SPOILER !! week May 16


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday May 16:
Andre strikes a deal with Aiden; if Aiden gets him out of jail, then he will back up his story.

Tuesday May 17:
Victor anonymously receives information about Summer’s dark past.

Wednesday May 18:
Kate suggests to Deimos that they elope to Las Vegas.

Thursday May 19:
Marlena helps Paul cope with post-traumatic stress from being kidnapped and brainwashed.

Friday May 20:
Rafe witnesses a kiss between Aiden and Hope.
Belle surprises Shawn with a drunken doorstep kiss.

Salem has the most bizarre health care system. Have a flu, a virus that demands the CDC, and during that a month or so after being kidnapped and brain washed, which is fairly normal if you live in Salem, you visit your step mom for help with your PTSD.

And Vegas for a wedding??? Can't you get married in Salem any more?????

Looks like a fun packed week.
Poor Rafe!! He can't catch a break with women. Aiden visiting Andre? Eeeeesh, that can't be good. Hope kissing Aiden? This just all sounds like a bad dream to me.

You know, I remember coming home from work and wanting to watch the families on the show, catching up with all of them. The problem at hand for me is the ever changing circumstances that separate family on this show, it wasn't always this way. I actually remember happy times that lasted more than a nano second.

I remember love and romance, also the ill behaved children, and the mentoring parents and grands that guided them with love and devotion. Where has it all gone? There is so much history with the long time actors that it is impossible to be less than ambivalent when seeing them in yet another peculiar (yet similar) situation. I've watched this show from the beginning, however have had to take a break from time to time. I'm getting real close to break time again.
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Kate suggests to Deimos that they elope to Las Vegas.
Since Kate's cheated on every husband she's ever had, I wonder with whom she'll cheat this time? She's already had every available man in town, LOL. Though I suppose she hasn't had Brady or JJ yet... :sick::sick::eek:
@robinsnest It does seem odd but Paul could still be quarantined, and Marlena is helping him officially.

I really hope Aiden is telling the truth. Since he's supposed to be around for awhile (though who really knows?) and because I feel the writers gave him a raw deal when they ended Hope/Aiden to prop Bo/Hope for 35 seconds. Silly - a wrong should be righted...but the weekly listings seem to indicate Aiden is still shady. :angry:
I don't know why Aiden goes to see andre...probably to confront him...it could be that either Aiden tells him or Andre' realizes that his story is not believed. And thus, Andre refuses to admit to what happened.......but...will if Aiden helps him get out of jail.

I figured that Andre' would not go to prison, but would be back causing havoc again. The character was just being given a "rest", as has happened to others.

And yes, I agree that Aiden still was trying to hide a gambling debt, and had agreed to kill Hope for her ins. but It would seem he just could not do that....thus Andre' was prepared with his clone.

Well, we will see. I am thinking Aiden was brought back because of the outrage that poured in after the decision to ruin the character, the story, and kill him.
Agree. With Stefano dead, Andre is the only one who could admit that they did that to Aiden (if they did, who knows yet). But Andre backing up Aiden's story, should keep Andre in jail, not free him. So who knows, have to wait and see. Just hoping the writers did it good, not some lame feeble attempt at a story.
Monday May 16:
Andre strikes a deal with Aiden; if Aiden gets him out of jail, then he will back up his story. [Careful, Aiden. Andre is just as likely to throw you under the bus.]

Tuesday May 17:
Victor anonymously receives information about Summer’s dark past. [Victor, could this be from ace Internet researcher Anne Milbauer? If so, pay attention. This woman knows her stuff.]

Wednesday May 18:
Kate suggests to Deimos that they elope to Las Vegas. [If what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, maybe this unholy pair will do Salem a favor and stay there.]

Thursday May 19:
Marlena helps Paul cope with post-traumatic stress from being kidnapped and brainwashed. [Hey writers, what happened? Did you finally remember that crazy Yo-Daddy tried to brainwash the former pitcher?]

Friday May 20:
Rafe witnesses a kiss between Aiden and Hope. [Face it, Rafe, this forced romance was not to be. Find a nice girl your own age who isn't a murderer -- one you can take home to Mami.]
Belle surprises Shawn with a drunken doorstep kiss. [Shawn, don't be fooled. This isn't the old Belle. Your former wife has been changed beyond all recognition by the wretched writers.]
Hey Aiden, instead of making deals with Andre perhaps you help your hot mess of a son.

I hope Victor puts and end to Summer before Summer begins.

Can Kate be the next character they give a good long rest to? I'm over Ms. Blue Chunk being the welcome mattress for every man that comes to Salem.

Poor Paul. It takes getting quarantined by a virus in order to finally receive therapy after being traumatized by Granddaddy Dearest.

Rafe, you should go date Nicole on the down low and help her con Deimos.

I see Belle is still a fickle tramp.
I smell a rat where Aiden is concerned. I saw another spoiler that says Aiden's fingerprints disappear from the police station.
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Aiden also doesn't know Hope had killed Stefano either. So therefore to Aiden working with Andre to clear his story wouldn't seem detrimental to Hope. Little does he know helping releasing Andre will cause havoc for Hope and him as well.

Kate oh Kate you are reeking of desperation. First Belle randomly surprising Philip to get married and now we have Kate throwing her self at Deimos to seal the deal. What is up with the women in Salem! I don't if Deimos will say yes or no....I'm guessing no because of the love and guilt with Helena. However Kate would make the marriage more of a business deal. But with Nicole around I doubt we will ever see Kate Roberts as Kate Kiriakis a second time!

I think it's pretty obvious it might be Jeannie T who anonymously sends the history of Summer's dark past. She has been looking into Summer aka Cindi's past with Anne so could be.

How much more trashing can Belle's character take? This is almost as bad as when the writer's wrote Chloe as a drunken prostitute working for Quinn. Now Belle is showing up wasting throwing herself at her ex and had just proposed to another ex. Belle needs to either be single or find another man who aren't Uncle and Nephew.
Hey Aiden, instead of making deals with Andre perhaps you help your hot mess of a son.
I hope Victor puts and end to Summer before Summer begins.
Can Kate be the next character they give a good long rest to? I'm over Ms. Blue Chunk being the welcome mattress for every man that comes to Salem.
Poor Paul. It takes getting quarantined by a virus in order to finally receive therapy after being traumatized by Granddaddy Dearest.
Rafe, you should go date Nicole on the down low and help her con Deimos.
I see Belle is still a fickle tramp.
Yes, Chase is quite the hot mess. It might make for an awkward moment for Hope if Aiden asks her: "How's Chase. Have you been looking out for him?" As for Summer, let's hope we don't have to wait until summer to be rid of her. How about she gets run out of town on a rail as part of Salem's Memorial Day celebration. Speaking of leaving town, Ms. Blue Chunk should just go to Vegas and stay there. Poor Lucas must be shaking his head about his "mattress" mom. Yes, Rafe should turn his attentions to Nicole. Conning Deimos is a far more worthy cause than covering up Stefano's murder. Finally, Belle is a fickle tramp with the emphasis on "tramp." Shawn should let Shaggy Phil have her. They deserve each other.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Fynn finds an antidote for the virus.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Brady confides in Belle about his relationship problems with Theresa.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Aiden rents a room at the Martin house from a very wary Julie.

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Deimos tells Kate he wants her to sign a pre-nup.

Friday, May 20, 2016
Rafe tells Eduardo that they have to stop paying the price for his past.
Hmmm, so Julie caves & rents a room to Aiden.....Interesting! Well, at least Julie is at the Martin house......I was wondering if she just hired a manager or something like that??