SPOILER !! Week Nov 12

Heck, Abby herself was born in a cabin. JJ was born in a cave on an island; Holly in a hotel room; Parker in the Horton cabin; Johnny and Allie in Marlena's bed; Brady in the side room at the church; Belle in a cabin; Andrew Donovan in a cabin; Philip at the Salem Inn, Ciara in a warehouse, Claire in a side room at the church; Grace in Mia's apartment; Arianna in a shed; and Thomas in a cabin.
Yes, that was what TheWriter was being sarcastic about. Salem babies rarely born in hospital, so the writers think this is just one more Drama filled birth. Think again, writers.
Can we have a baby born in this century at the hospital for a change? A nice, normal birth that would be more realistic. Abby has enough drama surrounding the birth of this baby that the location should be in a hospital.

Was Shawn Douglas the last baby born in the hospital? That was 1987!
Was Shawn Douglas the last baby born in the hospital? That was 1987!

Since Shawn-D's birth, the following were born in the hospital: Alexander, Stephanie, Victor II & Joseph, Will, EJ, JT, Zack, Joy Wesley, Theo, and Joey Johnson. Sydney was born in Dr. Baker's clinic.

Although they weren't on shown onscreen, Sonny and Jeannie T were born in hospitals, too.
I am enough of a nerd (and I'm on a mini-vacation before my trip for work next week) that I actually have started the spreadsheet. Lots of complexity in some past stories. Not so much now - the drama seems to be entirely focused on location of birth, rather than more interesting character elements.
Of 52 births that either occurred on-screen or we were told about contemporaneously, 34 (65%) took place in hospitals (including Marcus's Emergency Clinic, Dr Baker's Clinic, Sherman Falls, wherever Sonny was born, and Los Angeles). Some of these (I'm estimating 3) were hospital-focused stories (i.e., a one-named character giving birth).

Importantly, if you look at the last 10 years of story, there have been shockingly few births (7, or one every 17 months) on-screen or otherwise, with only 1 happening at SU Hospital and one at Dr Baker's clinic (28%).

Go back another 10 years, we have 17 births (or one every 14 months), of which 6 took place in a hospital (35%).

Go back to April, 1992 (halfway point of the show), and we have 24 births (one every 13 months), of which 9 (nine) took place in a hospital (38%). So it's not just our perception - they're actually getting worse at this and cheapening the "drama". (Note: This doesn't include Abby's current pregnancy.) A Salem character who is pregnant is twice as likely to give birth outside a hospital than inside. :rolleyes::eek:

Jennifer Rose Horton was in fact the first non-hospital birth, so I guess Abby's following dual traditions: the DiMera tradition of kidnapping pregnant women and the Bill-Horton-branch birthing-in-odd-places tradition, LOL.

[Edited to Add: This information does not include non-live births or information for Noah, Tate, or Emily, who basically need a category all to themselves and also weren't shown or discussed to be born in hospital.]
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Poor Abby
