Departing...arriving part 13

Dumb: Recasting Dr Rolf, a character only barely tolerated because of his portrayer, William Utay

Dumber: Poor use of Chandler Massey as Will, instead of just recasting Will to have him play a proper part in the murder of his cousin, daughter's godmother, and best friend's wife

Dumbest: Trashing 3 characters to appease Alison Sweeney's (Sami) latest 47-hour return to Salem
At this point I think the issue isn't Alison Sweeney (Sami) wanting to return but the show itself bringing her back. If I had to guess I think she just gets asked and goes along, although it probably boosts her ego for sure. For some reason they think people really want her returns and want her to be awful at the same time and she's a good foil for conflict because they can't seem to write anything else.

I'm always a little shocked when I see her in a movie and I realize Days has just done nothing to have the character grow up and I'd welcome her occasional return if it were happy and maybe added some comedy. And the constant Sami and EJ stuff is just ridiculous. After all these years the viewers deserve to have that disaster dealt with. I can't explain the disappointment I've had over them not getting her and Lucas back together with all of the past worked out.
and I realize Days has just done nothing to have the character grow up
At one point they did have her maturing, making peace with John, being reasonable, etc.. Then poof - Sami was the old Sami again. I blame it on the lack of continuity between writing groups and/or the inability of the writers to come up with good story for a mature Sami
That all went down the toilet when they wrote the hate boink between Sami and EJ, and it never recovered.

Being that we're in the "me too" era, it's repulsive that the show keeps pushing EJ as a romantic leading man, and pushing the story of EJ and Sami as the golden couple.

They would've had lightning in a bottle had the done a triangle between Sami, Lucas and Rafe. A woman torn between two good men, like Marlena with Roman and John. But no, let's have her chasing her rapist. :sick:
Sami's seemingly usefulness as someone to be paired with either EJ or Lucas is over, it is ended now. She is gone from Salem. Perhaps the statement about not being able to write properly for various character pairings when one is rarely there has extended to Sami as well.
Sami has left town, after attempting to say goodbye to Johnny. Not Will, Mom, Dad, Allie, lucas. Figures.
I am one who does not feel every new character (or oldie) has to be "paired" with someone quickly. I think giving the characters, all of them, a chance to interact first, see how they fit/work together, should come first.
Has anyone heard that Molly Burnett is reprising the role of Melanie or that Philip is coming back?
It says so on DaysCafe, but I'd like a reliable source to verify it.
I thought I posted about this actress coming to Days after she was on Beyond Salem 2. I can't find post anywhere.

She's going to play Stephanie Johnson.
