is Melinda knowingly harbored an illegal, and she was a prosecuting attorney. The thing is, Haley supposedly attempted suicide because she did something, something that could have (or did ) cause a problem for Melinda. When they were arguing, Haley did say to her "that is why I tried to commit suicide". But Melinda was just, "keep your mouth shut, you have to move out".

However, It does appear that Haley's big secret is being illegal immigrant.
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That spoiler/preview video looked like Xander and Sarah were getting hot and heavy. If so, she's a typical Salemite, doing the "dance with no pants" with someone she just met.
This presents some interesting possibilities. Imagine the following conversation.

Maggie: "Sarah, are you carrying on with Xander?!"

Xander: "Yes, Maggie, it's true. Sarah prefers a real man to the insipid Rex and the fallen Father Eric."

Maggie: "Sarah, Xander has done some terrible things."

Sarah: "Mom, that's all Victor's fault. He wrongly shut Xander out of the family because he hated his father, Titus."

Maggie: "But he trapped Eric and Nicole in an overheated crawlspace."

Sarah: "Big woop. They probably enjoyed the time together."

Maggie: "And he put Nicole in a cage in his Greek villa."

Sarah: "Good place for her. It would keep her from preying on clueless men like Brady."

Maggie: "And he was involved in a diamond smuggling plot with Fred the Elephant and the now-deceased Serena Mason."

Sarah: "That shows his entrepreneurial initiative and why he should be Titan CEO."

See Post #24 & #51.................
ANYTHING is possible if the writers deem it so.

34% of the current contract cast were considered "Dead dead" at one time or another. That doesn't include characters who were "dead" during a storyline but the audience always knew they were alive (which did happen to a few "dead" characters, too). An additional 13% (representing nearly half the contract cast) are illogically grafted children (like Stefan0 DiMera) that don't make a lot of sense if the show is viewed "logically".

There was also setup for mayhem with the artificial insemination that led to Holly.
Well, the writers have certainly started off the new year with a bang!!!!!!
Ok I know that they have written flimsy things before but I don't buy this at all.

First Haley. Her being illegal I don't buy as a reason for suicide. Not even Melinda being illegal and intimidating Haley would be enough. Nope. But they did say it was Haley's secret not Melinda's. I'm guessing Haley got pregnant by the wrong person, her family forced her into an abortion and then sent her to away to Salem.

I think it could be the guilt of something like that as the reason she tried to kill herself. Melinda just wants as little to do with her sister as possible and doesn't want Haley's issues to get in her way. Oh and Melinda running for mayor is laughable considering her prosecutorial failure rate.

Now Eric as the "real" father". Oh heeeeeeellllllnnnoooooooo. Now I know that they like to rewrite stuff but it hasn't been that long ago that we were learned that the clinic that was used was not University hospital. We know how nobody there can keep their mouths shut and they would all have been buzzing around talking about it. Jennifer would have had a reporter filling the front page of the Salem Spectator with the latest in the surrogate saga. In fact, the way they wrote the reveal of Chloe's surrogacy it sounded like the clinic was not even in Salem.

If I had time to check transcripts or even knew how I would because I think there may have been a mention of Chicago or at somewhere else. Also there would have been an officer within 5 feet of Eric at the hospital since he was the drunk who killed someone in an auto accident. There's no way he could have snuck off and taken the time to fill a specimen jar and switch it. There is just too much to change and another complete decimation of the original story to make this work.

And lastly the drunk who killed Salem's beloved wonder doctor should not be rewarded as the father of his baby I don't care how much they have tried to redeem him. He is still a scowling sourpuss rotten jerk when he doesn't get his way no matter how Princess Buttinsky Sarah (yep that is what I am formally naming her) wants everyone to think he is the best thing since sliced bread.

Yep we are in one way or another in for a poorly thought out, poorly written, suspension of knowledge story.

I think there may have been a mention of Chicago
There was no mention of the procedure happening in Chicago.
Also there would have been an officer within 5 feet of Eric at the hospital since he was the drunk who killed someone in an auto accident.
Daniel was alive and well when the first in vitro procedure took place, so Eric had not driven drunk and killed him yet. That was the flashback we saw, when the nurse apologized for the delay because the doctor was tied up with some drunk.

That particular procedure didn't work and Chloe tried again, after Daniel died, without letting Nicole know. She didn't want to say anything to Nicole in case it didn't take again.
The flashback scenes happened on November 3, 2016. Here is the part that has the nurse mentioning the drunk:

Daniel: Look, Chloe, it's very generous of you, but I--

Nicole: Don't say no, please?

Daniel: I'm just saying that it--I mean, it would be too...just uncomfortable. We have a history. I mean, we're co-parenting--

Chloe: Okay, well, we could work on that. Listen, you guys, if you can't adopt and you can't use a regular surrogate, then what are you gonna do?

Nicole: And with my police record...

Daniel: I know.

Chloe: Hey, it'll be your egg, and I'll just be the oven.

Daniel: Just the egg and the--look. Are you really comfortable with this?

Nicole: Yes. I am. And, honey, Chloe's the only one who could do this for us. It's her, or it's no one. Please. Chloe-- Chloe's gift is unbelievable. I mean, think about this. Our baby? Half you, half me? Nothing would make me happier. Hey.

Daniel: Hey. Well, I never saw myself making that particular kind of deposit in this particular kind of bank.

Chloe: [Laughs]

Nicole: Don't. Daniel...

Daniel: I'm sorry. I just thought I was sort of--

Chloe: It's just the hormone shots. She'll be fine in a few days.

Nurse: I'm sorry for the delay. Dr. Lee is dealing with a disruptive gentleman who seems to have had too much to drink.

Nicole: Yeah, I could really use a drink right now.

Chloe: Well, the good news is, you can have as much as you want to drink now that your eggs have been harvested.

Okay, Daniel, your specimen has been labeled and stored.

Nicole: So, uh, how long will it take?

About three weeks.

Nicole: Three weeks.

Nurse: I'm so sorry. Chloe's test came back negative. The embryo did not transfer positively.

[Solemn music]

Chloe: As if things couldn't get worse, Daniel died, and so did Nicole's dream.