Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 22, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 22, 2013

It is time for the school dedication, and there are lots of small conversations going on. In attendance, besides the Bishop, Monsignor, Father Eric, and a couple of nuns, are Marlena, Brady, Sami, EJ, Caroline, Roman, Hope, Ciara, Kristen, Victor, Nicole, Maggie, a few reporters. Kristen has done her "Bless me Father for I have sinned" production, looking out at Marlena, Father Eric, Brady in particular. The Bishop thinks confessions are personal, this isn't the place, she insists it is the time and place, and everyone should hear. She is fingering the flashdrive, when a nun comes to get he Bishop to green Victor & Maggie, who evidently are old friends, as there is some good natured teasing going on. Brady takes the opportunity to tell Kristen he needs to talk to her and to meet him in the garden.
She does, and b lah, blah, yada, yada, she is shouting & refusing to listen to him, but he finally manages to make her realize his dad confirmed what she said, and he realized she was telling the truth. More blabbering (sorry, folks, but to have Brady lose his brain and common sense again is hard to take). He doesn't know where this leaves them now, as he has not forgotten how she caused him to hurt so many friends and family that he loves.

Elsewhere, Adrienne mulls over the video clip, and knocks on the door to Sonny's apt. She once again is attempting to tell him she wants to protect him from the very evil Sami, but Sonny is fed up with her crusade. He interrupts, refuses to listen, tells her to just shut up, leave him alone, let him be happy, and leaves with Will for the dedication, telling her to lock the door behind her when she leaves.

Inside St. Luke's reception area, the dedication speeches are over, everyone is milling around, Will && Sonny have arrived. Nicole is giving EJ a hard time for telling Eric she was in love with him, he smirks as just the fact she is so indignant means he is right. She talks of Eric being her boss, but EJ doesn't think Nicole would really be into filing papers in a rectory and sleeping in a convent unless there was something else. Eric's family has all embraced him, is so proud of him, etc. etc. Pictures are being taken. Someone asks Marlena about Brady, but she cannot find him, and Kristen's car is still in the lot, she is missing, too. Sami tells EJ she is so excited about getting married, but doesn't want to tell anyone as this day is about Eric. He thinks telling a few is o.k. so she quietly lets the immediate family, (parents, gramma, Hope, Ciara) know. And the line of the day goes to Ciara, who comments how she loves weddings, then looks at Hope..."Mommy, when I grow up, can I get married as many times as Sami?".:rotfl: Marlena tells Sami that she only wants her to be happy. That is all. Hugs. Sami just wants the same for her. More hugs.

Adrienne has shown up at Abe's office, has evidence in a case. He calls in the female DA, Adrienne doesn't explain what case, but wants a promise of immunity. No, not for herself, or her husband, but for her son. And in writing. The DA almost tells her to get lost, but curiosity is piqued, so she agrees. In writing. Adrienne reads it and turns over her phone. The DA immediately calls the judge for a warrant for Sami's arrest. This proves Sami lied to them and the grand jury about knowing Bernardi, and that their relationship was hostile. She gets the warrant, Abe protests a bit because of the dedication, etc. but the DA says if he won't do it, she will get a cop who will.

Victor talks to Sonny about his plans for his coffee shop by day, club by night. Sonny is enthusiastic about the remodeling plans, talks of working with Brent. Cue Will to notice and not be too thrilled. Kristen has returned, the bishop apologizes for their interruption, and Kristen still has something to say. She calls everyone's attention, has something in her purse to shoe, reaches in. Oh, no, she lost the gift for the Bishop. And now she goes on about a check to enable underprivileged children to attend. She was sponsoring the one child she met, Jamie, but is going to sponsor 10 altogether. Lots of pictures being taken.

Marlena comes up to Kristen, isn't buying what she is selling, knows she has something up her sleeve, what is it. Kristen is flippant, and just being a good soul. Victor is talking nicely to the Bishop about what a help Nicole has been. When the Bishop moves off, she wonders why Vic is being so nice, but they both agree about not trusting the DiMeras, and that includes Kristen. Marlena & Hope have almost the same thing to say to each other.

Eric has something more to say, goes up to the podium, gets everyone's attention and begins talking. Sami stands with EJ's arms around her, so excited about their wedding to come soon. Everything is just perfect now. Abe walks in , following the DA, who orders him to do it. He tries to get Sami's attention, needs to talk to her. She is shushing him, Eric is talking. The DA gets angry, has another cop at the ready right there. Abe finally says, Samantha Brady, you are under arrest for the murder of Detective Bernardi. Sami's head snaps around in disbelief. Reporters are snapping pictures. EJ doesn't say a word, just massages her shoulder.
Say what you like about Adrienne but that woman knows how to cover her bases. Getting immunity for Sonny was genius, she vowed to protect him and she did. And that DA is one scary woman. Sami should be very afraid!

I loved Nicole's eye roll when Sami said she and Eric are a lot alike because they both do what it takes to get the job done. Hope should start spending more time with Ciara stat - the poor child views Sami and Kristen as role models lol.

This was a great episode, but again show goes to Adrienne - I love a woman on a mission.
Wow, I didn't expect the summary to be up already. Thanks. I'm looking forward to watching. Curious about EJ not saying anything. This has pretty much been his response to everything that's happened to Sami concerning the Bernardi ordeal, and also going back to when Nick was trying to get custody of the baby. I wonder if there is anything more to his silence than what meets the eye.

Hope should start spending more time with Ciara stat - the poor child views Sami and Kristen as role models lol.
I almost forgot. It was great seeing the "camaraderie" between Nicole and Victor as they "bonded" over their mutual dislike of the Dimera's. I could get use to those two being civil to each other. It's almost like living in a parallel universe lol.
Stupid, brainless Brady is back ! :rolleyes: And Kristen, acting all offended when she was the one who lied and schemed and plotted. What, Brady has to grovel at her feet, now ? :sick: Spare us ! Oh how I hope she gets found out soon. Because I hate what she's done to Eric, it's sick and Kristen needs to be punished and to stop threatening Marlena. Her attitude, again, at the end of today's show was disgusting. But of course, brainless Brady did not catch what Kristen said to Marlena.

Bravo, Ciara ! Love it ! :rotfl::clap: And I loved Nicole and Victor also. If only there were more interactions like this now !

Poor Adrienne. I agree, cryin, she's doing the right thing and wants to protect those she loves. But she will get blamed for turning the evidence in. But the fact is Sami did shoot a cop in the back and did not pay for it. How stupid that she was let go, free as a bird. :rolleyes: Yeah, Bernardi was a dirty cop, but really, Sami had no proof of that. And now... it's going to be once again Sami, the poor victim, against the horrible Adrienne. One more person that will get ruined, and possibly relationships (Adrienne and Justin, Adrienne and Sonny), all for the cheap drama that is the Sami (and EJ) show. :rolleyes:
Even if another Salem miracle allows Samantha Gene to escape murder charges, the D.A. still has an iron-clad case against her for perjury. In Illinois, lying under oath about a material fact is a Class 3 felony punishable by two to five years in prison and/or a fine of up to $25,000. It would be priceless to see Sami struggling with her legal problems while EJ squirms as Stefano drops the hammer on him.
With this unholy couple seriously preoccupied, maybe the long-suffering DiMera love couch would catch a break.
Thanks for this summary, Poirot. It sounds like a good episode, especially since Sami's behind bars, Ciara and Will's funny lines, and the bonding between Nicole and Victor about the DiMeras. I just feel bad for Eric: even when Sami's trying to not make it all about her, it is all about her at the end of the day. And I am glad about Adrienne, but she's in troulbe!

:rolleyes: at Brady
:OT: I get you, kt ! We went without electricity from Friday at 3 pm until Sunday at noon, because of very violent thunderstorms here ! Boy was I missing everything and everyone here ! :back:

@daysdegrassi : Thanks for posting the video. Because of the electricity, my DVR had lost the program to record Days. So I had missed the first 20 minutes. Glad I got to see some of the scenes I missed.
What I liked the most about the show today. It was concentrated in just 2 areas. The dedication, which had a lot of the cast, plus the extras milling around, though wasn't all that crowded. And the various characters there interacted with each other. (And frankly, all Sami's talk about it being Eric's day and she did not want to make it all about her.....she still just HAD to do so, whether it was grabbing family to tell them she was being married in 2 weeks, or bragging to the bishop about her & Eric being twins, etc. etc.
And then Adrienne's determination to stick it to Sami, but protect her son, no matter what it was going to cost her. So that drama led right over to the dedication.
And then there was the hero EJ, silent as always, not even a sputter from him. To me, it was like he was thinking....awww, too bad Samanther, but that's life. Think I will go check the stock market.
Even though Marlena was right when she confronted Kristen, I was yelling at her to stop talking, lest she compel Kristen to reveal the video. However, Marlena did state to Hope that she believed Kristen was "armed," so she is aware that something could happen at anytime. I agree that Adrienne's relationship with Sonny will be destroyed, not to mention what Justin will do. That other lawyer is a barracuda.