Fall Preview

Uh-ohh, Julie needs a heart. Wonder who dies so that Julie will receive one? Since Robin Strasser is very short-term as Vivian, maybe she dies and Julie gets her heart? Total speculation on my part.

Maybe they dig up Daniel's grave and retrieve a second heart that's still beating in his corpse, since he was so magical? :rotfl::sarcasm:
So, now......let me say this. Am disappointed that Days fell back on the old, old soapy thing of having female pregnant just as guy finally gets his impossible dream realized. It stinks, but so many figured that would be the case, it is a shame the writers could not/would not go that route. Why couldn't Sarah have told Eric she knows he has a way to go before he really will be ready to move on, & until then, they should not be together. Or Eric admitting he is not really ready to move on.

Thus, Holly is alive comes out, he is committed then to finding her..........and then comes the "Nicole is alive, too" bomb.

See, I don't like all the concentration on Sarah all this time. This is not Sarah's story, it is Eric's. I don't want to see Sarah as the martyr that is going to be coming up. Oh, I am giving up the man I love, just want him to be happy. No, this is Eric's story. He has been lied to, betrayed, been mourning for months. And his world fell apart, only to be suddenly put back together, but with cracks in it everywhere.

I TOTALLY agree with you! Sarah is the interloper in this story and never caught on AT ALL! She is so unlikeable. End game has always been Eric & Nicole.

It would be great if Xander was a possible daddy but I think it's been too long for that. Remember how the Lani/JJ thing turned out in a similar pattern? That said, the storyline could evolve to a romance between Sarah and Xander (if he helps her) and maybe a reappearance of a new and improved Rex. Either of those is far preferable to Eric being the Dad.
RUMOR, RUMOR, RUMOR............
Julie needing a new heart (will she be like Brady and have no scar??) has led to speculation of different donors. But the one that bothers me, since the actor has been let go, is that Stefan is the donor. That is strictly RUMOR, but fueled by that spoiler item that Gabi has to make a difficult or horrifying decision.
Just curious, do you think we will see Eve again or is she just gone? I read that she hasn't been filming for a long time and no one seems to have noticed, but since we know she is out, I was just wondering if they will give her a departure or if we already saw it and everyone is so glad she is gone, no one misses her?

@Poirot, your thought is a good one. Can you imagine 1) Gabi having to save Julie and 2) Julie waking up and finding out she has a DiMera heart and that Gabi was the one who made that call? That would be a GREAT story, which means we probably won't get it. Instead we get who's the daddy with the incredibly unlikable Sarah who is going to ruin the likable Xander.
RUMOR, RUMOR, RUMOR............
Julie needing a new heart (will she be like Brady and have no scar??) has led to speculation of different donors. But the one that bothers me, since the actor has been let go, is that Stefan is the donor. That is strictly RUMOR, but fueled by that spoiler item that Gabi has to make a difficult or horrifying decision.
The "grain of salt" site says Gabi suffers a loss. Sounds like you could be right Poirot.
Am confused about Eve, as she WAS suing for divorce.....There hasn't been any official "she is off the show", so perhaps she is just currently on hiatus, as other characters are at times. It seems the show is doing things very differently, thus we don't see Ben & Ciara for a couple weeks, then they are back, JJ, Hope, Haley, Jack, the same. Xander was just off for a week (supposedly making deals with Trask).
Soap in Depth spoilers

When are the writers going to realize that most viewers are heartily sick of Kristen and her disgusting schemes. I only want to see one more scene with Kristen: her in state prison catching grief from the guards, Bonnie, Hattie, and Coco the hardnosed convict who was Sheila's friend.

Sarah's pregnancy is so predictable and trite. Its only upside is that it's another chance for Xander to come to the rescue. So-called righteous Salemites love to dump on Xander, but when the chips are down the X-Man is the one to save damsels in distress.

Vivian being back is ho-hum because it's not the real Viv, Louise Sorel. The plot also lacks her loyal companion Gus whose scenes were usually worth watching.

Julie's illness is another contrived soap opera health crisis. They can't kill off this leading busybody and veteran cruiser. Doug without Julie is unthinkable and the viewers need somebody to occasionally rip into Gabi and mention Nick Fallon's name. (And why isn't Nick on the resurrection list? If Xander tires of Sarah, he could swoop and make his usual bumbling efforts to be a knight in shining armor.)

Finally, regarding Eric and Nicole, she ought to tell him to go back to the rectory or even that over-heated crawl space. After all she's been through, the last thing Nicole needs is a relationship with a man with a gloomy disposition who has a make-believe job at the Pub.
Totally agree DrBakerFan.

I'm also going to be upset if the offing of Stefan is true.
I thought we were going to finally get a true coupling, but nooooo, the IIC (idiots in charge) have to throw another potential supercouple into the crapper.

Wow... their exclamation points got a work out in this article...!!!!!!!!!!!

how can a DOCTOR..... a trained medical person not use protection?? I mean come on...... I hate that no one but Xander takes responsibility for reproductive protection....
In all fairness, no birth control is 100% effective.
Yes, that would be me too..... but still it appears that NO ONE in Salem appears to have heard of the amazing products...
I had a bad day yesterday and this Sarah story line had been figured out on her wedding day..... so it shouldn't even be a spoiler.... even non internet Salem Spectator viewers saw this one coming.......
and Poor Sarah.... pity poor Sarah......:sick::sick: I don't think I have the strength...... even tho Xander will be around.....