Days of Our Lives - Mon. Jan. 11, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, January 11, 2010
Episode #11,247 Director – Albert Alarr

Another day for tissues, and kudos for fantastic acting.A cheery Julie arrives at the hospital, spots Nathan looking down in the mouth, asks what is wrong, he finally just says Melanie Layton, she is marrying Philip. Julie is puzzled, he brought Stephanie to the Christmas party…….just a friend. He goes to check on something, Julie gets a call, her face falls as she learns from Hope the news about Mickey. She promises to tell Nathan, & will be over there right away. She hurries over to Nathan, who can see from her face something is wrong, she says I have something to tell you, and hugs him.
Maggie is scurrying around with I think a container of cleaning products, worrying because people will be coming. She hears her cell, goes over to her purse, finding a text message from Mickey. She is near tears, realizing it must be a delayed text, and there is his picture, and a message…..glad you talked me into the cruise. I love you. Maggie whispers I love you, too, and clutches the phone to her chest. A bit later, we see Nathan holding Maggie, with Julie standing next to them, and giving Maggie a big hug next. The two women sit on the sofa, Nathan in a chair, and talk. Maggie tells them what happened, how she found Mickey, tried CPR and compressions, is in tears. Julie comforts her, says Doug will be there soon, asks about the girls. Maggie says they are coming, Melissa said as soon as they can get a plane out.

Philip sits in Java Café, telling someone to send whatever to him via e-mail in Vegas, then to Europe, he’ll be there a month or two or three. Vivian has come in behind him, overhears, and goes into her protective Mama mode, he can’t be eloping, she had all these wonderful wedding plans. Phil tries to shut her up, she is not his mother, is nothing to him, not a part of his life or Melanie’s. Viv puts on her ‘poor me” face, exclaiming that he is the closest thing she will ever have for a son, being as she carried him inside her for 9 months, yada, yada, and then changes her tune, urging him to go ahead and elope, live for now, I am on your side, blah, blah. LOL. She makes Phil promise to send her a photo of him & his bride via e-mail, then asks a favor. She takes off a brooch she is wearing, telling him Victor gave it to her years ago, she’d like Melanie to wear it as something old. Phil takes it, thanks Viv, and leaves.

A livid Victor tosses a newspaper aside at the K Mansion, quoting the headline about the Kiriakis heir getting baby kidnapper reduced sentence. He is disgusted, he & Brady argue. He recites a list of Nicole’s sins, including that she tried to kill him. Brady retorts that he is a drug addict, and has been able to change because someone like Victor gave him a helping hand. Nicole deserves the same. Victor doesn’t think so. Brady rants that Victor is so bitter, Chloe is a tramp, Airanna a drug dealer, Nicole a b****. He is tired of it all…..Brady leaves. Victor sits reading the paper when Viv returns, all happy cuz she has bonded with Philip…….and Gus has been able to find more information. Seems the Swiss hospital has been able to restore a part of that birth certificate, she shows Victor on the computer…..and they now can see the child Carly gave birth to was a girl, so Carly is looking for a daughter. Vivian warns that when she finds her, Carly is going to learn what it is like to lose someone you love.

A bubbly Melanie bops into the Pub to see Arianna. She has just picked up her dress, is all excited about eloping to Vegas. Arianna is feeling bad about Brady testifying for Nicole, but Melanie gives her a pep talk, telling her she has to put all of it aside. Forget it. Go for the here and now. Arianna gifts her with a hankie embroidered in blue, she talks about her dress being vintage, but new to her, so it is old and new combined. Arianna says she has to have something borrowed, Melanie figures she will stop off at Maggie’s, she knows she & Mickey are on vacation, but she will borrow a piece of her costume jewelry. She bounces out, reminding Ari that Brady loves her, that is all that matters. . Outside Troy is talking to his hitman about getting a silencer, and doing it clean and quiet, as he watches Arianna thru the window. Now Brady arrives, Troy hides, Brady goes in, telling Arianna that all is over with Nicole. He has done his last favor, no longer feels any sort of obligation, etc. Arianna tells him to let’s just forget the whole Nicole stuff. And the drug stuff, pretend all is normal. Hug & a kiss. Troy is again on the phone with his hitman, saying she is with a guy right now, but soon…he will let him know.

Over at the Salem Inn, (and I do hate reporting this!) Bo & Carly are kissy facing, she pulls away, thinking this is all too fast, too rushed. He tells her this isn’t like they have not done this before, that they should just live in this moment, right now, forget the outside world. They soon are tearing each other’s clothes off, writhing around on the bed, and thankfully, it is now afterglow time with the mandatory L-shaped sheets. Bo is stroking her leg, seemingly a very happy man.. He says something about them on the Fancy Face boat, she says something about Lawrence having come into town, sweeping her off her feet, starts to say “I wish”…..Bo shuts her up with a reminder that they just stay here, in this moment. Nothing else. And they go for Round 2.

Doug has arrived at Maggie’s, is standing with her, Julie & Nathan, as outside the door, Melanie fumbles with her key, wondering about all the cars out front, even Mickey & Maggie’s car. She goes in, sees the sad looking foursome, chirps something about what a welcome, who died? Maggie dissolves in tears and runs off, Melanie’s face changes as she realizes something HAS happened.
Melanie goes into the kitchen, apologizing to Maggie for being so flippant, should have realized something was amiss. Maggie tells her she knows, don’t worry. And folks, these are really wonderful scenes between these two. Maggie looks around the kitchen, noticing Mickey’s car keys where he dropped them, his newspaper turned to the sport page. They talk of how Mickey loved his sports, Melanie knowing nothing about sports at all. Maggie tells her Mickey used to love how Melanie always made him laugh, did his heart good to have her around. Melanie talks of how much they loved each other. They are standing close, face to face, Melanie is occasionally stroking Maggie’s hair, her eyes fill with tears as she tell Maggie how she & Mickey were like the parents she always wished she had, what an inspiration they were, and she hopes her marriage to Philip is half as good. Maggie replies how she just told Lexie that she married her best friend, and she hopes the same for Melanie. (Nathan has come in, and stands to the side, listening to all of this). Maggie urges Melanie to go elope with her man, don’t waste a single day, hour, minute. Melanie tells Maggie how much she loves her, Maggie loves Melanie, too. Maggie tells her that as much as she loves her company, she has other people there, hugs her again, wishes her well, and walks out. Melanie is gathering her things as Nathan tells her he heard what she said. They have a rather awkward few words, with Nathan commenting on her upcoming nuptials, and her extended European honeymoon, but Melanie says no, she will return as she would not want to leave Maggie alone for that long. She grabs her purse, a few things fall out, she & Nathan kneel to pick them up, we see the hankie on the floor, both hands touch as each goes to pick it up. Shocked looks on their faces.

In the other room, Doug & Julie are leaving (presumably to go to Alice’s as Julie mentioned it earlier) promising to return. Maggie assures them Nathan is still there, so the couple leaves. Maggie walks around the empty living room (gad she is sooooo good), looks at a picture of her and Mickey, remembers the text message and goes to pick up her phone. She opens it to see “Message deleted”. Oh, no, she cries, no, no. She holds the phone to her chest and sobs.
Philip is at home, wondering where Melanie is, tries to call, realizes her phone is shut off, wonders where she can be, figures it has to be Maggie’s and rushes out.
Carly tells Bo that now she knows why she came half way round the world to find him, it was because she knew he was her savior, her protector. She loved him then, she loves him now. Bo only smiles, kisses her.

I thought she came to find her daughter...??? :pallison shaking head:
Can't wait to see Maggie and Melanie's scenes....those two together are dynamite....!! Days found a gem when they hired Molly(Melanie)....why they would put her in a s/l with Carly is just beyond me....
Mickey's text message was a great touch....I could have done without the deleting though.... :(
I guess Phil is going to catch Melanie with Nathan, lands alive, wonder what they will be doing...????

Thanks do have a talent for cutting through the bs....your synopsis's are practically pictures.....
Thanks, Barb. Great job as always. I had to smile a little at Maggie getting out the cleaning supplies. The day my father died I cleaned every square inch of my parents' bathroom. I have no idea why. I was in robotic mode. I think Maggie is playing this out very realistically.
OMG, Barb, I'm sitting here with tears falling. Noone could ever do the Maggie scenes justice the way that you do. I feel like I'm watching them, and my heart is breaking for Maggie and the rest.

I don't know how they could show those Brady / Victor and sleazey Bo /Carly scenes on the same day as the family finding out about Mickey's passing. TACKY TACKY TACKY

I also don't understand why the text message was deleted. I still have an email from my friend that she sent before going on vacation the June morning that she died (when she reached her hotel in Vegas). Did Julie or Doug delete it the message thinking it would upset Maggie??? DUMB DUMB DUMB move for Days.
As we all praise Suzanne's performance and Maggie's scenes, lets not forget that Maggie is the product of writers....her actions, her words etc...and although Suzanne performs those words and actions stupendously and better than most, it's a great job by the writers too.....
That is true. But Maggie does a lot with no words at all....and the actor/writer/director combo here is outstanding. Julie is wonderful, Melanie fantastic. I hope I am lucky enough to get a Days survey for this upcoming week.
I thought she came to find her daughter...??? :pallison shaking head:

Yeah ... how about that. I thought she wanted to find her daughter also. Ha! Way to take advantage of Bo and Hope's situation Carly. (IMO)

I'll have my box of tissues ready for Monday. Maggie will break my heart.
I also don't understand why the text message was deleted. I still have an email from my friend that she sent before going on vacation the June morning that she died (when she reached her hotel in Vegas). Did Julie or Doug delete it the message thinking it would upset Maggie??? DUMB DUMB DUMB move for Days.

I thought that Maggie accidentally deleted it after she first heard it. You're right, dumb move Days. Let Maggie have something to hold on to for a while.
I don't know how those things work, but perhaps Maggie accidentally deleted it, after reading, and holding it up against her. She had to close the phone cuz, when she picked it up, it was closed and she had to open it, finding the message.
First, fantastic write-up, Barb!

I don't know about these things either.

For those with more experience -----
As to texting, delayed texting, etc., .... with emails, 'sent' messages are saved in the senders mail ....
Do text messages work the same way? are sent texts saved on the senders phone? Like phone numbers are, so you can 'redial', in this case, it would be 'resend'. Since it's probably the last message Mickey sent??
Or, I think I've heard where phone companies keep that stuff 'out there', at least for awhile. I think I heard this in regards to some 'security'/court thing (think patriot act) Could they be contacted to retrieve it?
If so, even though Maggie, the receiver, had the message deleted from her phone, would that message still be on Mickey's phone or somewhere in the cyber world???
Just asking.

In case I haven't told you I HATE CELL PHONES!!! :D
I use my phone, in a 'busy' year, about 10 times.
No one has the number but me, and even I have had to check,
because sometimes I forget it! :)
Thanks for the recap Barb...I know what to fastforward
Bo and Carly ugghhh :sick:

Thanks for the write up. I just saw the show. Sorry to say, but loved the Carly and Bo scenes. It was so worth the wait. Hope they stay together for a while. S. Rogers was just amazing as Maggie. Boy what an acting job she did. I think she should get an emmy.
thank you! As sad as the story line is, I enjoyed Maggie and Hope's scenes on Friday's show and and look foward to see the acting on Monday's show.
Wow I wanted to cry just from the write up! Can't wait to actually see it.

As for the cell phone thing, it should still be in Mickey's "sent" folder. So if Maggie has his phone, she can re-send it to herself. Unless Mickey deleted it from his phone before he passed...
As for the cell phone thing, it should still be in Mickey's "sent" folder. So if Maggie has his phone, she can re-send it to herself. Unless Mickey deleted it from his phone before he passed...

Thanks, Pixi, I figured there 'had' to be a backup plan. Maybe in a few days, Maggie will mention it, and someone will retrieve it for her. :)

:OT:BTW, meant to mention that I like the way you've changed your signature.
Everything is much easier to read. :):back:
Thanks for the preview, Barb. It was a treat to get one on a Saturday. As much as I don't like to watch sad things, the interaction between all these people will be worth watching. Also I appreciate knowing what to expect with Bo and Carly. I will FF those scenes.
Yes, it is a sad event, but so far the writing and acting and directing and just everything are sooo good.....maybe we should have more tragedies until the Days staff can figure out what is good and what isn't....personally, I think we've seen some better writing as of late and of course, I think the actors act their little butts off all the time....and the dialogue continues to be written well....Days is very good at dialogue....
Thanks Poirot for the write is like I am actually watching as I read.

I know I am going to cry with Maggie and the rest of them

Bo & Carly secnes will make me