SPOILER !! Week of April 25

Lani was a detective in Florida, but when she came to Salem, she had to wait, and pass several tests before getting that status in Salem.
I think she needs to stay, but as recurring. I like the cops having regular parters - just like how I enjoy having regular nursing staff at the hospital rather than random extras. Let her slow burn in the background for a while, being the 'good cop' and then eventually bring back her mama... and didn't she she say her mum had another kid later? A brother? Or am I making stuff up in my head again?
there's a big list of spoilers on the daytimeroyalty page, but some are incorrect. this list is not.

From spoilers from http://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/topic/9280630/8/

Monday, April 25, 2016
Marlena shares her worries about Eric with Belle.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Jade and Joey take their relationship to the next level.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Hope pulls away from Rafe just as they are about to make love.

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Deimos gets angry after Victor guilts him about Helena’s death.

Friday, April 29, 2016
Claire learns her prom song has become an online hit.
Wasn't the last Rafe Hope spoiler that she tells him she only wants to be friends? Quite the jump.
I believe Hope told Rafe she was afraid to lose their friendship. But I didn't see her deny when Rafe told her they were already more than friends. And I must be one of the few, if not the only one, but I actually like Hope and Rafe together.

I think it's great that it started with friendship and is developing into something more romantic. It's not too fast (well, considering this is a soap where now the couples jump into bed after saying "hello"), it's somewhat tastefully done, Rafe is a great guy, and Hope... Well, Hope wasn't quite herself, but now, she's getting better I think.

I do not approve her killing Stefano and Rafe helping her, but I can understand it. Heck, it was like Stefano himself wanted her to do it. Not excusing anything, but it's believable, and I don't feel sorry for Stefano, nor do I feel sorry for Andre for paying for the crime. I mean, how many crimes did the Dimeras commit without ever paying ? Sweet justice ? Maybe...

Anyway, all this to say, I do like Hope and Rafe together. I just wish Ciara would be more in the mix, like she was before. She loved Rafe, spent time with him, now, unfortunately, not so much. But maybe that will change. Plus, and again, I may be the only one, but I actually like that Bo gave his blessing to Rafe before dying. Love between Hope and Rafe ? Why not ? It beats Rafe with Sami (and I know that's just me, because I despised the character of Sami, sorry), Rafe with Kate :sick::sick:, Rafe with boring... see, I can't even recall her name... Ah, snoozefest Jordan, there it is ! As for Nicole, there was potential there, but I'm still holding out hope that Jack will come back and be paired with her. :) Call me a dreamer...
I love Rafe.....and I really like Hope. My only problem with them is the very large age difference. It is not just 5 or 6 years, or even 7 or 8. But, as has been pointed out, there are no ages in Salem after they reach 21. Rafe has been with Kate, Sami, Jordan, .....So, definitely age discrepancies do not matter one iota. And they don't to the show or writers either. We get a teen group, and when they age, that is the end of however old they are supposed to be. LOL

We think of grandparents ...like Caroline, Marlena, John, Kate, and yet Jen, Hope,Justin, Adrienne, Lucas are also grandparents.

I just do not think there could be a lasting "thing" with Hope & Rafe. Something or someone would come along, cause a problem...and bingo.....each is off with someone else.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Marlena shares her worries about Eric with Belle. [Quit worrying, Marlena. Contact Gus, Dr. Baker, and Vargas immediately. In return for shorter sentences, these veteran inmates can ensure that Eric's time in the State Pen is almost as pleasant as a stay at Martin House and the Salem Inn.]

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Jade and Joey take their relationship to the next level. [What would that be, young lovers? Your relationship essentially consists of one level -- utter cluelessness.]

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Hope pulls away from Rafe just as they are about to make love. [Good move, Hope. Sleeping with Rafe would have been an even bigger mistake than killing the wrong man for torturing Bo.]

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Deimos gets angry after Victor guilts him about Helena’s death. [Put a sock in it Deimos. You've already stolen all of Victor's worldly goods, so all he has left is snark and one-liners.]
Nothing major except that when I hear Joey and Jade take their relationship the next level it usually means SEX! They said the same thing "take their relationship to the next level" with Gabi and JJ which turned out to be them having sex. All speculation let's hope Jade don't get pregnant and pull a Sami Brady scheme to try and keep Austin.

Deimos has no right to get angry for nothing. He is a dog who betrayed his brother and that was inexcusable. I'd say Victor and him are even in truth for that kind of betrayal and going after Maggie was overkill. Though I somehow speculate Helena may show up alive somewhere and Ari Zucker (Nicole) can wear a stringy gray haired wig with make up to look older like Kristian Alfonso (Hope) did when she played the real Princess Gina locked up who was thought as dead. My speculation who knows.

Looks like Claire and Philip might be getting acquainted soon for the record deal in music.
I believe Hope told Rafe she was afraid to lose their friendship. But I didn't see her deny when Rafe told her they were already more than friends. And I must be one of the few, if not the only one, but I actually like Hope and Rafe together.

I think it's great that it started with friendship and is developing into something more romantic. It's not too fast (well, considering this is a soap where now the couples jump into bed after saying "hello"), it's somewhat tastefully done, Rafe is a great guy, and Hope... Well, Hope wasn't quite herself, but now, she's getting better I think.

I do not approve her killing Stefano and Rafe helping her, but I can understand it. Heck, it was like Stefano himself wanted her to do it. Not excusing anything, but it's believable, and I don't feel sorry for Stefano, nor do I feel sorry for Andre for paying for the crime. I mean, how many crimes did the Dimeras commit without ever paying ? Sweet justice ? Maybe...

Anyway, all this to say, I do like Hope and Rafe together. I just wish Ciara would be more in the mix, like she was before. She loved Rafe, spent time with him, now, unfortunately, not so much. But maybe that will change. Plus, and again, I may be the only one, but I actually like that Bo gave his blessing to Rafe before dying. Love between Hope and Rafe ? Why not ? It beats Rafe with Sami (and I know that's just me, because I despised the character of Sami, sorry), Rafe with Kate :sick::sick:, Rafe with boring... see, I can't even recall her name... Ah, snoozefest Jordan, there it is ! As for Nicole, there was potential there, but I'm still holding out hope that Jack will come back and be paired with her. :) Call me a dreamer...
You're not alone. I agree with much of what you've said. I thought the Rafe and Bo stuff was well done.
Jade and Joey take their relationship to the next level.
I'm assuming this means he smothers her with a pillow.
Hope pulls away from Rafe just as they are about to make love.
Yikes! That's a quick turnabout from "let's be friends" last week!
Heck, it was like Stefano himself wanted her to do it. Not excusing anything, but it's believable, and I don't feel sorry for Stefano, nor do I feel sorry for Andre for paying for the crime. I mean, how many crimes did the Dimeras commit without ever paying ? Sweet justice ? Maybe..
In total agreement with you, TheWriter.
Anyway, all this to say, I do like Hope and Rafe together.
I'm torn. I feel like it's too fast, and it was too forced (starting last December). And I don't like how Rafe's been dumbed-down to make it "work," or how Hope's been de-grandma'd to make it work. I feel it could have worked if it was just beginning to start now...but, that's only my opinion.
I'm torn. I feel like it's too fast, and it was too forced (starting last December). And I don't like how Rafe's been dumbed-down to make it "work," or how Hope's been de-grandma'd to make it work. I feel it could have worked if it was just beginning to start now...but, that's only my opinion.

This is my biggest issue too. The pairing does not come off as authentic. It seems rather forced and even the actors seem uncomfortable in their "romantic" scenes. The show shouldn't have to force a couple on fans for them to work or build a fanbase (see Brady/Jeannie T or Nicole/Daniel). Just let things progress naturally and the chemistry will come on its own. I'm just not seeing it with Hope and Rafe. Friend chemistry yes but not romantic.

Plus I still can't get past the fact that the Aiden stuff was never really resolved. So to me, Hope has not moved on at all.