SPOILER !! Returning Character

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I think most of the soaps have done the "you have a twin that we didn't know about at birth" storyline at one time or another.

Y&R: Cassie and Mariah
B&B: Caroline and Karen
Another World: Marley and Vicky
Guiding Light: Lujak and Nick
One Life To Live: Jessica and Natalie
General Hospital: Emily and Rebecca
Days: Susan Banks and Penelope Kent (although she knew about Sister Mary Moira and Thomas)

These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
I hope Sonny doesn't go back to Will. I believe in the old adage, "If he cheated once (or twice, in this case), he will do it again." Will doesn't deserve Sonny. Of course, Salem doesn't deserve Sami Brady, but here she comes again.

The whole point is that "the couple" is Will and Sonny, played by Chandler Massey (Will) and Freddie Smith (Sonny), not either of them with anyone else. Even though Days doesn't have a good track record for using common sense, I think they have thought of this angle of Will's resurrection and will probably do some sort of the prior character being some sort of "fake Will."
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The whole point is that "the couple" is Will and Sonny, played by Chandler Massey (Will) and Freddie Smith (Sonny) not either of them with anyone else.
I respectfully disagree. Sonny left the country because of Will's cheating, and I'd be surprised if he ever trusted Will again. I wouldn't. "The couple," as you stated, is not necessarily Will and Sonny. I remember many years ago when "the couple" was Roman and Marlena. Now, I can't imagine her with anyone but John.

I think Sonny is well out of that relationship, especially with Sami Brady for a mother-in-law.
I don't know if I like the idea of Chandler Massey (Will) returning as a twin. Mainly because it negates all the history of the character as Will Horton played by Chandler Massey previously and his relationships with Sonny, Arianna and Marlena.

Also, I don't believe they can go the 'twin' route, when the actor says he's returning as Will Horton. If he's a 'twin' wouldn't he have a different name and a whole different history apart from Will Horton? He would be a whole different character. And all the press accounts say he's coming back as Will Horton. To not be Will would be a disservice to all the fans that love Chandler as Will, not another character.

Will Horton is too important a character to Days legacy as a major gay character, not to have him come back and play the same character in the lives of all the characters he's previously interacted with.
No. if I remember right, Chandler Massey left the show in late 2013. Guy Wilson took over in January 2014 when the writers fast-tracked Will & Sonny getting married. Guy Wilson was in the role only a few weeks when the characters got engaged on Valentine's Day and were married a month later. Paul Narita didn't arrive in Salem until late 2014 and had an affair with Will Horton in early 2015.

Chandler Massey wasn't involved with the Will/Sonny engagement or wedding and did not portray the character when Will slept with Paul.

Someone correct me if I've got any of the dates wrong but I believe that's the chronology.
Basically correct. I have Chandler Massey's last episode marked as 2014-01-02. Guy Wilson's first as 1-08. First proposal on 1-15. I think saying "fast tracked" is a bit much, given that that was likely in the works well before the cast change.
I respectfully disagree. Sonny left the country because of Will's cheating, and I'd be surprised if he ever trusted Will again. I wouldn't. "The couple," as you stated, is not necessarily Will and Sonny. I remember many years ago when "the couple" were Roman and Marlena. Now, I can't imagine her with anyone but John.

I think Sonny is well out of that relationship, especially with Sami Brady for a mother-in-law.

But what if Will didn't cheat on Sonny in the first place? There is a possibility the writers negate everything that happened during Guy Wilson's tenure as Will Horton. One of the common complaints fans had with Will Horton after his return from California was the sudden personality change. Guy's Will was when the affair with Paul took place. If the writers make it that Guy's Will was a brainwashed pawn (like John once was) and not the real Will Horton -then Chandler Massey's Will never cheated on Sonny.

I believe there will be more drama to the Sonny/Paul dynamic if Will returns and not soiled with all the terrible things Guy's Will did during his marriage with Sonny. Nobody will be at fault. Will won't because he never cheated. Paul wouldn't because he didn't sleep with the real Will. The show will have a legitimate love triangle in which no one is at fault for the events that separated them. They are all the victims.

That's how I want the writers to approach this storyline. I want Chandler Massey's Will not involved in anything the writers gave Will after the character returned from California. It will give the character a fresh start with his relationship with Sonny. And also give Sonny the impossible scenario having to choose between two guys who truly love him. A classic soap triangle.

On a whole different note, I can't wait to see Chandler interact with Deidre Hall. Their scenes were always a favorite of mine.
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Basically correct. I have Chandler Massey's last episode marked as 2014-01-02. Guy Wilson's first as 1-08. First proposal on 1-15. I think saying "fast tracked" is a bit much, given that that was likely in the works well before the cast change.
Thanks, I wasn't exactly sure of Chandler's last airdate. I've always believed the reason why Chandler was replaced so suddenly was because the producers wanted the new Will Horton, played by Guy Wilson, in place long enough to give the wedding storyline some believability with a new actor.

I suppose also I felt it was 'fast tracked' due to that first proposal happening so soon after the recast.
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Evidence would suggest that it was Chandler's sudden announcement at the Emmy® awards that got him canned early, but having Guy Wilson in the role pre-proposal may have helped viewers accept the couple.

While looking through clips of those episodes, I was forced to see far, far, far, FAR too many scenes of EJ and Sami and Percy and flashbacks of Nick's first murder. Groan.
I still think the Will who returned to Salem from California was not the real Will. No, I don't know why this would have happened. I don't believe the "real" Will would have cheated on Sonny.
We can think up/make up all sorts of reasons, excuses, scenarios.....which won't do much good, as writers were playing musical chairs among themselves and it is still going on. When there is a failure to explain the whys, wherefores, etc. and the show is not consistently being written.........or perhaps overseen...by folks with the same knowledge and vision of characters, yep......chaos!

Supposedly Sonny was the very first lover for Will, so he never had the opportunity to be with others, as Sonny had. Lame, for sure.

When there is a recast, there is always a difference in the way the character is portrayed, but the CHARACTERISTICS, TRAITS, should stay the same. That doesn't happen often. Mostly, because there is a change in headwriters, who see the character with a different personality.
Will certainly was not the same kind of personality when the character was recasted, ....makes me think about Abby...currently I cannot picture this Abby being the scantily clad vixen who curled up with the married, drunken, sleeping Austin, or came into the gym shower with EJ for a bit of a sex romp. Nor can I imagine this Abby dancing on the bed shouting "wheeee" as she poured lighter fluid and set afire the chained up Ben.

Tis the same with Will portrayed by Chandler Massey vs. the Will portrayed by Guy Wilson when it comes to the cheating on Sonny. However, I honestly COULD see Chandler's Will, not only cheating on Sonny, but grinning while doing it.
I had to laugh this morning. Saw a thing on Pinterest about Will's return with the title "Will's Shocking Return Explained; Imposter Murdered." When you click the link, it takes you to a "grain of salt" site that gives you their theory on Will's return to Salem.

Like Barb said, I hate click-bait headlines on things. :angry:
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