Days of Our Lives - Wed. Dec. 11, 2013

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I laughed during most of the the stuff EJ and Sami. I kept
waiting for EJ to cry. EJ is a confusing character.
He told Will he had patience when he confronted him that he
knew he shot him. Then he's told Samantha he doesn't have any.

Great seeing Zombie Nick...we all know what he wants :)

Those people in Salem video the oddest things on their phones.
Kristen made her video (sex) and Theresa hers (drugs). I wonder
if she taped the whole night.

Kate needs to find a hobby fast. She needs to get out of
Rafe's orbit pronto.
Kate hovering over Rafe is beyond annoying. As big and bad as she appears to be sometimes, she looks like a desperate fool when it comes to men.
The EJ-Sami show was truly remarkable event, even for Salem -- two of the biggest liars in town hysterically accusing each other of hiding something. That said, it's somewhat puzzling why Samantha Gene doesn't just tell Elvis Junior that she helped dump Nick in the river. It's not like he'd find killing Nick objectionable. Who knows, the thought of his sweethot helping to drown Tricky Nicky might turn him on. Also, it's not like this knowledge would give EJ any more leverage over Samantha. He already knows that it was Will who shot him in the back. As for Kate, she ought to take a break where Jordan is concerned. Just because Ms. Blue Chunk wears a coat that looks like a spotted cat, it doesn't make her a world-class predator. Finally, the Theresa recording of JJ joins the list of evidence that would be useless anywhere but Salem. All it seems to show is JJ leaning over and puffing on something. He could claim it was a Marlboro, Old Gold, or a Chesterfield and nobody could disprove it. Of course, Theresa would say it was pot, but she's another major-league Salem liar with no credibility. And a person with Theresa's record might not want to get too near judges and courts. Get too close to this flame and she just might get burned.
I truly hope they let Jj get the upperhand on Theresa seeing s he really wants to make things right and change for the better.
EJ and Sami! Again I ask, what is the basis of their relationship? How are people seeing HOT passion and romance between this hot mess of a couple? EJ literally wants to own Sami, mind body and soul. Is Sami so hard-up for a man's attention that she will allow herself to be debased and degraded so viciously by this hateful obsessed stalker? Why is EJ so desperate for her that he would rather she be alone and miserable if she is not with him? The need to break them up for good before the end up killing one another,
The transitional apartment will have railings all around and a specially equipped bathroom so that Rafe will always have something to hold onto. He is still not 100% walking and needs some support. I have seen these types of apartments in senior complexes. There is even an emergency cord in the bathroom. I can't wait to see which set is turned into this new apartment.

Tad, aka T, is so sweet now. I hope he doesn't misinterpret Gabi's actions today. She might have, innocently, led him on, the way she hugged him and said she didn't want to be alone. I wouldn't want him to be hurt. :(
I started watching the show at 1 and then thankfully was interrupted right after Sami pushed EJ away the first time. I just fast forwarded the entire show except for JJ/Theresa and Rafe/Kate/Jordan.

Even fast forwarding, I could see the fear in Sami's face. Dr. Baker Fan had a great point. This is domestic violence and if they lived in an apartment complex or townhouse, I can guarantee the neighbors would have called the cops. I think it's disgusting how EJ picks Sami up or grabs her. That is not normal and that is not romantic. Sami has not only lost her mind but she has lost her self respect. I don't see any chemistry whatsoever with this couple. But I do see it with EJ and Abby.

Was Kayla literally on for a minute at the nurse's station? Did she even speak? I saw Jordan look at her and then walk away when Kate mentioned Stefano but I never saw her actually talk to Kayla.

I don't understand why Jordan is so stoic when she is alone. I thought this was part of her act to put walls up around her. But she emotes way more when she is around others now than when she is alone.
@missharleyquinn #24:
Kate hovering over Rafe is beyond annoying. As big and bad as she appears to be sometimes, she looks like a desperate fool when it comes to men.

Rejection hurts, and she and Jordan are not on a level playing field.

@Wild Woman #31: For Tad, in a nutshell, Abby YES, Gabi NOOOOO!

edited to fix quote....JS
And now for another opinion.
The performance, script, and direction for the EJ and Sami scenes were so far above what this show has produced in past years that I had to watch it five times in a row. Raw, emotion from both of the actors, James Scott and Allison Sweeney who play EJ DiMera and Sami Brady-Horton-Hernandez, along with dialogue that was able to convey that inner passion these characters have had me at times laughing, then groaning, then crying. Sami pointing out the fact that the Piano was still virginal was a classic piece of writing for a character that I definitely think would say such a thing. EJ accusing her of using the kids as a human emotional shield to prevent contact with him on a direct level was also point on dialogue. When something said tells a story you may not have seen directly on screen, but it still feels true, that is great writing.

The points made about both of them accusing the other of hiding something whilst being guilty of that themselves are so true, but that key piece of dialogue from Sami about "I love you so much, it hurts to be in the same room with you" are what makes this couple work for me. No matter what, she loves him, and includes all the "matter whats" that makes people hate this relationship. And he loves her as well, it is a possessive love, quite possibly a toxic love, but that will tell over time. What I saw yesterday was a couple that was facing a truth in a relationship, and admitting they did not know how to overcome it and it was powerful. Not a couple of tears, and hitting the bedsheets, but a real reveal of their tortured souls.

Bo and Hope need a moment like this.
I never said rejection didn't hurt. My point was that Kate is ridiculously insecure, yet she appears to be super confident. And this stuff with Rafe, the helicoptering- she could have just explained to him long ago that she still has feelings for him, but instead she has acted friendly and let him think that the past was just that.
I laughed a little when Sami threw her top at EJ, I wish it hit him!

edited to write out word....JS
Thanks for the update, I will skip this episode . I have had enough of the Sami and Ej abuse show, I don't consider this entertainment.
If these writers idea of entertainment is fighting, shouting, abuse, killing why don't they just have Sami and Ej kill each other and be done
with it .
The need to break them up for good before the end up killing one another,

Why before ? Let them kill each other, that way, they won't be onscreen anymore. There was actually a series here in Quebec in the 80's and one of the episodes dealt with abuse in a marriage (much more realistically than Days), and the ending was precisely that : the woman had enough, killed her very violent husband, and then killed herself. The kids found them both dead. Awful, truly awful... but it is reality sometimes. And though I really don't want to see that, it might be the only wake up call as to the fact that this kind of abuse is not love, far from it. It's just sick and very disturbing to watch.

And if I may, I found the whole EJ/Sami scenes disgusting for so many reasons many of you have stated, I won't go into them again. But I also thought the actors overdid it. Seriously, to yell so much you can actually hear their throats becoming sore from all the yelling. I guess some people might find that it was great acting, and I respect that, but I found it was too much. I was almost embarrassed for them.
The EJ and Sami scenes were so well done - the writer, Melissa Salmons, knows the two characters and is able to give them a very believable voice, and the two actors were simply superb in bringing the script to life. As for the yelling, it rang very true for me. I have had one or two arguments with my husband over the years where I was so frustrated with him that I literally yelled until my throat hurt. (It didn't make him see my viewpoint any more clearly. LOL)

I guess it's hard for someone who doesn't like EJ and Sami together to understand, but this may be one of my favorite episodes with them ever. I came away from this episode an even bigger fan of the pairing than I was before.

I can't wait for Kate to be out of this mess with Rafe and Jordan. I will go out on a limb and say that whatever secret Jordan has is going to end up hurting Rafe. I still think Rafe and Hope are going to console each other and end up growing closer because of it.
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