Would you like to see Eric go back to the priesthood?

Would you like to see Eric go back to the priesthood?

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I vote no, because, like many others, I don't think Eric has the qualities or dedication.

And I really wish it was the church who turned him down now. Not because of the whole Kristen raping Eric (horrible, just plain horrible, I had trouble watching the scenes as I was so disgusted), but because of Eric's attitude in general. Instead of having Nicole refusing to help Eric, I wish she would decide to testify in front of the bishop, not to lie or manipulate, but by telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I want Nicole to tell them how she tried to help Eric from the beginning, I want her to tell the church about Eric accusing her of the rape, about him constantly judging her and putting her down. I want Nicole to tell the church how she tried to talk to him at first about the evidence, and then, about Eric telling her he chose her no matter what. I want Nicole to admit she was wrong, of course, but I also wish she would tell how much Eric as toyed with her (kissing her, wanting her, backing down, wanting her again, asking her to marry him, than backing down yet again, then asking her again). And then I want to see what the church and the bishop think about the good father. Alas, never going to happen. :rolleyes:

I edited to add : Right now, I'm sorry to say, I just want Eric to go. Period.

Yes yes, 1000 times yes. If I could like this more than once, I would.:clap:
I voted No. No other reasons except the past priesthood story (at least the priest part of it, not the fallout from Kristen's doing) was boring to me. He seems to shine more & not be as gloomy when the priesthood is not part of his being.
I vote no. His going back and forth is an insult to the church. If he truly wanted to be a priest...he'd have stayed loyal to the church and never would have so quickly said "Nicole I choose you"...she'd have presented the evidence seeing that's what he wanted, etc. Nicole was wrong for hiding it from him- but he's wrong for giving her false belief he actually loved her. She was just a back up plan. or the church is. either way, she doesn't deserve him, and he deserves neither her nor the church.
I hope that the bishop talks with Nicole again. The church deserves to know that Eric went to Nicole and told her that regardless of any evidence coming to light his choice is to be with her. They should also know that Eric chose to be intimate with her and they were engaged to be married. I do hope that the bishop at least speaks with that monk about Eric's overnight retreat where he proclaimed that he was leaving the priesthood to be with Nicole. I think it would be something if what the monk tells the bishop is what keeps Eric from becoming a priest again.
Honestly, I have been back and forth about this, on the fence, off the fence. What I see is Eric still trusting in God, praying, keeping his faith intact, relying on it a lot.
Do I think he & Nicole should be together. No, absolutely not. Nicole may love him, but she failed him. Just as jennifer failed Daniel.
Do I think Eric was huge J E R K? Yes, absolutely. When Eric left town years ago, he still loved Nicole. His life led him in different directions and he became a priest. When he came to Salem, he found his old love in dire straits, and helped her. The feelings for her, which he thought had been buried long ago, began to rise again, tho he ignored them. That is, until the church itself relieved him of his clerical duties. He figured he could prove he was not at fault, but ran into dead ends, and thought it was over.
Now, even if not being a priest, he still could have been a monk, a deacon, etc. But he could not resist the temptation that was Nicole.
And while I feel everyone should be given a chance at redemption (heck, Salem is full of those kinds of characters), I am really at a loss about Eric returning to the priesthood. His experiences could definitely help him be more able to understand some parishoners' experiences.
At the time, Eric felt the world, the church had lost a wonderful priest, a caring, and obviously self-sacrificing man. Eric, though was always a "do good" guy himself. Becoming one is not a decision made on the spur of the moment, and those in the seminary are given many opportunities to change their minds, just as girls who want to become a nun are given the same chances to change their minds. And I know those who have.
And because they changed their minds, doesn't mean they love God or their church any less. It only means they knew they would not be able to adhere to the guidelines/promises that being a priest or nun entails.

It really all depends on the Bishop and the Council, but if they exonerate Eric, it then becomes his decision whether to go back to being a priest or to leave.
IF the church does exonerate him and IF he does decide not to be a priest, I hope he and Nicole don't get back together. There has just been too much water under the bridge on both sides. I used to be such a fan of Eric/Nicole, but not so much anymore. I still think Eric and Jennifer would be right for each other.